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I am Happy with the CRJ I don't talk. Just fly.


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Hello everyone!!

I would like you to ask you a favor if it is possible. For us is important your colaboration also for making this proyect advance in future.

As said, there will be more updates and improvements in the CRJ200 if we see a clear support of the people. Right now we are 2 weeks with it outside and it is good becoming the 3rd plane selling in X-Aviation even with its price.

But maybe there are poeple thinking twice because of the price, and because people posting bugs and issues on their computers. Of course we are not going to hide them!!! We have tried to solve everybug that we found, that in most situations were not bugs from the CRJ but other plugins, or systems related.

Yesterday I saw the review postes in the page of the CRJ. 1/5.. telling that it is too buggy and too high price.

That makes us hurt, because it is not our fault if the plane was (in 1.1 that is corrected) not compatible with x737 or people didn't install in the main folder the plane, making not working it. For sure we have to make things better, but we try.. and that 1/5 stars is not good for us.. BUT it is there visible.

I would like to ask you as owner of the CRJ that like it.. that you agree what we are doing to also post in review.. and other forums.. post images.. videos.. etc.. make not only speak the bad experienced owners.. but also the good ones. I know when we are happy with something everything is smooth, so we don't visit too much the forums because all is fine.

But the number of sellings of the CRJ tells me that there are much more people happy than buggy. So it would be nice to talk about the plane.

Because always when thinking about buying, when you see bad news, they make people go back. But not everyone are having those bad news.

Of course bad reviews "are welcome" (well.. they are not welcome!!!! hahahaha.. are "badcome", but I believe you understand me)

Thanks  :)

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It is indeed sad to see these bad reviews :-\. Please Javier, don't feel sad :). Because truly, I am sure more people are enjoying the excellent aircraft then not :P. I surely am having a hell lot of a good time, it has rapidly become my favorite aircraft, and X-Plane's best as well. Honestly, the 60$ isn't a lot. I am 14 years old, and saved for the aircraft with my own pocket money (which comes from washing cars ;)). More than that, it is more than worth it.

Thanks Javier, Phillip and Cameron for the excellent aircraft.  :)

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Thanks to you Kanringka. double or triple, because also I know what is to save those miserable money first boses paid me when I was doing my first jobs to buy those little things that where big mountains to reach!!  :)

I just want people that are happy to say also. It is sad for me see how in the .org the plane is lost among hundreds of posts... or see that only one bad review.


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Once the 1.1 patch is out, if it fixes the issues raised then I think many people's problems will be over.

No product is perfect on initial release, especially if it's as complex as the CRJ is.

I actually think post v1.1 is when to review the aircraft, not now. It has issues, we now what they are and are waiting for the fix.

The XPUIPC problem is the show stopper for me, without that I just cannot fly the aircraft as my flight logger won't work with it, and as I'm having general X-Plane issues as well, I haven't flown the CRJ properly yet, just a few mins of hand flying without playing with the sysrtems.

The plane has a lot to say for it, it's the most advanced aircraft for X-Plane and is in the same league as FSX add-ons. Iron out the teething issues that are to be expected with a trailbalzing add-on like this and ignore the vocal negative where it isn't constructive - you simply can't please everyone all of the time, just make sure to address known issues and you'll be fine.

Good job so far - fixing the known bugs will be the way to not put off future purchasers - people can see what the issues are, if it affects them then a fix is the way to their wallets.

Don't get disheartened, you've all done an excellent job with this plane - chin up!

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Javier - The plane is great. Just get the 1.1 released and the the "hysteria" will calm down.

You and your guys have released a REALLY great product. 1.1 will make it a VERY VERY REALLY GREAT product. 60$ pfffft. Did'nt scare me off.

Keep up the good work and release more good planes.

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sure! but I am not talking about those waitting the 1.1 version. There are lot of people with the 1.0 version that the plane is working wonderful. Some are posting, others not.

So I am a buyer.. going to buy the plane. go to x-aviation page.. see the 1/5 review and don't buy it. Just because that person had problems with the plane doesn't mean it is bad.

But almost 80-90% of important bugs of the CRJ where because personal configurations and other plugin-aircrafts... But people when pay 60$ they want all perfect.

Anyway.. 1.1 version will come out really soon.. and will fix bugs. (and hope not bring more. we have tested several times, but also we did in 1.0 version)

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Well the dude who wrote this:

"Brought my dual core Windows 7 machine to its knees, even though the CPU tester gave it a thumbs up. Extremely buggy and not ready for this price range. Sorry guys."

