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Conflict with Boundless EGNS, FPS pulsing.


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Hi Jan and team.  I just posted the below comment on the Boundless forum.  Really strange problem with I landed at EGNS yesterday, and trying it again today, I have the same problem.  Only at EGNS, and only with the IXEG.  Nothing changed in my sim apart from the new Gizmo Beta, and the new EGNS that I bought.  I tried Gizmo Beta and standard but no change.  It looks like a conflict rather than a scenery problem as any other aircraft works fine.  Landing was interesting, sim plays at 0.25 speed for 3 secs, then 10x speed for 3 secs, and repeats!  Then started from about 2nm from threshold of of runway. 

I recorded my flight as usual.  You can see the problem here, it got worse though, I stopped recording as I thought maybe the recording was causing a problem


Hey all

I bought this airport and flew there last night in the IXEG 737.  On finals, my sim started to have major FPS problems, it started pulsing, 60FPS to 20FPS to 60FPS and continued to landing and to parking.  The sim was like slow mo...then went into fast motion and then slow again, every 3-4 seconds.

I tried the return flight today, but can see my FPS counter is pulsing again, 60 to 17FPS every few seconds.  I spent 10 mins testing with the following results.

- Default EGNS with IXEG, not FPS problem

- Boundless EGNS with any aircraft other than IXEG, no FPS problem

- IXEG at any airport other than Boundless EGNS, no FPS problem.

So there seems to be a conflict between these two products.

If I go to external view of IXEG I get the same FPS pulse, but only when within about 30m of the aircraft.  If I move the camera away further, the FPS returns to normal.

Any idea's what this could be? 

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So a quick test again.

Default EGNS with IXEG, no problem

Payware EGNS with IXEG, FPS pulsing 75-15 every 2 seconds.

Remove the Gizmo plugin completely and tried again and now no FPS problem.  

Payware EGNS with any other aircraft, no problem

I can not see any plugin installed by Boundless, but will remove to confirm.

Log file attached, I had a look through it and can't see anything.  



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All plugins removed apart from Gizmo, same problem. Remove Gizmo and FPS are good.

I asked Boundless for some support, maybe they have an idea on something they do "different" from other scenery creators.

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Beta makes no change, same problem...but

I just tried again, set number of world objects to minimal, and the FPS are stable at 75fps.

Set to low, and FPS are 75, but pulse down to 15 again every 3 seconds.

So it looks like Gizmo is conflicting with an object used by the airport??

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Ok, well with Gizmo installed and in any other aircraft it works fine, 75fps.

With IXEG 737 without Gizmo installed, it works fine (aircraft not usable though)

With Gizmo and IXEG it pulses. 75-15 FPS 

External view it pulses when with one wingspan from the aircraft it pulses, move slightly further away and it’s stable at 75 FPS. 

Sorry if this isn’t the question you had, but it seems to be a combo of both.


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Gizmo loads the scripts that provide the IXEG systems. The IXEG scripts tell Gizmo what to do.

It's likely that something in the IXEG systems code is causing the issue. My personal suspicion is the terrain radar. Maybe the DSF for your new scenery is very high resolution mesh...

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Yes, I would agree with Ben - it seems to be something in our code. Maybe it is the sound (as you have to be close to the aircraft)...if the number of objects displayed affects it, there is obviously some computational problem were a resource (processing power, memory, etc.) gets maxxed out.

Can you try with the aircraft truly "cold and dark" (no sounds generated)?

This is still puzzling, because I would assume that this would also rear its head at other airports since you have a lot of custom ones...

Cheers, Jan


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Thanks for the feedback so far.

Yeh, I really only fly the IXEG or the SF260.  IXEG is 90% Orbx, UK2000, Aerosoft airports.  Keep a steady 30-35fps.  Day time I run non HDR with 16x AA and number of objects one less than max.  At night, I run HDR, 4x AA (8x can get FPS lower than 25), as I need the HDR lighting and at night the jaggies 4x makes are not noticable.

The EGNS problem is 2 problem, one is the FPS pulsing, but the game is speeding up and slowing down, from maybe 10x speed to 1/4 speed in sync with the FPS pulsing.  

I really don't think it's the scenery taxing my system. I have 75FPS here in the IXEG with pulses, with other aircraft it's also 75FPS stable.  Jump to Orbx Leeds or London City and can have 30 FPS, but stable.

I already tried cold and dark but from turning off the aircraft from turn around, will go and try from complete cold and dark status now.



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Setting Cold and Dark in preferences solves the problem. Started her up in the correct way, taxi out to runway, tried every sound I could (started engines with window open..very cool) and FPS always 75.

On runway, set aircraft to turn around, now FPS pulsing down to 15, set again to cold and dark, stable at 75, set to ready to fly, FPS pulsing.

So mystery not yet solved but maybe this tells you something.

Next test, fly from Dublin or Belfast to Isle of Man but start from cold and dark and see if it's ok on arrival, and try the same from turn around.  Will try that in a few hours.



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Also try "rebooting gizmo" when you are on the runway in "ready to fly" and have the pulsing effect... There is also an option to "reset aircraft on relocation" in the preferences menu. Maybe see if that has any influence...you never know...

Cheers, Jan


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No luck, start cold and dark, and when about 3nm from EGNS, pulsing from 60 to 10 FPS and unflyable.  Turning back to EGAC now.

Open for any other ideas or testing. I'm thinking C & D at EGNS, takeoff, go 50nm then return and see if it pulses.

Also, what could be triggering it in "turn around state", that isn't in cold and dark, even after starting. Is there something and amateur like me might forget to start in cold and dark that would trigger it?


Thanks for all your time and help so far, much appreciated.

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