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Everything posted by howardthepilot1999

  1. Not only canada, our school stopped for the one minute silence on the 11th hour as well. Hooah to all soldiers
  2. One last kiss than catch your flight, right when I was just about to fall...

  3. Awall BE58 Awall Piper PA38-112 Tomahawk Awall Piper PA-11 Tecnam P2004 by Texasranger x737 QPAC A320
  4. For beginners, what a laugh. My instructor has 10,000 hours already and is an ATPL holder with a CFI-I rating. He is a qualified examiner under CAD HK. My ground school classmates? Well let me tell you, have definitely will have more airmanship than you do Peter. So tell me: Principles of gyroscopic instruments What is a vacuum instrument system? What is deep stall? What is the Coriolis effect? What is P-Factor and how does it work? How to calculate drift angle? What is 60 to 1 rule? What does "RVSM" stand for? What is class G airspace? Does radio signals travel faster across land or sea? What is the minimum altitude for the Shek Kong Area? So peter, tell me all the KingAirs are great and I can only hope Carenado can make the flight model extremely accurate. They nailed the looks but they should seriously re think their flight model. The polygons on their models are highly optimized and that's great. The airfoils do need some makeovers. Don't forget Dan already told all of us that Carenado does NOT provide training level aircraft. I repeat, DOES NOT! I still will not fly Carenado though, I am afraid it will give me bad habits.
  5. Ummm go ahead and take the GPFT test and tell me your result, only costs 100HKD to try. I am interested because you are so arrogant and you think it is easy.
  6. Well tell me why Hong Kong Aviation Club uses X-Plane 9 commercial for PROCEDURAL training, IFR proficiency training and general recurrent training if you don't think X-Plane is a good procedure trainer?
  7. It flies quite close to real, my instructor have 100+ hours on the tomahawk back in flight school, got him to test it out and he was amazed by the accuracy of flight model.
  8. I agree, Tomahawk is awesome. Just climbs a little slow and the spin is crazy, made me wanna vomit but also made me wanna fly one for real.
  9. Yeah he is not so talented at building helicopters. His Piper package though are used in Hong Kong Aviation club where I train for members who will leave for overseas training on Pipers, but we use custom panel sets which are certified by the FAA. I also bought PFC training equipment.
  10. Uhhh there is one by Awall86. A piper PA-38-112 and it is extremely realistic, I thought it is very popular.
  11. Hi guys Today I used Stekeller's awesome 747-8F for my flight from VHHH to RJBB, I did this flight because it was my last day of holiday and I wanted to step back into flying heavies in X-Plane. The takeoff, cruise and approach was extremely smooth and uneventful. The nightmare started when I touched down on 24L, I touched down and after I established a steady roll, I kicked in all 4 reversers. I promise to you all that I clearly see the 4 engines showing "REV" on top of it, for some reason, shortly afterwards, I lost all control and I swerved to the right off the runway. Only then I noticed that engine 1 was NOT showing "rev". I noticed my reversers weren't working that well. I've learnt a lesson, ALWAYS look out and ALWAYS believe in Murphy's law, because it surely bites! I don't wanna post any landing photos, I will be ashamed of myself ;(
  12. She surely flies crazily! I did a lomeceveak (I think that is how you spell it) and managed to only recover by adding counter rudder! It is really fun! But are you sure the real one has a glass cockpit? Well done!
  13. No worries, I am a cadet currently flying a Level D Boeing 737-800 sim, the 737 is not a difficult aircraft to learn at all.
  14. Learning how to fly helicopters with Taylor Swift music on seems to speed up the learning process!

  15. Your race, age or sex does not affect how well you fly, it is your mentality. Your race, age or sex does not affect your mentality neither.
  16. No offence intended, but I detest Canadian and American pilots because of excessive slang use over the radios. "Hey ground Delta 929 we're on bravo short of victor..." I've heard this in YouTube from a LiveATC recording. I really hate it when pilots use slang over the radio! It should be this instead: Ground this is Delta 929 bravo short of victor....
  17. So you are uncomfortable when a Chinese pilot goes over the PA? Wow...
  18. What you've heard is not all true. I am from China (I regard Hong Kong as China). Some of my instructors are Chinese, one Malaysian Chinese. You know what they always say? "Howard, LOOK OUTSIDE!". Because of this, I can fly with redundant instruments. My instructors sometimes block out the VSI and tells me to fly level. Sometimes blocks out the altitude indicator and tell me to fly level. I manage to fly level without any deviation of more than 300 feet. Don't generalise that quickly, sometimes you just have to ask people who has first hand experience.
  19. For your information, we are better than you think. Last year on a leisure flight on a Cessna 152. I was in control with my instructor who is Australian and after takeoff, we had an engine failure and total avionics failure. I managed to land the Cessna on a field. Bare in mind, I am not looking forward for IFR at all and I do not like using instruments.
  20. It's hong kong, we are an SAR. The chief of instructor in HKAC is an American. Nearly half of the members are Australian. All the Chinese there are either trained in Canada or Australia. Some doesn't even know a word of Chinese.
  21. Hey guys, A some might know that I am a member of Hong Kong Aviation Club. Yesterday, a Cessna 172P on a leisure flight crashed on approach. Before touchdown, it was hypothesized to be affected by a gust of wind causing the right wing to lift up.The registration of the aircraft is B-HRH, the exact aircraft that I booked a VFR navigation flight with my instructor for later that day. It was a close call as the landing accident occurred at 10.02am. The Hong Kong CIvil Aviation Department launched a full fledged investigation and preliminary report to be released next month. 2 of the 4 occupants received minor cuts and bruises.
  22. wow, a dream come true.
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