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About MartinM

  • Birthday 11/30/1971

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  1. Not bad. Looks promising. Missing the Autogen and the other OSM Objects. That is the biggest issue around Photosceneries, mostly they have missing objects. How did you convert the phototextures from FSX to XP? I have been trying with ORBX Australia. I don't get the ground textures converted. Cheers Martin
  2. I have taken the russian textures, as all the rest are way to complicated to install and make it work. I tried with simple season, but it failed. This means that I have manually to copy the season into the "custom scenery" folder and out, when I need want a change. At least with this method I am in control and I know it works. A payware season package with Fall, Winter and Spring would be very welcome. Cheers Martin
  3. Hi Yes. But it looks like being a visual thing. It happens on other dual prop aircrafts too. Best regards Martin
  4. Not sure if the DC-3 works perfectly. Engine 2 shows running on instruments while on the outside the prop is turning slowly.
  5. Nice! I have Oahu. I wonder if you can get this fix over to the fantastic scenery of Oahu.
  6. What does you scenery_packs.ini look like? My Oahu looks like this Airport of frede OK Forrests visible Ok XP 10 Roads gone Downtown Honolulu, flat
  7. I tried to. Does not work with Oahu nor with the Demo.
  8. I tested this scenery. Unfortunately, all OSM objects, forrests and roads dissapear. This is not nice. Cheers Martin
  9. Well, usually you contact ATIS. At least here in CH it is mandatory when departing from a controlled airport
  10. Well. From 0 to 100% in a minute. No-Go Like in real life, get trained first before changing to larger choppers. Dreamfoil Jetranger or R-22 are both well suitable trainers. I fly on Jetranger on XP and in real life. handling is truly fantastic Cheers Martin
  11. The Challenger 300 you can buy at Aerosoft store. Much better to do it this way than supporting .ORG
  12. Another vote from me - we need this beauty
  13. Please don't forget to add this livery here http://www.airliners.net/photo/Flugschule-Grenchen/Piper-PA-28-181-Archer/1026218/&sid=980f3890448ede971a0fd7a2eb0daf88 http://www.airliners.net/photo/Flugschule-Grenchen/Piper-PA-28-181-Archer/0825149/&sid=980f3890448ede971a0fd7a2eb0daf88 A good view on the cockpit is here http://www.kienzi.ch/flights/2006/images/2006-07-10_1125.01_Flug_HB_PPM_Zuerich_Birrfeld$.JPG Then I am ready for my purchase
  14. Yes, N431HM (Formerly HB-ISC) is flying around Switzerland, mainly for airshows.It is privately owned. I have no idea if the aircraft is flying on a regular basis.
  15. Hardly can wait to get it ...
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