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Found 4 results

  1. OBJ8 to Wavefront OBJ converter View File OBJ8 to Wavefront OBJ Converter for Linux, Windows and MacOsX OBJ8_convert allows you to convert 3D meshes from X-Plane's proprietary format to a standard Wavefront OBJ. This tool converts only the meshes, discarding all the other informations such as: materials, animations, dataref. HOW IT WORKS OBJ8_convert is a command line tool. The syntax is quite simple: obj8_convert <xplanesfile.obj> [<output.obj>] Once converted, the file can be opened in Blender or in any other software that is able to handle a standard Wavefront OBJ file. EXAMPLE Just for the sake of test, let's convert one of the standard objects in the library of X-Plane, the small fuel truck: The file can be found here: Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Vehicles/Small_Fuel_Truck.obj Once converted with: OBJ8_convert 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Vehicles/Small_Fuel_Truck.obj' test.obj ...can be opened in Blender: All the measures in the OBJ8 file are in meters, thus the resulting Wavefront OBJ file uses the meter as a unit base. Infact, is clearly visible from the snapshot, the truck is 6 meters long, meaning 6 squale, thus it is compatible with the real life truck which is 6.12 meter long. APPLICATIONS OBJ8_convert can be used to add extra elements to an airplane. For instance, if one wants to add the pilots (or some passenger) to a plane that is missing them, he can convert the cockpit file and use it as template to place the pilots in the proper position, making sure that the hands are in the right places. The sames applies to additional parts, such as winglets on the tip of the wings. OBJ8_convert can be used to get a reference to make the winglets perfectly fit the wings. Or you may want to model a ladder or a stairway to your plane's door. OBJ8_convert can be very useful also to make the files need by librain. DEVELOPMENTThis tool is under active development and its functionalities may change in the future.The primary development platform is Linux.Special thanks to @xraydelta1 for compiling the Mac version.Feedbacks, reports, suggestions or ideas are strongly welcomed: feel free to send me a message with your thoughts.X-Pilot's forum is the primary and sole forum for support, announcements and new releases. IMPORTANT NOTICE OBJ8_convert must not be used to convert copyrighted material. Please respect all intellectual properties and copyrights. PLEASE DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE DI TOOLS THROUGH OTHERS FORUMS OR PLATFORMS Submitter CaptainSpaulding Submitted 12/16/2020 Category Plugins and Utilities  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    OBJ8 to Wavefront OBJ Converter for Linux, Windows and MacOsX OBJ8_convert allows you to convert 3D meshes from X-Plane's proprietary format to a standard Wavefront OBJ. This tool converts only the meshes, discarding all the other informations such as: materials, animations, dataref. HOW IT WORKS OBJ8_convert is a command line tool. The syntax is quite simple: obj8_convert <xplanesfile.obj> [<output.obj>] Once converted, the file can be opened in Blender or in any other software that is able to handle a standard Wavefront OBJ file. EXAMPLE Just for the sake of test, let's convert one of the standard objects in the library of X-Plane, the small fuel truck: The file can be found here: Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Vehicles/Small_Fuel_Truck.obj Once converted with: OBJ8_convert 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Vehicles/Small_Fuel_Truck.obj' test.obj ...can be opened in Blender: All the measures in the OBJ8 file are in meters, thus the resulting Wavefront OBJ file uses the meter as a unit base. Infact, is clearly visible from the snapshot, the truck is 6 meters long, meaning 6 squale, thus it is compatible with the real life truck which is 6.12 meter long. APPLICATIONS OBJ8_convert can be used to add extra elements to an airplane. For instance, if one wants to add the pilots (or some passenger) to a plane that is missing them, he can convert the cockpit file and use it as template to place the pilots in the proper position, making sure that the hands are in the right places. The sames applies to additional parts, such as winglets on the tip of the wings. OBJ8_convert can be used to get a reference to make the winglets perfectly fit the wings. Or you may want to model a ladder or a stairway to your plane's door. OBJ8_convert can be very useful also to make the files need by librain. DEVELOPMENTThis tool is under active development and its functionalities may change in the future.The primary development platform is Linux.Special thanks to @xraydelta1 for compiling the Mac version.Feedbacks, reports, suggestions or ideas are strongly welcomed: feel free to send me a message with your thoughts.X-Pilot's forum is the primary and sole forum for support, announcements and new releases. IMPORTANT NOTICE OBJ8_convert must not be used to convert copyrighted material. Please respect all intellectual properties and copyrights. PLEASE DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE DI TOOLS THROUGH OTHERS FORUMS OR PLATFORMS
  3. Route to IXEG FMC View File This is a quick and dirty Windows Console application i made in order to create Company Routes for the IXEG B737-300. To get company routes which you can open by the FMC you could also use a simple text editor, however it was a tedious process so i decided to do this converter. All you have to do is to copy the route you are going to fly to the clipboard, only its waypoints and airways like this for example "XENAK UM985 LEDRI UL140 ALAMU DCT TEGRI UL605 NEKUL", then run the "route to ixeg fmc.exe" which will now ask you for the ORIGIN and Destination Airport (4-Letter ICAO Format in CAPITALS for each), once you entered those its done and there should be a coroute file ready to be opened by the FMC of the IXEG B737-300 If your ORIGIN is, as in this example, LROP and your Destination is LTBA just enter LROPLTBA into the "CO ROUTE" line of the FMC and the route will be loaded. But first of all for setting it up you must check and enter the location of your IXEG Coroute file folder in the Settings.ini of the application. Mine is "D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/X-Plane 10/Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/coroutes/" so i entered it as a default. Also be carefull when you copy your route to the clipboard not to include any Airport, Runway, Flight Level, Sid, Star, Transition or anything else other than Waypoints and Airways (DCT and DIRECT is acceptable), it also has to be in CAPITAL letters same as the ORIGIN and Destination. Submitter Bokehlicious Submitted 05/03/2016 Category Plugins and Utilities
  4. Version 1.0.1


    This is a quick and dirty Windows Console application i made in order to create Company Routes for the IXEG B737-300. To get company routes which you can open by the FMC you could also use a simple text editor, however it was a tedious process so i decided to do this converter. All you have to do is to copy the route you are going to fly to the clipboard, only its waypoints and airways like this for example "XENAK UM985 LEDRI UL140 ALAMU DCT TEGRI UL605 NEKUL", then run the "route to ixeg fmc.exe" which will now ask you for the ORIGIN and Destination Airport (4-Letter ICAO Format in CAPITALS for each), once you entered those its done and there should be a coroute file ready to be opened by the FMC of the IXEG B737-300 If your ORIGIN is, as in this example, LROP and your Destination is LTBA just enter LROPLTBA into the "CO ROUTE" line of the FMC and the route will be loaded. But first of all for setting it up you must check and enter the location of your IXEG Coroute file folder in the Settings.ini of the application. Mine is "D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/X-Plane 10/Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/coroutes/" so i entered it as a default. Also be carefull when you copy your route to the clipboard not to include any Airport, Runway, Flight Level, Sid, Star, Transition or anything else other than Waypoints and Airways (DCT and DIRECT is acceptable), it also has to be in CAPITAL letters same as the ORIGIN and Destination.
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