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Unstable power SR22


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Good day,

I experienced today that during climb the power keeps jumping around between 60 and 70% while the throttle was full forward and mixture rich. Also during cruise the power never goes above 52% with full throttle and RPM stable at 2700. 

Any idea why this is happening? 


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1 hour ago, Faisal said:

Good day,

I experienced today that during climb the power keeps jumping around between 60 and 70% while the throttle was full forward and mixture rich. Also during cruise the power never goes above 52% with full throttle and RPM stable at 2700. 

Any idea why this is happening? 


Make sure that you properly lean the mixture as required, and follow climb/cruise power settings as described in the manual. 

With the SR22 the maximum power available will reduce with altitude as the air gets less dense, the same thing doesn't occur with the SR22TN because of the Turbo Normalization system. 

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58 minutes ago, Coop said:

Make sure that you properly lean the mixture as required, and follow climb/cruise power settings as described in the manual. 

With the SR22 the maximum power available will reduce with altitude as the air gets less dense, the same thing doesn't occur with the SR22TN because of the Turbo Normalization system. 

Thnx Cooper for the reply. I did lean the mixture as required (I fly SR22s in real). I will try again tomorrow and see how it goes. 


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This is just happening to me as well (for the first time ever). Using the 1.01 update on b17. On cruise level at 12k feet everything is back to normal.

I recordered a video, if you want I can upload it. Also let me know if the log.txt might be of any help.

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I ran into this as well during a cruise (TN version),

Still learning the proper procedures... but what seemed to fix it for me was briefly engaging the high boost pump. I had been cruising with the pump in low boost; when I switched to high the irregularity got worse briefly so I turned the pump off entirely. After that, power and MP were stable.


For reference, I was cruising at 3K feet MSL, OAT was 24C. Mixture was leaned slightly above the point where power loss occured (FFlow GPH indication slightly above the teal marker)


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I have found the mixture control to be extremely sensitive with this model.   Setting a Linear response curve for the throttle (one-to-one) helps a lot.   Understandably the further you go LOP,  the more sensitive it gets.   I experimented with setting my response curve less sensitive (parabolic) in this area but it didn't seem to help.   Settling on a linear curve seems to work best for me.

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