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Everything posted by twgin

  1. It recently became impossible for me to activate VR in X-Plane. When I enabled VR, X-Plane would freeze in mid transition and I had to use Task Manager to close X-Plane. Windows 10, X-Plane 11.32, Vive Pro with wireless, Steam and Steam VR. FSGRW, latest SkyMaxx, Real Weather Connector all used for weather. In troubleshooting, looking at log.txt seemed to indicate that the freeze occurred during some SMP tasks (parsing metar). I started removing plugins. Removing SkyMaxx Pro and Real Weather Connector from the plugin folder made the problem go away. I deleted all my existing SMP and RWC files and reinstalled SMP and RWC from scratch. Problem came back. Removing the newly installed plugin files made the problem go away again. A few observations: log.txt did not only indicate SMP/RWC... it also indicated at times other plugins might be causing the freeze (looking at the end of log.txt, figuring that whatever was going on at the end of log.txt might be the problem). I tried removing other plugins before SMP/RWC based on log.txt but these efforts did not solve the problem. My suspicion at this time is that log.txt does not smoothly log the startup progression of X-Plane, but rather stops and starts logging during the startup process, eventually to "catch up" to X-Plane's current status. If this is the case, the end of log.txt may not be a good indication of what is causing a freeze or crash. At any rate, some attempts indicated SMP/RWC might be the problems, and removing these plugins seems to have solved the problem. While I'm writing this, any comments on using X-Vision and SMP concurrently ? X-Vision works outside of X-Plane, installing various sets of textures... SMP has options for various texture set. Do these two duel against each other ? Should SMP be set to "default textures" if X-Vision is being used ? Fairly new is the librain plugin, installed into an aircrafts plugin folder... does this conflict with SMP's rain effects ? Thanks for any comments, Terry
  2. Hello Bob Denny... I referenced your excellent Radio Range work on page 1 of this thread... trying to cajole these guys to look at VR and historic navigation possibilities for their DC-3, agree on the GPS, not for this bird ! Although, the other day I got to peek into the cockpit of EAA's Aluminum Overcast B-17... they have a dual 430 stack ! Terry
  3. Someone up above asked about clear gauge glass; I second the notion because... the DC-3 is awesome to fly using FlyInside and a Vive headset... VR in it's infancy doesn't have the resolution we are used to on flat screens... The gauges in the DC-3 are big enough to read in VR, but the scratches make it harder to read them; would be nice to have a clear option. While I'm on the topic, a fellow recently released a Lua script project that allows navigation via the historical Radio Range system, a natural for the DC-3. I managed to get audio out and the ability to tune the ADF appropriately (the Lua script uses ADF1 as the Radio Range receiver) by searching for data refs and assigning to switches, very cool if you are into vintage navigation. Amazing in VR, and BTW the Moo is great in VR too... Tyler of LR told me that VR support is high up on Laminar's list once the XP11 release settles down; IMHO there is will be an opportunity for VR optimized airplanes before too much time passes. Terry
  4. thanks, will check it out later this evening and post back... Terry
  5. I saw in release notes for an update a while back that corrections had been made for multi computer setups. I don't see anything here in the forums about this topic. I run two Windows 7/64 PCs with a crossover ethernet cable; one for cockpit view (master) and the other for out the window view (slave). I use FSGRW as a weather injector and SMP/RWC. What would best practice be with these components ? I currently run FSGRW on the master only, SMP/RWC on both the master and the slave, assuming that weather is passed to the slave via the network. What settings should be set on the x-plane environment tab for each computer ? Thanks for any comments... Terry
  6. Looking forward to trying the product... I second Mmerelles' question above; I run a two computer setup, xplane running on both, one drives an out the window view (slaved) and the other (the master) the panel view. At present SkyMaxx is running on both machines and FSGRW running only on the master. I would assume Weather Connector would be put on the master machine and pass all weather info to the slaved machine ? Any comment or expertise out there on this question ?
  7. Cool, been a satisfied user since v1, happy to pay for an upgrade every so often. Suggest an irresistible bundle with SoundMaxx !
