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Really bad news....

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maybe but this project becomed to vaporware because I was bad as chief not been so much hard on it to my programmer.

But it don't give me nothing.. It has given me a lot of contacts, learning, etc...

Hope the CRJ and the Airbus will come out. But I need real support. Strong and constant support. Not only enthusiastic. And I don't have the money to hre a programmer, and the 30-40 years old guys that know how to programm you can count them with the fingers of a leprosy

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Don't delete the files.

How many hours is estimated to get the aircraft to completion? You mentioned 2-3 months if working on it, but that wasn't *full time* work was it. It was evenings / weekends.

What about Indi - he has the skills, does he have the time? (Or inclination - taking over someone else's code is usually a pain in the ass).

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of course I am not going to delete anything.... All is there.. and yes.. to someone that would know how to program I think the plane could be fully ended it on 2 months or so. The problem is find the one that wants to make it for a percent.. of the sellings, not too high because Anton would be paid also with a percent (maybe 20% for the new programmer) and that is strongger enough to understand the code.. and do a CONSTANT COMUNICATED work, with talkings with me every Monday and Friday (and the necesaries to understand it).

And of course it is not going to be the first that says me "I can do it". I will ask him.... "did you do it before?" and are you CONSTANT?

really really very difficult to find someone like that. But not.. nothing is deleted. Even the 320 model. I still have my first space ambulance I made 15 years ago.

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Sorry to hear the news. I hope you do manage to get a new collaborator, but having had to deal with similar situations in work I know how difficult it will be.

If I was in Javier's situation, I wouldn't be willing to release an unfinished product either, regardless of how close it would be to completion.

Best of luck.

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Such a sad day in X-Plane history. :'(

I hope you can get Austin to help you or that you find another programmer quickly. The CRJ has the potential to become such a great landmark product that it will no doubt help expand X-Plane to the greater masses. So it will be in Austin's interest to see this product succeed...

I was just thinking about it the other day that you guys really need to establish a company and raise funds to pay your salary during development. Noone can work for free for up to two years without knowing for certain that you will get back your investment. You have to put food on the table so I fully understand it can be though.

Is it an option to include the CRJ in XP10? Austin could easily buy the current state of the project and finish the code himself? ???

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Hi, all,

There needs to be some clarification set out here. Language barriers aside, there appears to be some confusion along the way as well.

First off: The CRJ forum is read only at this point. Further posts after this will not be allowed for reasons of clarity. In other words: No posts in this forum section for now.

Please refrain from starting other topics in other areas regarding the project. There's enough swirling confusion as there is. :D

On to the fun stuff...

It was made as an executive decision to put this project on hold indefinitely. Anton (who did a wonderful job on what he has completed up to this point) has obligations to tend to. The source code to this project remains in our hands, and when other projects and jobs are done, this project may be picked up from one of our other programmers. At this time, it will not be by Anton.

The aircraft will not be released through Laminar or as a half done vision of what was originally intended.

We appreciate everyones' concern and wish of completion for this project. It certainly is encouraging, and we'll re-evaluate our options in time with staff.

For now, this project is on hold.

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