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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2018 in all areas

  1. Okay I had a bit more of a play, it doesn't like ProjectFly (with either the Xplane or XPUIPC connection type) or Navigraph Simlink plugins. Still, if they're active Gizmo doesn't mind running with other aircraft, with the Saab though it seems to freak out. Anyways, going to give this bird a whirl now
    1 point
  2. Hi Jan, Thank you for quick reply, and suggestions to solve the issue. I have solved the issue now. As you mentioned, I started backtracking my changes. I have found that XPUIPC prevents the throttle to respond. Apparently XPUIPC monitors the throttle to output information to 3. party apps. In my case I use ProjectFly and XPUIPC to feed the data. When I removed XPUIPC from the plugin folder, everything worked as it should. Best regards Michael
    1 point
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