Ola, I'm paying about $100 per month for unlimited national calls, including to mobiles, & the net, about the same I was paying with my last provider. It's not cheap, but a good bundle - you haven't seen my wife in action on the phone! We were easily paying over 50 a month just for the landline. Plus my work use makes a proportion deductible. I'll also be paying $43 billion as our gov't is rolling out 100 mb/s to 93% of our country. I can opt out of the superfast option, which should bring me 'down' to about 20, which I may do after the novelty wears off. If it wears off. I still laugh when I load up a youtube vid. Youtube uploads are noticeably faster. I think 20 is the sweetspot, this is over the top! Ha, frame that, let's laugh at what I just said in 5 yrs time when I start blowing my 500gig limit! To think I first started on a 512mb/s plan with a (I think) 200mb limit, only 7 yrs ago.