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Unable to fly the aircraft since 1.2.2/1.2.3 update - Mac Monterey M1


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I was enjoying the CL 650.

After the 1.2.2/1.2.3 update, the aircraft is un-flyable on my Mac. I have opened a support ticket too.

The plane cannot follow LNAV/heading or maintain any vertical mode. Th AP keeps disconnecting and the aircraft goes into a sharp right bank.

The EFIS is totally our of sync with reality.

I am attaching some images and my CL650_log.txt and X-plane log.txt. I can share videos to show the weird behaviour.

I had zero issues before this update. 

I am on MacOS Monterey with M1 chip.

Can I downgrade to V 1.01r? 



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I have the exact same hardware setup as you do.  M1 Max Macbook pro.  Monterey 12.2

No issues.

I can see you have a LOT going on in the log file.  Truth be told, this is the first time, in over 10 years, I've seen a log file over 9MB in size.

The biggest one I've seen before this is 4MB.

I strongly suggest you make a clean X-Plane install (preferably not inside another X-Plane folder), and reinstall the 650 (purely for testing).  That's the only thing I can suggest at this time.  If it works (very likely), then the issue definitely lies with the original X-Plane install.  

I've forwarded the issue to Saso, as well.



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The strange issue is that it was working great with 1.01r. I did several flights. 

The problem  only started with the 1.2.3 update. 

I have reinstalled it three times and the issue persists. 

I will try it without any plugins and will also try deleting the output folder as advised. 

Another request  

Please allow use of older versions. I have all versions of the TBM and they all work     



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After looking at the images some more, it appears as though you are slewing the aircraft around (vertically and/or horizontally) to get the aircraft in the air without going through a complete startup (including aligning the IRU's).  Please don't do this.   This will cause the problems you are describing.

If you want to get in the air as quickly as possible, save an aircraft state in career mode.  This will be saved permanently, and you can start any flight with engines running in the air, without issues.  

Alternatively, use the "Challenger 650 > Study > INS > Realign IRUs Immediately" menu item.

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No. I have been thru full cold and dark start up procedure. 

the autopilot disconnects and the aircraft wants to bank hard right, the starts climbing at an unrealistic rate or goes into a dive. 

I am struggling to bring it into level flight. 

Even when I have it level, the PFD shows 

it in a bank attitude. 

I am a simmer with 10 years of exp. why would I want to start in the air?

I have just reinstalled it on a clean plane install and will let you have my feedback  in a while. 

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Ok, I have a test for you.

Can you load up the Challenger and have it sit on the runway.  Go through a normal avionics startup, and then once that's all done, take screenshots approximately 1 minute apart using Shift Space (X-Planes native screenshot utility).

Take about 5 or 6 screenshots.  When that's done, please post them back here.

This will give us an idea into what is going on when everything is aligning, and if something goes wrong during the whole process.


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Hi Goran

I have managed to sort out the issue.

I deleted CL650 Output and Cache.

Removed all traces of CL650 from the X-plane folder. Ran the Uninstaller app from the X-Aviation directory.

I then re-installed the CL650.

I am presently on a 50 min flight and it seems to be flying well. AP keeps disconnecting periodically. No warnings on MFD. There is some AP issue with this release, as others have also reported.

I think the multiple installations in quick succession, 1.01r, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 (several times) messed up something.

I will get back to you if I have any other problems.

Thanks a lot for your help and support.




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I spoke too soon!

20 mins from final approach, AP disconnected, the aircraft went into a dive, the PFD disagreed with real attitude, there was a warning EFIS MISCOMP,

and then I lost the navigation flight plan, and all.

Please see the attached image.




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1 hour ago, Goran_M said:

Ok, I have a test for you.

Can you load up the Challenger and have it sit on the runway.  Go through a normal avionics startup, and then once that's all done, take screenshots approximately 1 minute apart using Shift Space (X-Planes native screenshot utility).

Take about 5 or 6 screenshots.  When that's done, please post them back here.

This will give us an idea into what is going on when everything is aligning, and if something goes wrong during the whole process.


Going to do this now 

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15 minutes ago, Goran_M said:

This one is definitely very strange, and one we haven't seen.  I'm starting to suspect something to do with hardware or some other plugin.  I still want to take a look at the images, and then someone will post back with a possible result or solution.


The surprising part is that I was Flying V_1.01r everyday with same setup. 
haven’t added anything 



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3 hours ago, Goran_M said:

Ok, I have a test for you.

Can you load up the Challenger and have it sit on the runway.  Go through a normal avionics startup, and then once that's all done, take screenshots approximately 1 minute apart using Shift Space (X-Planes native screenshot utility).

Take about 5 or 6 screenshots.  When that's done, please post them back here.

This will give us an idea into what is going on when everything is aligning, and if something goes wrong during the whole process.


Hi Goran

Pls find the images attached.

Looking fine so far.
Will try another short flight.




CL650 - 2022-01-29 22.40.11.png

CL650 - 2022-01-29 22.40.04.png

CL650 - 2022-01-29 22.40.00.png

CL650 - 2022-01-29 22.39.38.png

CL650 - 2022-01-29 22.36.56.png

CL650 - 2022-01-29 22.36.01.png

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43 minutes ago, gsuri said:

They do Cameron!


I always save backups of older versions of all aircraft, from all designers.

The only versions allowed active at this time are 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 for the TBM.

Anyways, we definitely will not be supporting going "back in time" on versions. Supporting older, buggy software is not helpful to progression. Bugs you then find could be associated to other bugs already squashed in a later version.

The whole point of version numbers is to move forwards, not backwards. Eventually everything gets worked out.

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@gsuri While we look into this, could I also ask you to try a completely clean install of X-Plane and the 650 on another HDD or separate folder (X-Plane 11_Test)?

This will eliminate any plugins as the cause of the problem.  Then we can narrow it down.

Also, here's an invite to our discord.  Saso would like you to screen share a flight with one of us, so we can see exactly what is going on.  Once you join, send a DM to "totoritko" and he'll take it from there.

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3 hours ago, Goran_M said:

@gsuri While we look into this, could I also ask you to try a completely clean install of X-Plane and the 650 on another HDD or separate folder (X-Plane 11_Test)?

This will eliminate any plugins as the cause of the problem.  Then we can narrow it down.

Also, here's an invite to our discord.  Saso would like you to screen share a flight with one of us, so we can see exactly what is going on.  Once you join, send a DM to "totoritko" and he'll take it from there.


I have already tried this. Didn’t help. 

I am on your discord. Will DM totoritko and try set up the flight at convenient time. 

Thank you! 

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Hi Goran

I just tried a couple of flights on a clean install of X-plane 11.55.

No extra plugins except X-Camera and Avitab.

Only Laminar (X-plane) aircraft and the CL650. 

On this MacBook, I have a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. I have tried flights with and without the hardware (mouse cross hairs).

It is unflyable! There is something seriously wrong.

I have done at least 15-20 flights on the same setup with the original v1.01r and v1.1.0. NO problems. Pls trust me the original version was good!

After 1.2.2/1.2.3, its useless.

I see posts by flanker35 in the Autopilot topic. I have exactly the same Macbook configuration ( Macbook pro M1  max, 16", 64 GB) and we are both experiencing the same issues, I think.

I will try to connect with Toto on Discord and see if it helps.

If you cannot resolve this, I will have to discard this from my hangar on my Macbook.

I have another Windows Gaming Rig and will continue to fly it on that.





PS I am attaching my pilot log from the Macbook so you can see how many flights I had between Jan 7th (when I purchased the  CL650) and the 22nd when the new versions came out.





X-Plane Pilot.txt

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