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Everything posted by fog

  1. Hello! Thank you for the profiles! Really enjoying them here. However a small suggestion: I see that the on/off position for many of the toggle switches are set according to the actual physical switch in the cockpit. I find this a bit “confusing” as it requires some initial setup of the quadrant and yoke before loading the aircraft. (E.g the GEN switches are set reversed, meaning when physical switches are down (OFF) on the yoke, they are ON in the aircraft) I know it’s an easy fix to change this in the profile. My suggestion: Use the off positions of the toggle switches on the yoke and the throttle to set switches in aircraft to off. Freddy
  2. Hi! ok, nice find! I will try my zibo profiles and eventually iron out any errors and update where needed :). Freddy
  3. Hi folks! Just had my maiden trip with this excellent aircraft. However I noticed the need of some programming in the Honeycomb profiles. Before I start this, wanted to check here if someone already is on this task ?. Rgds Freddy Wilhelmsen
  4. Just re-subscribed.. and sent an email to adress you mentioned Freddy
  5. Hi Cameron!. I see.. Well.. please tell me what to do then?. I thought i unsubscribed to general news.. not discount codes
  6. They said we will receive a discount code in email.. still nothing here.. Freddy
  7. Hi! Reinstalling GPU drivers seems.to have solved the issue. No more CTD on the last 3 flights. Freddy
  8. Thx :). Looking forward to the update then Freddy
  9. Hi! I am very happy with this product, BUT opening the main setting menu in SMP, resets my choices in the cloud art settings (Cumulus, cirrus and overcast) back to default-- Also want to get back the option to disable cirrus entirely. Freddy
  10. Hi!, No, only 2 connected, and x-plane is running on one only. Freddy
  11. Hi! See logs. Any ideas `? Freddy Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  12. Hi again! Removing XPUIPC dows not solv the tripple monitor issue. Freddy
  13. Hi Goran! Attached is a fresh log file. I got the exact same error as ZE1011. Crash only happends in triple monitor. Running single monitor without issues. Freddy Log.txt
  14. Hi again good to know will take a testflight asap Freddy
  15. Hi again! Nothing mentioned rgd the terramax issue.. still working on this? Freddy
  16. Hi! Thx for fast feedback.. Great to know you are working on a fix :). Freddy
  17. Hi! See attached log.txt.. Seems like a kernel issue from the log. Issue was not existing with X-Plane 11.30. Freddy Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  18. Hi again! Short notice: work-around: Load default cessna 172, go to desired airport, let terramax load textures (set it to auto), then disable terramax pluging from x-plane plugins menu (not terramax menu, but enable/disable plugins menu), load TBM900.. This way you can still fly with e.g winter textures without reloading error. Freddy
  19. Hi! See attached image. Any solution for this soon ? Freddy
  20. Hi! Error is still present with TBM v 1.1.3. Terramax keeps reloading textures non stop, leaving X-Plane hanging while loading. Freddy
  21. +1.. works with 2 monitors ore more Freddy
  22. Hi! Issue fixed.. topic can be closed :) Freddy
  23. Hi! Have not noticed any flicker/green color.. and iPad?? Dont follow you here. Freddy
  24. Hi! For your information: disabling the effects for exhaust and icing fixes this issue (as stated earlier in this post) Freddy
  25. Hi! What do you mean by two folders? There is one in aircraft\x-aviation and one in the \output.. this is by design. Freddy
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