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  1. Fair enough. It was worth a try ...
  2. Well ... that may bring on the dreaded issue of an "interim" weather radar solution again. I know you guys don't want to do it, and for good reasons, but please do weigh it against how offputting it can be to not have any weather depiction at all and enjoy the aircraft getting torn apart in a night-time thunderstorm that could not be seen.
  3. I hazard a guess that most of the "weather radar" found in other addons is - admittedly - quite useful in giving you some depiction of what X-Plane may have generated as moisture and clouds around you. I am currently flying some Airbus addon and I am pretty happy that I have some sort of weather depiction on my ND. Still - in most cases, it fails to reproduce the real workings of a weather radar, with tilt, gain, ground clutter, and all the intricacies.
  4. Mh. Too bad. I am so sick of running blind at night, hitting CBs and thunderstorms.
  5. @Pils Is there no other way than Discord to get access to the Challenger beta? I've never ever been on Discord (an age thing, I guess ...), and created an account with them just for the sole purpose of getting into the HotStart group, only to find that for some reason, I cannot join, no matter what invitation link I get sent by you (thanks again for the patience, Pils). I even tried to delete and re-create the Discord account, upon which I was banned from Discord because they thought it to be "suspicious activity". Not happy with Discord.
  6. Yes, it happens to me quite often. Sometimes(occasionally!, but by far not reliably), I am able to halt the movement by doing the following: Let's say my D-key (moving to the right side) gets stuck, and I continue to move to the right side. Then, I press and hold the opposite movement key (here, the A-key) to keep me somewhat stationary, and continously spam the stuck D-key (rapid press/release sequences). That may trick the sim into finally picking up the required "keyup" event from that D-key to make it un-stuck and halt the undesired movement. If this works or not, might also be highly dependent on your keyboard model.
  7. Hi, I usually take a little pride in parking the Challenger right on the yellow line of the parking spot after a successful flight. That effort is kind of thwarted sometimes when I resume the flight next day, use the "restore position and trajectory" checkbox and find the aircraft parked a bit off from where I left it in the first place in terms of lateral displacement and heading. What could be the reason here? Are there limits as to how precise I can expect the aircraft position to be restored? But then, why is the heading sometimes off by up to 5-10 degrees?
  8. Ah, I found it. M0.83 is max allowed Mach in RVSM airspace accoding to the manual, so Bombardier has apparently opted for some safety buffer.
  9. in my case, "not work" would mean what I observed: - using Gizmo-LTS requires a serial - when waiting out the Gizmo nag screen, the Challenger asks for activation again -> so Gizmo-LTs it is not a drop-in replacement for the version that ships with the Challenger in the sense that you just replace it and everything just works as before, only better.
  10. Ok - thanks for the info!
  11. I tried that, but Gizmo requires a serial number. So I suppose just dropping a new Gizmo version as replacement for the existing one does not work?
  12. Can the new Gizmo plugin also be installed into the 1.7 Challenger release? Would this even be of any benefit?
  13. I experience occasionally failing window heat tests too in X-Plane 12.0.9-rc 5. No need to create new airframes, I can tell you from my experience that it will happen again. However, it is not a big deal in my case. I usually get it fixed by cycling the window heat from low to high settings, off and back. Sometimes, the window heat test will persistently fail, but I usually get that only when OAT is very hot (like in Riyadh or Dubai). Might or might not play a role here. Like in your case, I too never had an issue in the air.
  14. Great! This has been bugging me all along, since I do a lot of night flying (after work )
  15. Something similar is true for the gauge of the pressurization system: But at "normal", eye-friendly levels:
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