  8. As a customer I am very impressed with the continuing development of the product. Every release cycle I feel better about purchasing SkyMaxx Pro. Regards the "eye candy" aspects of flying through beautiful cloudy skies, SkyMaxx is state of the art. Very much looking forward to the towering cumulous ! If I understand correctly Ben/Laminar are currently working "bugs" that cause X-Plane to incorrectly render cloud bases (and tops ?) regarding altitude. If KXXX airport is reporting a ceiling of 800 agl, X-Plane draws the ceiling at 500 agl and so on. Do these issues affect SkyMaxx at all, or rather does SkyMaxx have any influence on these issues ? Or are you, like the rest of us, hoping all these are sorted out in the 10.30 beta run ? Regards IFR flying, two very common scenarios. The first of course is "breaking out" or descending through a solid cloud layer to an MDA or DA while on an instrument approach (breaking out is always associated with a sudden reduction in "pucker factor"). There have been some discussions about the difficulty of simulating a solid layer of opaque clouds with a definite base (to break out of); any work on this in this latest iteration of SkyMaxx ? The second scenario is simply climbing through thick layer(s) on your way up to the flight levels or descending through layer(s) on the way down to the destination airport. These can be a real icing hazard and offer real challenges to pilots depending on how much anti-ice gear the plane has. Still dealing with the ability to render a solid layer with some ceiling altitude and some top altitude. How will SMP2 do in "hard IFR" flying ? Thanks for a great product, Terry
  9. A little late to this, but just for fun... The B-17 didn't exactly fly from London to New York; the vast majority of the traffic was the other way, from the USA to the European Theatre. I don't believe the plane was capable of flying directly across the Atlantic Ocean. What they did fly was a route beginning at perhaps Bangor or Presque Isle in Maine up into Canada (Gander or Goose Bay), further north to Greenland (Bluie West One or Bluie West Eight), east to Reykjavic, Iceland, and then onto the British Isles at Prestwick perhaps. see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Atlantic_air_ferry_route_in_World_War_II From there the would disperse to the many many Eighth Air Force fields in England. There was also a Mid Atlantic route through the Azores and a South Atlantic route down through the Caribbean Sea, Natal in Brazil, Ascencion Island, and on to North Africa and points west (all the way to the China Burma India Theatre !) Navigation in the early days was rudimentary to say the least, involving ded reckoning etc. but given the vast distances, bad weather, and high winds involved better resources were fairly quickly put into place. NDB and Radio Range facilites were put in in Canada, Greenland, etc. The on board navigators also used bubble sextants (a powered sextant that would generate its own horizon reference) to take star sights and establish position. Lots of people and planes lost in the frigid north due to weather, aircraft failures, bad navigation. I did the route over three nights in the FlyJSim 727, it would probably take a week in the DC-3 or B17 but this is how they did it. They even ferried fighters over to the European Theatre this way. Lots of stuff on the internets about all this, amazing stories... Terry
  10. Someone mentioned turbo props, can't fail to mention Felis' planes, esp IL-14 (ok, radials) and AN-24. I've always had a weakness for the russki planes and Felis has to be one of the more imaginative designers out there. The planes aren't easy to fly or manage (russian avionics !) but are challenging and fun; his methods of interfacing with the planes is unique and fun to use. The IL-14 is a outstanding freeware plane right now; read a few threads and it can be made to work in 10.21 64 bit... Terry p.s. happy belated B-day to the OP !!
  11. General Operating and Flight Rules (14 CFR Part 91) is a section of the US Federal Aviation Regulations covering (guess what) general operating and flight rules for aircraft flown in the USA. Private Pilot activities fall under Part 91. Part 121 is another section of the same FAR covering scheduled air carriers. Parts 91 and 121 do not define aircraft but rather the regulations that they are operated under (a scheduled airline service under Part 121 has stricter regulations that your run of the mill VFR general aviation pilot operating under Part 91). A private pilot flying a Baron would fall under Part 91, a scheduled service flying a Baron would fall under Part 121. This can be a mind numbing topic (lets get into Part 135, Commuter and On Demand services !), but in general referring to airplanes as "part 91" or "part 121" is not quite correct.
  12. OK, looks cool... I have three KSEA folders in custom scenery: KSEA Aircraft (an add on to put more static aircraft into KSEA) and the two supplied by Laminar, KSEA Demo Area and KSEA Demo Terrain. I think I could figure this out but I would be interested in comments. This add on has only one dsf tile (+47 -123); this dsf tile also shows up in the three other folders. Is load order important ? Would all four of these load in any order ? Should the tile be removed from one or more of the other folders to avoid strange looking scenery ? BTW, thanks Chris ! for some great looking scenery ! Terry
  13. thanks for the replies Goran...I will try to find the POV that makes switching fuel tanks easy, my opinion is that it is too difficult as is. I suppose with the autopilot on and tuned up there is time for all that heads down activity, but trying to switch while hand flying the gooney bird is an adventure ! FYI: from the website http://www.douglasdc3.com/sohn/30.htm The DC-3's cowl flap controls have a detent position placarded TRAIL. This simply means that hydraulic pressure is removed from both sides of the actuating piston and the cowl flaps are free to move to whatever position the airflow drives them, usually this results in being approximately halfway open. regards Terry
  14. Very hard to switch amongst tanks, i imagine it depends on POV somewhat but way too difficult. What usually happens is the switch goes to "off" and the engine dies ! Also difficult to see what is going on with cowl flaps, there does not seem to be much indication of open/closed status. Also with regard to cowl flaps, beside open and closed, the old radials had a "trail" position which just let the cowl flaps trail in the wind and assume whatever opening the speed of the aircraft would indicate, I've never seen this on an x-plane model yet... I guess while I am ranting I should mention the yoke, more specifically the ability to turn it off and on for better viewing of the instruments. I realize realism is a priority here but in real life its easy to see the gauges ! Its possible that someone else has had these questions asked and answered but only pinned items in this support forum - how come ? Great plane, fun to fly, looks beautiful, a real nice job, thanks... Terry
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