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TBM900 MFD Problem


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I have just installed the TBM900 and upon power up & start the MFD is opening with the checklist page and I cant seem to get into any other page, including the map page.

Even holding down the CLR key doesn't default to the map page. I'm probably overlooking something and any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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After making a few tests, I found out that the problem is related to a three monitors setup. Not only the map doesn't show but on my left monitor, when the door is open, I can see a part of the main panel. It disappears when I close the door. Also the PFD and the MFD have that yellow tint when the plane is shut down. Everything gets back to normal if I just setup X-{lane with a single monitor. I read on another post that reloading the aircraft would solve this issue. No matter how many times I reload the plane, the problem won't disappear.



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I also had this issue and it was indeed caused by XSaitekPanels - the switchpanel is turning off avionics by default which messes up the displays. If you also use Saitek panels try using this quick map I just made :


Unzip it into the TB900 directory. For now it's quite basic quick and easy map but it works fine using the available commands only. Also the lights don't work because when I try to access the indicator datarefs the sim freezes, I guess the plane does not like that. I will make better version once I figure out how to do it properly with this model. But for now it should solve the issue with the switch panel.

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Are you guys running surround or not ? I ask because I think it's important but it's not quite issue with the plane itself but there is some weirdness deeper in Xplane. Because I have these multimonitor issues (without surround) with multiple planes in Xplane, not just the TBM but also FF 767, Zibomod, etc. Look what I mean :

1) Surround OFF (big image - open in new tab and zoom) :


Notice the little sample API window (it's just laminar's basic "hello world" type plugin for the new SDK). Notice the desktop bounds are going 1 monitor length (-1920x) into negative range. This is why I think all is messed up like the menu, clickspots are wrong, etc. I have the exact same problem with other planes I mentioned and I think it's this behavior that the left monitor is in negative range that messes things up because everyone expects that the left side of the screen is at coords 0x, not -1920x.

2) Surround ON (big image - open in new tab and zoom) :


Notice that once the displays are joined into surround the coordinates are now sensible and all works fine.

It seems to me that there is some weirdness going on Xplane level in how it handles these multimonitor setups. I've seen the same issue with multiple planes myself plus I've also seen other people reporting similar problems with multimonitor setups on different forums.

Perpaps this is worth submitting bug report to LR. I didn't do that yet because I wasn't sure if it's just some weird thing on my end but as I see more of these lately I might do it.

PS: If you want to test it yourself here is the little sample api plugin that displays the desktop bounds :


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Not all devs are running multiple displays.

Those that are probably aren't testing for every possible layout of them.


Primary left might work.

Primary right might not.



I know for a fact that I have multi monitor bugs to work on but haven't had time to setup a dual head display and mess around with it yet.

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Good point, I haven't tested setting different monitor as "primary" when running non-surround setup. Normally I have the center one set as "primary" in windows but this might also explain why it sets the desktop bounds into negative numbers. Setting the left one as "primary" might solve the issue as well, I will test and report.

edit: Indeed that works too even without surround. Setting the primary monitor to the left one instead of center sets up the desktop nicely all into positive numbers and all behaves correctly even without surround. Good tip, thanks, I didn't ever occur to me to test that :)

3) Surround OFF, primary display in windows nvidia config set to the left one (big image - open in new tab and zoom) :


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Well..at first, I experimented with surround. With surround on, everything comes back to normal. No more weird scenery on my left monitor and the map shows up on the MFD.

Then, I tried with surround off with my primary display on my left monitor and both issues came back.


Surround off with center monitor as a primary display



Surround off with left monitor as a primary display1640660116_Screenshot(50).thumb.png.6110f082f178608218a059541895db37.png


My settings


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@Dark Angel : Ah, you're running 3 separate viewports in non-surround mode. I'm running my non-surround mode like this, basically as a fake surround - one window with 5760x1080 custom res that spreads itself across the entire 3 monitor wide desktop - try this :


The reason why I do this is because I also want to replicate my center screen on my big TV which is not possible in surround mode (it does not support replication).

Also, unless you have a home cockpit with left and right screens for windows I'd advise to use my method (1 big viewport) because it's much faster than 3 separate viweports. That setup (3 separate viewports) often causes multimonitor issues too with many different addons, the forums are full of it.

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Ianmancz, yes I was running 3 separate viewports. I tried your settings and it worked. I even gained around 30 fps. The only problem though, it's like having the surround on, which I don't really like because it brings that distortion effect. This is the only aircraft I have problems with so I will only fly this one with these settings. At least...until X-Aviation finds a fix for this issue.

Thank you guys for your help...it's very appreciated. From now on...you're my new best friends...;):D



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Yeah in a setup like that you need to use multiple viewports and angle them separately to look correct. Unfortunately that costs A LOT of FPS as it needs to render everything 3 times basically. In Pascal GPUs nVidia introduced SMP (simultaneous multi-projection) functionality that allows to use multiple projections with negligible performance costs but I haven't ever seen it actually working in any game yet. It's probably not even possible in Xplane right now in OpenGL, perhaps one day in Vulcan.

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Right, like I mentioned before, with surround on I gain 30 fps. The other problem with multiple viewports is the zoom. The main panel looks very close and you can almost only see the top of it. I have to adjust the view using plane maker but still...I can't zoom out much otherwise it will makes it look like I'm sitting on a rear seat and look at the back of the pilot's head. :o

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