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Your CBDs are about to get 'busier'

Simmo W

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quick guess....greeble?

Havent seen you last blog post so am just guessing here. Could be interesting though :)

Any chance of a Christchurch based airport? I cant imagine the default airport coming with XP10 will be anything close to what is really there......still waiting for my disks to arrive :)




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Not greeble noise, it's exact positioning and heights of buildings recorded in OSM. Still not that good for airports, unless you literally want a Lego brick look!

We are going to New Zealand in late Jan, can't wait! Only the north island, except for a an overnighter at Picton (my son HAS to go on the ferry). I'm thinking of doing any cute NZ airfields near Auckland or Wellington, suggestions welcome!

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Pity your not coming to the "mainland" :) There are some nice military airfields like Whanuapai (sp?) and Ardmore (ardmore is close to Auckland). Welly is great.....if you fly there you will see what I mean! Some other airports that might be of interest are Blenheim (where the Warbirds are every second easter....), that has a great museum built mostly by Weta Workshops, which isnt far from Picton. Apart from that try the "local map" in XP and see what are close by.... :)

I can help with some airfields around Christchurch and surrounding areas if that would help? Could even make some generic buildings for you :)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I just uploaded the first version of my CBD buildings over here.


Not sure how to do it here, I would if I knew! Attach a file?

As I say, this is only early days, but the results are pretty good so far! I got plenty of practice in Blender modelling and fast texturing at least!

Here's a quick video tour I took:

Now, if only Mr Kyler could tell us how to 'drape' a single object across a large area! As this is one big object, the heights are off a little in places. I may release a scenery library of all the buildings, if demand exists.


Edited by Simmo W
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Yes, i had To solve it myself. You don't even want to know! I'll reply to my own help request at the org with the details- lets just say that 5 copies of dozens of buildings threw it off.

Lighting is still a challenge, I'm a n00b at it, but we'll see. It could be spectacular with HDR- for all 5 of you who can run it right now!

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Well done! They look great!

My only criticism is that the buildings look too uniform when it comes to height; but hey, it is 10 times better than anything I could do.

Ha, you are right, as my studies reveal that the next layer of buildings to be modelled (50-100m) is in fact approx 50% of the population of an average CBd. So it will look much more varied...eventually. Thank god the final layer, 0-49m, I'll leave to Random OSM.

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Hiya Chris, I have Royaloaks NZCH scenery for v9, it is great, even though its missing the new carpark just left of the new control tower...., and I have dropped it into v10 but it keeps telling me it cant draw the paint lines and CTD on me everytime. I would be your biggest fan if you get this out whenever!!!! With the orthophotos....how do they match with the OSM streets that are already there? Also.....will this release include the Waimakariri river that was so wonderfully left out of the v10 scenery????? The reason I ask is that it runs from the southern alps to the ocean and can be seen on most satelite photos. I use it for VFR flying in microlites and LSA's in the v9 sim.




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Ha, plenty of work to do before I apply it to other cities- I gotta master WED ortho placement to somehow get all these perfectly placed buildings (in blender) in the sim.

At least I've been able to do the lit textures quickly, just have to make them a tad more subtle- this one would be good for Christmas!


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  • 1 month later...

Hello Simmo, I would like to send you a PM but your box seems to be full..

I'm think you can help me, as you developped your CBD in Blender, how did you export Blender objects into X-Plane Overlay Editor ?

I downloaded and installed Xplane2blender but when I try to export my object to X-Plane, I got " Error : You must create X-Plane layer first "...

But I would like to test it in game to see the FPS impact so..

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have a nice day dude !


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Now worries Valentin.

You need to create the X-Plane layer first :)

There, that was useful, not!

For xp2b to work, all the objects you want to export need to be in the very first layer of Blender, i.e. in the top left box thing in the 3D view, no. 1 out of 20. You may have, like me, accidentally put your object in box 2 etc. To move em, just highlight your object in object mode and press M.

If you've got this far already, well done! It took me long enough to get the script to work.

Off to cull my inbox then!


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