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[ANSWERED] XLF Airports in France


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NEAREST APTS MIN RWY is applied to the NEAREST APTS subpage of DIRECT-TO and the magenta airports displayed on the MFD map when in MAP SYMBOLS > NEAREST APTS is enabled. The "APTS" function just shows all airports with any runways.

Note in the screenshot below that the magenta airports are the "NEAREST APTS" (to which the runway length filter is applied). The blue ones are all the other ones ("APTS"). Why the XLF<whatever> airports have a runway defined, I cannot say, but according to the scenery data, they most definitely have one. In case of XLF000D, for example, there's a 986 ft runway defined.

In short, working as intended, X-Plane says there's a runway there, so we show it.

CL650 - 2023-01-21 07.18.51 PM.png

screenshot - 2023-01-21 07.22.14 PM.png

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  • skiselkov changed the title to [ANSWERED] XLF Airports in France
On 1/21/2023 at 3:25 AM, FYG001 said:

Right, hospital helipads, but they should not show up with min RWY length in the FMS set at 6000 ft, correct? 

How did you determine they were helipads? Because I checked all three on Gateway/Google Maps and they're just little GA grass airstrips.

Edited by Pils
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2 hours ago, FYG001 said:

Hi Pils, the first one in the list were helipads, hence I assumed the others would be as well. But NOT saying that the MFD shows the helipads

Thanks for clarifying. I didn’t follow before. The “X” prefix is used in Gateway for anything that doesn’t have an ICAO code, basically, so that it can be globally unique.

Edited by Pils
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