Is extremely odd. If he has a good enough computer, it should run fine, or he should lower the rendering options. My computer is only a dual core, and I only have 256 MB VRAM. I doubt his computer is worse than mine. If it is, then he was extremely foolish to buy it. And it IS NOT extremely buggy. I haven't experienced any! Most bugs aren't due to the aircraft itself, but to conflicts and the like.

A terrible review. How could he rate it 1 star anyway? The 3d modeling is amazing, that should have at least brought it up to 3 stars...

The nerve of some people... >:)

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Well the dude who wrote this:

"Brought my dual core Windows 7 machine to its knees, even though the CPU tester gave it a thumbs up. Extremely buggy and not ready for this price range. Sorry guys."

Is extremely odd. If he has a good enough computer, it should run fine, or he should lower the rendering options. My computer is only a dual core, and I only have 256 MB VRAM. I doubt his computer is worse than mine. If it is, then he was extremely foolish to buy it. And it IS NOT extremely buggy. I haven't experienced any! Most bugs aren't due to the aircraft itself, but to conflicts and the like.

A terrible review. How could he rate it 1 star anyway? The 3d modeling is amazing, that should have at least brought it up to 3 stars...

The nerve of some people... >:)

I have a dual core as well with 256MB VRAM. I'm running the texture resolution on very high with the anti-aliasing on two. I'm getting about 40 FPS. That is incredible considering the complexity of the plane. The SSJ brings my computer to its knees, but the CRJ is outstanding. I'm not sure why that person said it brought his computer to its knees.

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I am just getting into SIMin/X-Plane/X-Aviation/VATSIM flying, from a 46 year Aviation Career, and all I can say is, "This is One Fantastic Piece of Aviation Simulation Software". My first computer was the Apple II in 1979, with SubLogic's Flight Simulator.

I have over 5,000 actual hours in this aircraft and this is just like the real thing.

What a Hoot!!. Thanks to Javier and the Crew, U have done a Great Job, and the fixes will just make it the Best Ever!!

And the Price is a STEAL!!!

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Thanks guys! Really appreciated those good speaking. I don't mean I only want to hear the good and not the bad. I am human and Like more the good, of course, but the bad is also needed to advance. But latelly I didn't hear too much good posts about the CRJ.. telling people, how they enjoy the plane.

Not all is paid with money. Thanks!!!

I have made a little page in my webpage to connect with x-aviation.. now people that comes to mine will see the new icon.

I will announce on news and emails with 1.1 version. Yesterday I made 2 flights. In first I found 2 bugs. in second after correct all perfect. I made another one with high turbulences and work like charm. IN MY COMPUTERS AND PHILIPP ONES!!! hope in yours also!!


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No product is perfect on initial release, especially if it's as complex as the CRJ is.

I actually think post v1.1 is when to review the aircraft, not now.

Yup  :)....and don't rush it either. Measure twice and cut once!

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Well you have seen my name Javier and Philip in the forums and I think this plane is outstanding. I live in Montreal and my brother-in-law was and still is an inspector for bombardier and he used to release the CRJ 200's for test flights after productions, and I visited the production facility many times.  I am also a holder of a Canadian Commercial Multi-Instrument Pilot's License with 300 hours tt, and it is a real pleasure to be able to fly this category of aircraft so well done in a flight simulator!

It is the only plane I fly now in X-plane!  Even PMDG issued patches for their JS4100 and MD-11 for FSX after they were released, and they are bigger development team!

It's very simple!  Anyone who owns a copy of X-plane should also have a copy of the CRJ200!    $60.00 is like 5 packs of cigarettes! What if you are someone who gets fed-up of new software quickly?  No problem their either! 90 days of pleasure divided by $60.00 = $1.50 day!  It took over 2 years of work to develop this baby and you get it for $1.50 for 90 days! 

However I think people will fly this bird for a lot more than 90 days so the cost per day is really a joke! 

People should not focus on the price, but focus and the value that the product is giving them!

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So far I've heard nothing but good reviews on this plane actually. But I agree with an earlier post. The Incompatibility with FSUID is the biggest hiccup for me. 2 out of the 3 Airlines I fly for use that pluggin. Once that's confirmed fix I'll probably re-consider. I'm a little concerned with my system setup (Quad Core but the cheapest motherboard known to man so half the cpu/gpu is going unused thanks to a *@%^ FSB on it..lol).

60 Bucks is a bit steep to be honest but with everything these days you want quality you pay for it. Simple and from what I've seen (Videos/Screen Shots) this is quality extreme.

