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Saitek Panel Configs


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I might post one when I get time. Unofficial though. It’s not something I expect developers to provide as it’s very much up to personal preference.


Default radio commands and datarefs should work though. We made sure of that.

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7 hours ago, Pils said:

I might post one when I get time. Unofficial though. It’s not something I expect developers to provide as it’s very much up to personal preference.


Default radio commands and datarefs should work though. We made sure of that.

Yeah I noticed that they were adjusting things as expected, but I haven't figured out how to get the actual panels to light up. 

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3 hours ago, Andydigital said:

Spad.next works well in XPlane and will have the Saitek radios and display working in a jiffy. You do have to remove the default software and drivers for it to work properly though. Not affiliated with Spad by the way, just a very happy user. 

I won't touch SPAD with a 2000 mile pole, mostly cause it won't work, but also because it's a system risk if you look at the underlying code base.

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31 minutes ago, Andydigital said:

Shows you what you know, it works perfectly in All mainstream flight sims and some other games too. I’ve been using it in Xplane for a couple of years now without issue. If you have a problems or concerns why not contact the developer directly rather than defaming them without evidence. 

It does not work and will not work as that developer refuses to be OS agnostic. So think again before spouting off that it works for everyone. Which regardless, doesn't change what that dev did in the codebase, which I have looked through and it's making dangerous system calls.

Also, looking on the Xplane forums I see countless people saying SPAD is failing, causing sim crashes or other bugs and that Xsaitekpanels just worked for them.

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Point remains, SPAD will never work on anything but Windows, so you cannot accurately state "all simulators and systems". You're the one with the agenda, so get out unless you're willing to help with the dataref mapping on the CL650's panel and why that is not recognized.

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But it does work on all sims, just because you chose to use a Mac or Linux doesn't change the fact that it does work on xplane, just not your version. It doesn't work on the iOS version either for obvious reasons but it still does not change the fact that is does work on FSX, P3D all editions, MSFS, Xplane 10, 11, 12 and more into the future most likely.

1 hour ago, Andydigital said:

All mainstream flight sims and some other games

And if you are going to quote me at least don't make it up to fit your own agenda, I never mentioned anything about systems, is said "All mainstream flight sims and some other games too".

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By stating "all simulators", the indication is thusly, all versions of that simulator. Do not say "all" unless "all" is truly verifiable.  Also, as the subject of this thread is specifically for XSaitekPanels and not SPAD, I'm sure your suggestion about SPAD is truly an agenda to derail the thread and breaks forum rules.

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On 1/11/2022 at 10:53 PM, Rastuasi said:

@Pils I downloaded your saitek ini and powered on the plane, but the radio panel and AP panel still refuse to turn on. I already looked and you set it to just battery power on, so not sure what's up. I did confirm, the log.txt shows it being found and picked up.

I tested my ini again with latest beta and the radios work fine (both com and nav, even one of the ADFs!). That panel turns on when the main battery is on. I suspect you have another issue, such as with USB power management (Google it). But I'll try to test in the retail version just in case there was a regression before release.

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I can get it turned on if I map a battery master switch, but not if I use the internal battery switch on the center top panel in the plane. So it's not a USB power issue as they're on their own power supply. They also work on every other plane, so it's just a matter of figuring out the datarefs.

Also the autopilot panel doesn't adjust altitude and light up neither. However, I'm still working on the radio panel, so haven't gotten to looking into those datarefs yet.

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4 hours ago, Rastuasi said:

I can get it turned on if I map a battery master switch, but not if I use the internal battery switch on the center top panel in the plane.

Are you familiar with DataRefTool? If so can you see if your hardware is somehow overriding the dataref for battery/avionics that Xsaitekpanels is using? It sounds like it’s being forced off, but just a guess. My .ini specifically disables the battery switch on the Saitek so I haven’t tested this scenario.

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Nothing appears to be forcing it off and I do not have the saitek multipanel, so there is no battery switch for me to have to disable on that. I use the Saitek AP and Radio panels with a Saitek X55 Hotas. The only way I have gotten the AP and Radio panels to light up is to assign a battery_master to one of the toggles on the X55. The radios, lit or not, will actually manipulate the radios. So they are connecting there just fine. However, the AP panel will light up and show 00000 FT, but when I go to rotate the alt, it just zeros back out. When I set the ALT inside the plane, using the dash, it does not adjust the AP panel's number.

Edit: Yes the datareftool is how I have been trying to figure this out.

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1 hour ago, Rastuasi said:

However, the AP panel will light up and show 00000 FT, but when I go to rotate the alt, it just zeros back out. When I set the ALT inside the plane, using the dash, it does not adjust the AP panel's number.

It is currently not possible to make the multi panel display work for autopilot data. The knob may work if the correct default commands are used.

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Oooh okay, so I was not going completely insane trying all these datarefs I'm seeing as output, good to know.  Okay, well display wise, I can work around that, the commands then are what I will want to figure out so that I can set the alt, hdg, vs, speed, etc. Easier than finding the mouse and setting those in the sim.

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/15/2022 at 3:51 AM, Pils said:

You can refer to my Honeycomb Bravo profile to see which I’ve been using with success. Feel free to post a more useful Xsaitekpanels configuration to the forum and I will feature it.

I am working on an Xsaitekpanels .ini config and I have managed to map most functions.

For the AP button, I mapped CL650/FCP/ap_eng but it does not work.  The button is dead.  I tried some datarefs, but no joy.

Any suggestions?


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1 hour ago, Arrowdynamixx said:

I am working on an Xsaitekpanels .ini config and I have managed to map most functions.

For the AP button, I mapped CL650/FCP/ap_eng but it does not work.  The button is dead.  I tried some datarefs, but no joy.

Any suggestions?


I believe this button requires a particular sequence of events from X-Plane to function, and the way Xsaitekpanels is coded (using XPLMCommandOnce) it won’t trigger when using the command. I can discuss this with the developer when the time is appropriate, but there are hardware integration requests that are still outstanding from the initial release.

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