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Everything posted by skiflyzander

  1. JAR 320 to ENGM!
  2. So I've been able to work on the tower a little more, I think I've got most of the modelling done. I just have an issue with lights. I have no idea how to make omni-directional lights or any other kind of custom light for that mater. So for now I have the tower fully modelled except for some lights! Enjoy the screenshots
  3. Incredible work. The level of detail in those screenshots in amazing. I'm looking forward to see how this project progresses! Keep up the good work!
  4. Testing out 10.20rc1 as we speak! I've noticed improved frames and the A320neo seems a little bit more stable. Maybe that's just me though!
  5. Are those default x-plane clouds? The aircraft is looking stunning!
  6. So it's been quiet here... for good reason. I just finished moving from Mac to PC (GASP ) It really wasn't that bad and I'm enjoying the PC experience. I have everything I need, and I'll start finishing up work on the Tower tonight!
  7. I was able to do some more work on the tower tonight. Enjoy the previews!
  8. I've been slowly plugging away at the tower. I'm taking my time with this one to see what kind of detail I can add. We'll see how long that lasts If you're wondering why there is no surface between the frames of the door, it's because it's glass. I'd like to add opaque surfaces, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that right now. I'll probably have to look that up. Enjoy some screens for now.
  9. Michael, You may find this video very interesting. A description and demonstration of some of the new features of the 787
  10. More work has been completed! All of the hangers around the Signal area are complete. That leaves the tower and then I can start work on the southern part of the airport. It's coming together quite nicely so far and I'm pleased with what's happening. I think the tower will add a lot to the northern end of the airport though, I plan to take my time on that and make it look as good as I can. We'll see what happens! Things may start to get considerably slower. I have other things going on, just like everyone else does , that are calling me so scenery development will have to take it's place on the side for now. Don't worry, I'm not giving up on this! I will do what I can, when I can, but it may take a while until it's complete. Somewhere around February or March... maybe! I have every intention of finishing this airport because I have a love of aviation as well I will post updates when I can! So for now, Enjoy some pictures of the airport in it's current state
  11. Thanks you, guys!
  12. I've started to populate the area around the signal building with planes, gas tanks and small huts. The objects I've placed are as close to the real buildings that populate the airport as I could find. I have one more hangar to make for that area as well as the control tower. I wasn't pleased with any of the towers available to me, so I'll be making my own! Once this area is finished about half of the airport will be complete!
  13. Had some time tonight to create and texture a relatively simple hangar. This is Sharkey's Helicopter hanger. Next up will be the two hangers to the left of Sharkey's. Enjoy
  14. haha kaphias, Nice joke Thank you Peter! The signal building has a TON of windows so I had to be careful with my selection of the window texture. I'm glad you like it! The Signal Aviation Building is now complete! I'll be working from right to left, so the next object will be the Sharky's helicopter hangar. Enjoy some screenshots for now! -Nick-
  15. Thanks Ryan! I just barley figured out this whole texture thing. Maybe in the second release I can add some dirt to it For now I'm just happy with the clean look ^^ Here's an in sim preview!
  16. I've begun to apply the textures! I hope you like it!
  17. Take your time! I'm sure it will look wonderful, don't get me wrong it does now, but I'm excited to see what you come up with after the modifications! Good luck!
  18. Hey thanks, Ryan! No kidding, this thing is going to be a nightmare to texture! Marginal has his sketchup plugin uploaded over at the org. If you go to this link: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=1619 you will see a small link for all of his example files. His plugin allows you to create animations in sketchup as well!
  19. More work on the signal hangar: So far, I'm happy with what I've come up with. I've finished drawing the outlines for the windows, vents and doors... and now I've got housings for the lights! I plan to make lights using Marginal's plug-ins for sketchup. I haven't attempted this yet, but I will soon. Maybe in the next few days. This could take up a large chunk of the time that will be needed to create the signal hangar because I've never made custom light cones before, and I need to find a way to turn the lights off during the day and on at night. If anyone has any tips on that, don't hesitate to send me a message! This will be freeware Here are a couple shots of the completed... lets say "base model" All that's left is to figure out the lights and texture it! Then it's on to the next building.
  20. Wow, Michael, you're really going the extra mile here to make this plane something special. Great work!
  21. I have a soft spot for this airport as well. I thought it deserved to be done correctly so that's what I'm trying to do. At the moment I'm adding windows to the sketchup version of the signal hangar so I can texture it. I'm also trying to figure out how to add custom lights as the flood lights around the GA area are part of the Signal hangar. That's causing some delays as I don't have a really good idea of how to do it. I'm doing a lot of research to figure that out. Good news is that once the signal hangar is totally complete, this project should fly right along.
  22. So after a couple weeks of development, I have a few screenshots of an airport I've been working on. The airport is Lebanon Municipal Airport. It's the closest airport to me, and I spent a lot of time there as a kid watching planes take off and land. I've also flown out of this airport a couple of times, and I thought it deserved some decent scenery. I don't know much about developing, and I'm learning as I go. It's a fun experience and after seeing my first custom created object in X-plane, I am excited to keep working on this. I chose to do the hardest building first, the Signal Aviation Building. The roofs were a pain in the rear end to figure out in sketchup and the stairs/railings were not easy either. Here is a list of what needs to be completed and what is completed so far: Completed: Airport layout (taxiways, runways, lines, PAPI's VASI's etc.) Signal Aviation Building/Hangar To Do: Terminal Three Hangars Texturing of all custom objects Lighting Populating the airport with opensceneryx objects and what not So there is a lot to do but I would really like to complete this project. At the moment I have a lot of free time but that will change soon. Progress will probably be very slow over the winter, but I would like to have this out by the end of the winter. We'll see. I'll update this thread when I can! For now, enjoy the screenshots!
  23. How's this look? I added texture in photoshop to give it a more authentic look. Now do I just make a similar 257.pol file?
  24. Hey Tom, I'm thinking about making my own custom runway hold markings. It just seems easier and more convenient. SEEMS. Do I need to edit anything in the plain text file? or simply name it the same as the polygon that I created and put it in the same folder?
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