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I think when compared to the cost of X-Plane, some people think $60 is a lot.  But the thing is X-Plane is only as cheap as it is because it sells so many copies, if it didn't then it would cost a lot more.

Even if the brilliant CRJ sells 1,000 copies, that's unlikely to cover the costs. If it sells 10,000 then that's a different story, and the more it sells the lower the price could afford to be and the price of future planes.

So if you want more like the CRJ and lower prices in the future, buy it now so the developers can make a return and get the level of sales that will then give you more planes that cost less.


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I think when compared to the cost of X-Plane, some people think $60 is a lot.  But the thing is X-Plane is only as cheap as it is because it sells so many copies, if it didn't then it would cost a lot more.

Believe it or not, the cost is as low as it is because Walmart demanded it to be. Because of this, X-Plane 10 has been vouched not to be sold in that store again, and the cost of X-Plane 10 at pre-order sale price was last set at $89. The final price is likely to be around that or slightly higher at around $99.

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Well, I an only respond to this now since I just got the CRJ two days ago, and today I see the update.

To me this is GREAT. Even without the update, so far, the plane performs well on my system, looks bloody nice and the detail and handling of the whole thing is great.

yes, the price is a bit steep, but I don't think people realise how much effort, time, money, tears and constipation goes into creating such a remarkable model over years.

The problem with the internet is that it gives everyone a voice, and people abuse that. Instead of critique, they insult, and instead of unbiased reviews, they use it as a personal platform for venting to the world about their own personal issues and frustrations.

The CRJ is awesome, and I am VERY happy theres an update, and I plan to fly this baby all over the virtual world.

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I hole-heartily agree!  I looooove my new CRJ and I haven't even put the new update in yet.

It works perfectly on my system and I have never had any problems with it since it was installed.

I did go to X-Plane.org forums and posted that.

People need to go and get TrackIR. It is the ONLY way to fly and really enjoy the new 3D cockpits available.

Most people posting complaints are expecting to see a 2D cockpit.  Flying in 3D takes a little getting used to, but is sooo much more fun and realistic.


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I hole-heartily agree!  I looooove my new CRJ and I haven't even put the new update in yet.

It works perfectly on my system and I have never had any problems with it since it was installed.

I did go to X-Plane.org forums and posted that.

People need to go and get TrackIR. It is the ONLY way to fly and really enjoy the new 3D cockpits available.

Most people posting complaints are expecting to see a 2D cockpit.  Flying in 3D takes a little getting used to, but is sooo much more fun and realistic.


Yeah, I ordered TrackIR a few days ago. It'll make the procedures SO much easier.

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I think you are performing a great job, I share the view of many people. At first look did not have all the feature set available, so the ongoing work and focus on excellence will bring us many benefits. I have noticed the lack of important resources such as TOGA, lateral mode, VNAV, the FMS is still crawling. PD, MD and EICAS not reproduce some information, however, all these considerations are made ​​by those who bought, showed some faults, flies the plane with great pleasure, thanks your efforts ever can, and try realize what's missing and come here with humbleness to report.

Let us not be fools to cry aloud the problems encountered, as we say here in Brazil: talk is easy, doing is another story. I would take a lifetime to try and get more experience doing what they do and not sure if I could.

Congratulations on everything and still open to hear who is with you, and we will make it a study platform for people like me, pilots in real life operating other aircraft and would like to be inside cockpits unavailable in real life. Let work to replicate all the systems and resources into this cockpit, not just enough to make it fly.

The board of a proud and eager consumer. Make a difference and at the same time compare yourself to the great manufacturers.

You have all the tools to take hours of our lives flying his plane. LOL

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I think you are performing a great job, I share the view of many people. At first look did not have all the feature set available, so the ongoing work and focus on excellence will bring us many benefits. I have noticed the lack of important resources such as TOGA, lateral mode, VNAV, the FMS is still crawling.

The CRJ does not have autothrottle, therefore TOGA (if you mean by N1 controlled) is not there. Our X-Plane model is accurate here. VNAV also is not a feature of the CRJ, thus it is not in our simulation.

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No it don't have an autotrhottle... but it has TOGA (the real plane) that makes enter the plane in pitch and roll mode in take off.

Well.. all those things I want to include in future releases. If we have time and energy to do them. As said before, not promise it.

I know everyone has inside of ourself the desired plane. That is why I entered here making planes by my own, because others didn't make it the way I liked it. But once you get inside you see that make a 100% full simulated plane is almost imposible unless you have a great budget behind.

So for now I would suggest those people asking for more that, enjoy what they have right now. Because they can be desperate waiting for something that maybe (or yes) would never come.

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