This saab 340 is just amazing and it brings xplane to a hole new level. I'm just disappointed that it doesn't have a build in navigation device like a basic GPS or FMC like most Saab340 aircraft in real life, even if they are A models.
This is picture of the A model with an Honeywell UNS-1L FMSystem. This is a very basic FMC with only very minor VNAV capability but that's really all you need in these kind of planes. I really hope Leading Egde Simulations is going to bring us the final missing part in the Saab340, this would make this bird the best one in the FlightSim market. Ik now you need to invest a lot of time in to making a system like this but every future plane could benefit from it, looking in short term to the Citation jet etc... I really really hope LES is willing to invest the time into making a system like this so we don't need to search for do it your self solutions like the xfmc etc...
LES keep up your amazing work, you guys are making xplane in to a hole new experience!
Kind regards,