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G500 with Zink are broken


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Hello all,

I bought today the RealSimGear G500 to use it with the MU-2. However, during my first test in the Cessna, I noticed that apparently the G500 in XP12 is not Zink compatible. Here is my question now, whether this is an update planned which fixes the circumstance of the rotated Displays. Without Zink XP12 is absolutely unplayable with an AMD card. 

If not already known, here is an example picture.

Greeting Bishop


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1 hour ago, Pils said:

This is an AMD driver bug, as confirmed by them. When they resolve it? Who knows. Hopefully soon.

Yes and no. See the Challenger 650 or the Flyjsim Dash 8. Both aircraft had the same problem and the developers were able to fix it. To blame this on the AMD Driver alone is a bit too simplistic. :)

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57 minutes ago, Bishop said:

Yes and no. See the Challenger 650 or the Flyjsim Dash 8. Both aircraft had the same problem and the developers were able to fix it. To blame this on the AMD Driver alone is a bit too simplistic. :)

That’s irrelevant. There are some workarounds (hacks) possible, yes, but they don’t work in all situations. But LR have confirmed with AMD’s own driver engineers this is ultimately their bug to fix.

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  • 2 months later...

After the 23.7.2 AMD driver update graphics get a little messed up in the TS Islander with ReralityXP GTN750/650 and G500 instruments.

Screenshots included.
(Note, G500 on its own works just fine)
I am not sure where in the chain the error appears but just wanted to share my experiences with this setup.
EDIT: Not sure if I should have made a separate post.

          Also due to the old Zink bug with mirrored graphics I haven't used the G500 since I prefer to run with Zink so I'm not sure if this

          issue is new or not. 

Blue skies,

Niels C.



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