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Everything posted by howardthepilot1999

  1. I love the CH650 by HydroZ, I don't know how can one possibly make such smooth FPS with high res textures. I am running 33-24FPS on a not so powerful system. I would love to hear from developers on how he made his aircraft so detailed yet so FPS friendly, thanks.
  2. Keep it up folks, I love LSA more than any form of flying!
  3. Zenith CH701 STOL by HydroZ.
  4. Oldie but a goodie. I really like the flight model and the plugin driven systems, very realistic.
  5. My HP probook I am using for school (not X-Plane) is literally falling to 1000 small pieces, apple laptops are excellent for X-Plane
  6. Flying the freeware Sequoia F8L by X-Scenery Version 1.2, some slight aerobatics. Not the payware.
  7. I want to learn Russian now.
  8. I found this free on the .org. Very realistic. I think I greased that landing
  9. Hey boys, Just got a converted EC-120B over at x-plane.ch. Original model was by propsman over at the .org. Original model is made for X-Plane 8 but there was a nice guy who optimized it for X-Plane 10. New airfoils and textures are all good. There is really nothing special about the exterior. It is accurate but lacks eye candy, some texture regions are still lacking some touch to it. The 3D cockpit is something to really go "wow" about though. Nearly all systems work and the Eurocopter patent Engine info system is modelled as realistically as X-Plane permits. Instrument reflection is realistic. The cockpit looks like one you'd expect from a payware model! Taking off at a helipad at NZCH, the flightmodel is instantly felt. There is no overpowered feel to it, as you might expect from a converted model from an old version. It is all good and flies fresh, I am no Eurocopter pilot but the flying dynamics and definately believable. I flown across the mountains with great presicion. Flying low and fast at a speed of around 130 knots, this helicopter has characteristic. It has slight torque but it is well balanced, due to the stability agumentation system Eurocopter has to offer. It is really stable on the hover and at fast forward flight. There is also a very realistic yaw reversal when you put the collective pitch back down for a hover or a landing. Taking it back for a return to the helipad, I slowed the craft down to 60 knots for the approach onto the helipad. One "flare" and smooth collective correction and we are down with just a slight slide forwards. This is a highly recommended product for any beginner in helicopters like myself. It is stable and easy to fly. URL: http://www.xplane.ch/helicoptere/downloads.php?do=file&id=61 No photos, sorry guys.
  10. It should be worth the wait, like the real Boeing 787
  11. This is NOT the default Cessna 172SP. It is a modified pack found on the .org. As a 172 pilot with around 5 hours, it is very realistic.
  12. Hey, For the kiwis here:
  13. I love that aircraft, despite it being old. The flight model is exactly how i expected an L-1011 to fly. Sad that we cannot fly on these anymore
  14. ok, i checked the .org, in a few days it will release.
  15. Adverse weather and aviation theory exam....

  16. According to your website, looks like you are nearly done. Any ETA for this bird?
  17. Reminds me of the old days. We were on an A330 and a mate of mine says, nice boeing 747 WTF. I don't believe people cannot recognize the 747's distinctive "hump" on its back.
  18. Flaps 5 is the most commonly used on long and dry runways, while 15 will be used on humid and hot days.
  19. Flaps 5 my friend. And remember youtube defames the quality of the video.
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