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[SOLVED] Landing gear sound


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First off I'm a big fan of TSS but there is always room for improvement...I cannot hear the Landing gear sound I have my engines down to  30% and tried also to edit the sound files and increased the volume by 6db but even that wasn't enough to hear some bumping of the gear doors or any gear handle or hydraulic mechanism beside the omnipresent hydraulic pump. 


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Hi, flydav!,


You're not hearing them loudly or at all because they really aren't heard in the real deal (this was actually something I kept a close ear on in research). The hydraulic pump will sound, and the drop of the doors is really quite silent (with the exception of a slight wind-like noise, which is also modeled)! We have them in there and programmed, but 100% volume is only 100% of what we have dictated as necessary given our research. Please know that adjusting any files goes strictly against your user license.

I've done countless real world flights on the Saab (including during research) and have quite a bit of time both in the cockpit and as a passenger in the EMB-120. The same rule applies there.

Just in June I took two Saab flights by choice for research from central Florida to the Keys and recorded the entire trip in very high quality sound. We have studied this thing probably more than sanity should allow. :)


Also, see 13 seconds in on this video if you don't trust my word. You'll hear the click of the gear handle be moved and the hydraulic pump (as we have modeled) sound:


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Thanks so much for taking your time to reply and posting that awesome video.

In this video I do hear the gear handle just before the hydraulic pump it is exactly like the sound files, the only problem (for me because I'm a total sound freak :) ) is that when I'm flying even with engines at 30% and other things like avionics fans down I cannot hear it loud and clear like in this video. I would love to hear that "clack" at 00:15


I don't feel like this plane needs any alteration from my side I just wanted to find a solution myself rather than bothering you guys (busy with the update :) ) I'm am very comfortable at sound editing and I ALWAYS make a backup first :) :) :)


I'm totally in love with this plane!



BTW I cannot hear any altitude callout is it just me?

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The system definitely has the appropriate callouts, but altitude is not in the A variant.

As for altering gear sounds, again, all of this is controlled via our sound engine and is as you would find in the real aircraft. Coding it so that the sound is unrealistically louder or more audible is not something we're after, and since the source code is closed there's nothing you can alter here either.

I realize you're confident in your editing skills. This still does not take away from the fact that you are attempting to edit or manipulate files for which you have agreed not to do when installing this product.

The goal here is realism. We've essentially achieved that and we're not looking to undo it. :) The clack sound has to do with the actual handle and not the gear or doors themselves. Perhaps in time we can consider isolating this sound, but for the moment it's pretty much there, just not as loud as you'd like that handle click to be.

I hope this explanation helps you understand better.


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I put the video in full screen mode, then after landing, went to push some buttons and clean things up, forgetting I wasn't in the sim!!  LOL


You've really nailed the sounds wonderfully.


Now if we could get you guys to do this treatment with an L-188 Electra I'd likely lose all control!!


Thanks again



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