You made me laugh too No wonder, I've only been using XP for a year. And of course, I did not read so carefully from the very beginning, the topic on the forum dedicated to IXEG 737
I have one more question. Flying the IXEG 737 in XP12, I noticed when I shut off the center fuel pumps when the center tanks had 200kg of fuel left. At the same time, the fuel indicator shows that the fuel in the central tank is gradually decreasing over time, although the pumps are turned off.
So it should be?
The second question is the weather radar. Is it possible to connect a weather radar to the second officer's EHSI.
Why did I ask this? When landing in bad weather, it is necessary to turn off the weather radar in order to better see the readings on the EHSI displays. Therefore, the separate control of the weather radar on the navigation displays was convenient to use during the flight.
I don't know how the weather radar works in a real airplane, but I would like to clarify this point for myself.