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Weather radar returns XP's native FMS path


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Sorry for spamming this thread but I found something new (again). This time it's rather a feature than a bug. :D My EHSI returns the path of the native XPlane FMS, and it works only with the WX radar enabled. At first I couldn't understand, what kind of strange red turbulent trails I was seeing on my radar, following along the magenta line, while today during an approach I realised it was actually the path that was loaded separately in the Xplane FMS (I'm usually loading both coroute into the IXEG FMC and a separate *.fms plan into XP11 FMS in order to import it for my 124thATC plugin during the flight planning). I totally don't hate it cause now I see both IXEG path and the one used by the ATC which is cool. But I don't think you guys planned it this way :D Plus it's only in weather mode.


Also, I've got a question: is there any way to sync XP11 FMS to the one used in IXEG 737 (like update the native XP11 FMS with the path from IXEG FMC) and/or will this feature be planned in following updates?



B733 - 2021-10-20 14.43.27.jpg

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11 hours ago, ur35f said:

I totally don't hate it cause now I see both IXEG path and the one used by the ATC which is cool. But I don't think you guys planned it this way :D Plus it's only in weather mode.

Yes, of course we did!! :D:ph34r: No, not really...it is a side-effect of how we grab the weather data from X-Plane.

And like Cameron said - no plans to sync native FMS with ours. The plan is (still) to add the missing features (better VNAV descents, holdings). The native FMS is getting better all the time and will get another upgrade for XP12, but what we are looking for is to replicate the exact 737 classic experience, a "generic" FMS, no matter how well done, will not be able to achieve that.

Cheers, Jan


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