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Everything posted by pipergiallo

  1. Yes sorry, it works properly obviously, I didn't realise that.
  2. Yes, unfortunately I have same issue here...
  3. Many thanks, very appreciated!
  4. Hi, can I join this request? I missed my PT-19 in X-Plane 12, it would really great flying it again! Please, make it at least compatible!
  5. This is their replay, in a previous post, we have to wait to have those sturctures and beautiful textures back :
  6. Ok, I see, I can wait 'till september That's what I call a "Long-term support"! By the way, thanks for your reply, and your creation is a very beauty, the panel is in pure metal, gauges are real and alive (great those needls vibrating), the reflections over the cover of the panel make you feel there, and the more I fly it the more is a pleasure to fly.
  7. Hi there! The islander is nice, but why did you get rid of those beautiful frames around the windows, they added a lot of realism imho, I see you made a massive 3D streamlining but were they so heavy? Can we hope that you restore them?
  8. I see I'm the first to reply here... and I'll be the first to upgrade it asap! It's fantastic, very well made!
  9. You put your bigger upgrade to version 2 at no charge, so, If I could be of any help, I'm ready to beta test! MAC OSX MAvericks, 2.66 GHz Intel Core i5 16GB 1067 MHz DDR3, ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB
  10. Outstanding. Now I think that one should buy X-plane, after bought SkymaxxPro
  11. I think few addons have waited so much up to now...
  12. Veeeeery appreciated! Many thanks from an existing customer
  13. Right, you can fix the bug later... actually we need some bugs, so please, relaese it now, with some bugs we could discover!
  14. Thank you guys, I'm a happy user of SkyMAXxpro 1 and I'm looking forward to buy the new version with smart clouds shadows!
  15. Thank you, very appreciated sir!
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