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Some minor bugs


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Hello friends,

I just did a quick flight around the Caribbean and I thought I would report some bugs I discovered. 


  1. Cockpit lights work with the battery off.
  2. You can start the engines with the inlet covers on. (I discovered this by accident.)
  3. On the audio panel the green indicator light for "SENS", "COM 1" and "COM 1 MIC" illuminate with the battery off.

Stay Safe

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9 hours ago, Coop said:

@NeoPyro @dresoccer4

Thanks for the report these are logged and will be fixed ASAP! For your reference, here are the bug numbers so you can look for them in the changelog: 

  • Cockpit lights [IS-290]
  • Covers [IS-287]
  • Audio panel [IS-285]
  • Pax Notice [IS-288]

thank you for the quick response! it's fantastic to see a developer so engaged with the community. so much better than other unnamed companies *cough* carenado *cough*


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Did some more test flights :)

1. It seems those are not only the lights on the radio, the whole radio is fully functional without battery, plays ATIS with the battery off :)

2. Pitch trim and flaps state isn't saved between flights.

3. I've noticed a significant performance impact when turning on the cockpit lights. More than 25% less FPS with 4xSSA (50>35) and up to around 10-20% less with 2xSSA 1xFXAA. I've seen something similar in the Turbo Otter from VFlyteAir, but there the significant performance impact from cockpit lights was only visible with anti-aliasing on the highest settings in xp11, here it seems it's also a thing on lower/medium settings.

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I want to add a few notes; now that I had a chance to see the aircraft with night lighting.

* The landing lights are quite dull, even though they illuminate the ground fine. They dont even reach the white point brightness, let alone exploiting HDR with over exposure. They either need strong additive flares, or their texture has to be 5-8 fstop brighter. 

* White texture for landing lights is visible, when you switch landing lights on with master battery switch at off position.They dont illuminate the scenery, just the light bulb's textures. 

* As I posted in other thread, Sun light & shading cause huge drop in FPS,  possibly shadow map related. 

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