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[SOLVED] KLN 90B Observations


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If you'd like another GPS option besides the Fix-to-Fix, the KLN 90B works well here. It will command the lateral guidance in GPS mode, but ground speed (GSP) and time-to-go (TTG) are removed from the EHSI display when you do this. There seems to be no other effect from using the KLN 90B.


When there is an aggressive change of direction between two route legs, the autopilot begins the turn and the SAAB will slightly overshoot that turn; then the SAAB will settle nicely on the desired track.




While the waypoint names and symbols won't appear on the EHSI, the desired track will. XHSI2 is very useful for displaying the entire route and waypoint symbols, and is a good complement to the KLN 90B.


So, for those times when you don't want to fly the SAAB the old fashion way, the KLN 90B is another GPS navigation choice.


Regarding the aircraft itself, it really feels like a finished product (three years in the making). Well done.



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Hi Vance,


Would you mind to explain in more details the process of installing KLN 90B?


I understand that in order to make KLN 90B working, some original airplane folder ( I can not remember which now, I am at work, lunch break  :) )  needs to be replaced.


This way the warranty and support is gone.


Jim, Cameron and Goran ( sorry if I missed anybody from the crew) , how would that affect the warranty and support?


Fix to Fix GPS is great addition but allowing KLN 90B would be more realistic.


Cheers, AJ  ;) 

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Hi Vance,


Would you mind to explain in more details the process of installing KLN 90B?


I understand that in order to make KLN 90B working, some original airplane folder ( I can not remember which now, I am at work, lunch break  :) )  needs to be replaced.


This way the warranty and support is gone.


Jim, Cameron and Goran ( sorry if I missed anybody from the crew) , how would that affect the warranty and support?


Fix to Fix GPS is great addition but allowing KLN 90B would be more realistic.


Cheers, AJ  ;) 



See post #9 here:




Hope I'm not causing any problems for X-Aviation, simply wanted to share my experience with the KLN 90B. I enjoy the SAAB even more with it :-)



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I rethought the subject ..... and I have to agree with Cameron.


GPS flying is .... boring, since you program the route, there is not much to do.


The actual fun is navigating by VORs, using Radials etc.


I came into the conclusion that I will not try to implement anything extra.


Existing SAAB's navigation capability along with mini GPS gadget will be more than enough to have lots of fun for me. :D


Cheers, AJ  ;)

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instrument flight is usually still taught without the use of GPS, at least in the United States.  You can fly any V or J airway in North America without GPS or any kind of RNAV equipment.  I believe you do need it for our Q airways however.  Just bring up charts (www.skyvector.com) and use VOR/DME to navigate, maintain your MSA and you should be good to go.  Sometimes a fix can be identified by two crossing radials or a radial + DME.  If you ever wanted a really good excuse to learn to read IFR enroute charts, well, here you go, you have a Saab now, and the Saab wants you to be educated :)

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A few topics. KLN90Bs suck. They're terribly outdated. The Garmin 430/530s are become outdated too. The VOR system in the US is becoming outdated also. It's being slowly phased out, but will retain enough stations for the near future. GPS with WAAS is far more accurate than the 65+ year old VOR system could ever be.  GPS for simming may be boring, but few of us really get excited about VORs in real life. About the only ones who do, are "old method" flight instructors, and simmers. As a simmer, I seldom use GPS. As a pilot, I'd just as soon forget how to use VORs.  I more or less have, as I didn't equip my aircraft with them. Just had a standby handheld reciever, with an OBS dial.


About 35 years ago, I really started thinking about CFIT (controlled flight into terrain) and it's prevention. Throughout the 1930s & 40's many aircraft met there doom, because of the older radio signal navigation system. The development of the VOR system, made for a much safer situation. However, it's not nearly as efficient, or accurate as moving map GPS is. It still depends on line of sight operation. I've had a side hobby of flying to actual CFIT sites, to compare and document moving map GPS, versus what the pilots and passengers usually didn't see. Just call it a deep interest of mine, for several valid reasons.


So.......as a simmer, there is nothing wrong with using some type of GPS, even if it mimics a portable, to help in flying older aircraft that were not equipped. In real life, at least in the US, you'll seldom find an older airplane (warbirds, Connies, etc) traveling cross country, without least a handheld.....in the "on" position.

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