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  1. Looks like Apple stopped supporting non ARM plugins https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/769777 That could change the demand for ARM plugins for X-plane
  2. Is there an Mac M processor/ ARM gizmo version available ? Thanks
  3. Thank you very much for the continious improvement and your support. Excellent aircraft !
  4. Sounds like a noisy joystick, try to setup deadzones in the xplane settings menu
  5. It works as intended but some VATSIM controller seems not to respond, even when showing their CPDLC adress. Maybe related to workload or their interest talking to the pilot.
  6. I had the apu battery failure message during flight too but landed safely. With connected AC power I could start the apu again, the CAS apu battery message went white but it looked like it was not loaded. A failure was not triggered and I did not find an option to reset the apu battery. How can I resovle the ap battery failure ? Should I reset the airframe ?
  7. What is the procedure landing at winds with more than 10 kts and flaps 3 or 4 ?
  8. Ok, I understand - it just engages the reverser function of the engines. I thought about the Reverser implemented in the Rollon CRJ200.
  9. Hi, I am struggling with the auto thrust reverse system. I armed the trust reverser - display shows L and R REV ARMED While landing with manual throttle, I move throttle to idle and engage speedbrakes. Should the thrust reverse starts automatically ? Or do I miss something ? Thanks.
  10. Deleted
  11. Hi, I have problems operating the stairs in the Cargo and AEW version. It seems the ground plate is not moving or just the stair moves and cannot be handled using the red manipulator. The PAX version is doing fine.
  12. The hiss sound is the right pack sound which is enabled by default in turnaround mode since v1.3. It seems that the IXEG sound engine loads sometimes one file louder than standard. Prior v1.3 the apu sound was louder than standard. You can easily cure this by switiching off/ on the right pack.
  13. Thanks for your first hand information. Will operate the APU then like in real :) Cheers, Cord
  14. I saw some B733 CBT to get more detailed in the aircaft operation. The APU can feed the packs of each side in AUTO or HIGH. In which situations are the packs running in HIGH ? The underpowered APU of the B732 could only feed the starting engine. Is it allowed to start the engines of the B733 with one pack on AUTO ? The IXEG can perform it with reduced pressure, but this does not mean it is allowed.
  15. Try the following, check when APU is running in the overhead panel status of right pack. If it is on AUTO you will hear the pack sound from outside. If you switch off you will just hear the hydraulic and the APU sound. I think the right pack is now on by default (1.31) if you start in turnaround Status.
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