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MU-2 progress towards update


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Here is what I have prepared, when this one is out:










One flight per week, if all goes well and if nothing else gets in the way ;) It will be a tough to decide whether fly in daylight and do some sightseeing around Japan, or to fly at night and enjoy the LITs. By flying at dusk or dawn, it may be possible to do both ;)

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SCHWING!    RMI done...annunciators done (the relevant ones).   Just need to clean up textures, write docs, integrate DRM.   There are still things that can be done to get more accurate, but I'm drawing a line for this release.  Fire detection isn't functional so this isn't your guy for practicing MU-2 engine fire procedures.  The default warning system doesn't handle my annunciators properly either.  I'll have to write my own system later.  True to the original release though, abnormal or emergency procedures take back-burner status to normal procedure accuracy as this isn't a "procedural trainer" but rather to be enjoyed for "normal flight" simming.  

Ok, I'll fold and post another screenshot.  The "extra" annunciator in the real MU2 pic is for an open cabin door.  Relevant annunciators match their real-world counterparts completely, simulating the same virtual "sensors" the real Mu2 does.  So you'll see lights go on an off at various phases of the checklist and start sequence.  Again, not 100% accurate across the board in behavior, but a good 98%.  


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Ok..I'm calling the night texturing "done enough" for the release.  That won't mean I wont' tweak it here or there before the release...you know how that goes, I'm not real happy with the engine gauge faces, but they're livable.  But I'm happy with most of it though.  I tend to be a bit anal retentive about the lighting, but the V9 tech is just too  limiting.  V10 should allow us to fill in the gaps nicely!



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I dream of the day in which the combination of talented developers, super powerful home's computer, and simulation platforms will allows to create true to life lights effects so close to reality I cannot tell the difference between the real thing and a computer image.

Beautiful work as always. If the MU is so beautiful now, it will be stunning with the new version.

It may well be the adds on I built my sim around (or the Caravan !).

I just hope X10 will be ready soon, so you can go on full time with the MU and the Caravan !

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I am waiting for this too much.. Please send me the activation for my MU2... Pleease! I have no reply for my request for activation....

I love this PLANE, it is my favourite,


That topic is closed. I asked the same thing earlier there.

I wrote here because this is the only place where you reply...

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I am waiting for this too much.. Please send me the activation for my MU2... Pleease! I have no reply for my request for activation....

I love this PLANE, it is my favourite,

For the record to others who may question mine or x-aviation service....mezopeter has received more licenses than any other x-aviation customer in history, way in excess of what would be considered normal "consumption".    I find the behavior suspicious and though we have worked with mezopeter thus far, we are not inclined to give him exceptional service as he has already exceeded his allotment of it.  The new system of DRM on the MU2 will give him yet another license, but allow us to better asses legitimate requests for additional licenses.  Be assured that if a customer has a customer service dissatisfaction story, it is, 99.9% of the time, due to their own actions.

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So, I have only one MU2 left?! Nice support, thank you

No, that's not what Tom said.

You have used an overly abundant amount of licenses in the span that you've had this product. 99% of customers need a new license on the MU-2 very seldom, and only with normal upgrade changes. You, on the other hand, have needed one so many times that it's easy to count on multiple hands.

When version 1.5 comes out (free update) you'll receive a new license "set" that will allow you multiple installs again as you please. It is easier to manage with the new license system vs the one currently in the MU-2. It will also allow us to track and figure out WHY you need so many activations.

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How I said months before I ha have a PC with MU2 and a notebook with Falco. Sometimes on my PC MU2 asks for new activation, I force quit XPLANE and hate activation-xxxx, and after restart it works again. I can't count with MU2.... Now I hate this. I hope 1.5 helps, but tomorrow I can not fly with MU either... 7 of 10 times I can't use it. I AM THE ONLY USER on one PC with mu2: "You, on the other hand, have needed one so many times that it's easy to count on multiple hands." ???

This problem must be solved.

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