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Latest Update?


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Just curious when the next update will be. It seems as if the project has been placed on hold as I have not seen any news for any updates coming up. I thought that maybe the developers were waiting on 10.50 final, but it has been released and not a word. If there is a place that shows the updates that will be coming out, I apologize and please point me to that thread. I used to get emails, but none in quite some time.

We have spent probably the most money for any aircraft for this sim and all was going great for a short period of time and then.........silence. Except for a few sporadic posts about bugs, most posts are from the spring time and now its Autumn. I never complained about paying the money and new that there was going to be SOME time between initial release and a pretty good stable/finished (are they ever really finished) product worthy of the $75. While the plane is awesome as a beta, I am still awaiting on an immersive aircraft that we all thought we would be getting long by now. I can understand a few weeks or even a month or two, but this has been many months of ongoing silence. There were rumors of a "Big Update coming soon" at the convention in New England. Please, when will be be getting this update so maybe we can enjoy the Cabin as well? Even many of the streamers have lost interest in this plane. 

Please come out with an update soon. Thanks.

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I dont know when the 1.0.8 update is coming, but i am sure they are going to fix and implement a lot of stuff because they are taking more time than often. Its very important to consider that the IXEG 737 took five years to be released because, as you know, is an study level aircraft. This is why things take a lot more time to make in comparison with other addons. You have to keep in mind this aspect before buying a plane like this in a beta stage my friend :) I am confident that the developers are trying their best to launch a good update as we are used to.

Edited by Ricardo2696
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I can understand criley´s concern. A number of vendors (to be honest many major x-plane developers) have made announcements that have been forgotten.
Mainly first major updates are neglected. Just think about the Airbus A350 (stupidly missing SIDS/STARS) or the 767 (horrible VNAV), the C172 (horrific frames), some other Airbuses out there. Heaps of unfinished work. Some of today we do not know when the products are to be completed.

Certanly, the IXEG 737 has an exceptional position in "the industry" and IXEG communication toward the customer was previously simply great.
So the product, even if there is a lot to be done. Compared to other vendors, IXEG was fair and told people whats is gonna be in and what´s left out for updates.

A good way to calm down people´s fear and doubt is to communicate what IXEG is currently working on.  Some little news and insight would probably help.

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I figured as much that there was still work going on. It was simply a lack of communication as Xplana suggested. There have been way too many developers out there that have created hype and did a great job to market their product, then release it when it was not ready, maybe 75-80% complete. then the market purchase the product having been told that more updates are on their way only to never hear from them again or see only a handful of updates. In the software development world, you never release a product unless it is at least 95% ready. Again as great as this plane is, it was released too early as it is only about 60% complete in my mind and that is being nice. I think it was released early with the thought they needed to get in before PMDG did.

Again, no problems with the plane or the price as long as it gets done soon, and not another few months. We paid a premium price for a beta model and have been the guinea pigs for the beta without being compensated. Fine, but communication is important and we need to know what is going on as we are now investors who have fronted the money to make sure this projects gets completed and now have a vested interest.

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it is only about 60% complete in my mind and that is being nice.

I'd say that's grossly inaccurate. Systems were tackled first, and after 6 years it's way more than 60%. More like 85-90. This is not a 10 year project.

I think it was released early with the thought they needed to get in before PMDG did.

You think wrong. PMDG was not a consideration or factor in the release of this product.

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If your comparing types of aircraft, it wouldn't be a factor. However if your comparing level of realism, level of systems emulated and overall immersiveness, then the two based on marketing are neck and neck. I am not saying PMDG is any better, I honestly think once this project is complete, that IXEG may even be better or at least on par with the level of realism that and immersiveness PMDG customers have experienced with their FSX/p3d products and come to expect with such a developer. So it's not about comparing a prop plane vs a modern Jet, because there is a huge fan base of the commercial jet world that wouldn't give commercial prop or GA a second thought. However it is like having a scenery developer trying to raise to the level of ORBX, which again in my mind is not that hard with some of the scenery packages I have seen both premium and free.

@Cameron- you are entitled to your opinion as am I, and I am glad that you feel that it was closer to 85-90%. But based on your comment about it not being a 10 year project, your numbers would indicate a 7+ year project. So are you saying that we Paid premium price and now should expect to wait 2 years before we get our money's worth or at least before it is expected to be done? The one thing I like about Carenado is that when it is released, you know what to expect and it is for all its worth, it is complete. It's a plane that works as it should and looks beautiful inside and out with an unparalleled level of eye candy. IXEG has the systems part down really awesome, but the simple components such as working doors and realistic cabin are not even there yet.

Again great job on the plane, we just expect better communication. Also for marketing purposes, it's a definite necessity. Imagine if Apple was silent on their products for several months and there were no leaks/rumors. Their stock would suffer. It's marketing and business 101.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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But based on your comment about it not being a 10 year project, your numbers would indicate a 7+ year project. So are you saying that we Paid premium price and now should expect to wait 2 years before we get our money's worth or at least before it is expected to be done?

Could be. Who knows. I wouldn't be shocked if we raise the price down the road. Therefore, your analysis of "money's worth" is completely subjective. The amount of people who write in to us to simply state it's the best product they own and it was worth the cash further prove this. It's no reason for us to be content and stop, but it also goes to show you're not the voice of everyone.

The one thing I like about Carenado is that when it is released, you know what to expect and it is for all its worth, it is complete. It's a plane that works as it should and looks beautiful inside and out with an unparalleled level of eye candy.

I'm actually really shocked you just tried to compare Carenado to this. It's not even close to the same level of work that needs to go into this project, but even further, I don't agree with you. There are plenty of people complaining about the lack of updates and completeness with Carenado, including their G1000.

Imagine if Apple was silent on their products for several months and there were no leaks/rumors.

Apple IS silent on their products, and they're staunchly against leaks and rumors to the point they go after people and even terminate them for such. Element of surprise is one of the things they try to rely heavily on, and it makes complete sense.

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Cameron, I am done with this conversation. Only you have the ability to take a constructive post/conversation and turn it around to be a negative post. It's no wonder that you have alienated so many people who have bought products from your store or those who were considering it. Believe me, If some of these products were sold elsewhere, I wouldn't be bothering you. Also, obviously IXEG has a different viewpoint than you as far as---

21 minutes ago, Cameron said:

Element of surprise is one of the things they try to rely heavily on, and it makes complete sense.

As the way that they built the following they have for the past 5-6 years is by providing communication of what's to come and releasing glimpses into the project. Without that, this would not have been such a great success as it has been and you would not have reaped all of the commissions you have. I am very happy for them. They just need to keep the excitement up. I would think you of all people would understand this as a storefront but maybe marketing is just not your forte. Oh and I see you are now following me; don't bother as you will get board since I do not post much on these forums.

Thanks again IXEG, you guys rock! Just please keep us in the loop.

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Cameron, I am done with this conversation. Only you have the ability to take a constructive post/conversation and turn it around to be a negative post.

This is simply a discussion. There's no need to make it dramatic! You have several posts in here that seem as such, including the initial one. It's okay to have multiple opinions.

I would think you of all people would understand this as a storefront but maybe marketing is just not your forte.

I don't think you're in any kind of position to be making a judgement call like this, and at this point you're just attempting to take pot shots.

Oh and I see you are now following me

I don't even know what this means. I could care less to watch your every step. Maybe I clicked a button by accident on tapatalk or something while using the app, but you certainly don't interest me that much.

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