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Everything posted by JohnMAXX

  1. Difference here with XPX is you can make adjustments to completely eliminate them.......
  2. This was a answer to an FSX user posting Palm Springs photo real on reddit.com/r/flightsim.....
  3. Thank you ......
  4. Throw us a log.txt with the crash present so we can assist you
  5. Still at it.....
  6. And some more....
  7. A few more....
  8. More fun.....
  9. I do understand........"noted" as I usually say when I have nothing else to add at the moment.......
  10. Still testing.........Messing with the default water for poops and giggles also.......
  11. Jose not all that was directed towards you BTW, and I apologize looking at what I wrote it can seem as if I was singling you out, it was this trend I see emerge from time to time and before it becomes a distraction I figured Id set it straight...... Sometimes things just are and no amount of spin will fix that..... I will say I don't agree that we released SMP too early, just like this issue with XFMC and X-Plane sometimes you can't account for everything especially with the spectrum of hardware out there. As an example I am a MAC user and I wasn't seeing any crashes in our initial offering...... In hindsight we should of tightened up our BETA program, and recently Frank has done a wonderful job of doing so. This current issue with XFMC, being out of our hands, really doesn't need to be harped on, we cannot do anything about it....... Its important as a tester to accept that and as we say in the army "DRIVE ON!" In the same way some features we want to implement into SMP cannot happen because the ability to do so isn't in XPX yet. Thats the beauty of SMP its breaking new ground and brining more creative developers into X-Plane...... Look at RTH as an example, bringing more visual appeal to our sim..... The solution is to wait until XFMC is fixed or stop using SMP until that time...... It seems those guys are on top of things and "Driving On!" towards a solution.....
  12. Jose, We wouldn't push the problem off on someone else if we were not sure, and early in the SMP cycle we did have stability issues on MAC which were addressed. I understand what you are saying but our words supporting SMP in this instance don't come without any backing. Rest assured legitimate concerns are looked at seriously when they arise. If its out of our control we let you know, we are very transparent when it comes to issues...... Another situation that tends to pop up are false claims without any backing i.e. not providing us with log files or screenshots to help fix a problem. Not to say the problem is nonexistent but as a developer without any information, from them, we cannot see the issue so instead of spinning wheels we have to chalk it up to a non issue. A thread will be started and another person will jump in 'yeah that happened to me"...... Think before you post if it happens don't bitch and moan about provide us with info so we can assist you. As many of you know already we proudly have supported this product a lot since its release just over a year ago...... You also know I can become short tempered with unsubstantiated claims..... It does nothing to help...... Lastly with popularity comes the trolls, the latest one comes in the form of a user/ developer who has the next best thing in clouds for X-Plane. Our competition thought it a good idea to make SMP sound really bad on the review system from the product page. I see him on the VATSIM page touting how great his add-on will be, very unimpressive attempt at fixing the default clouds, no worries here. But again this lends to the flurry of crazy unsupported claims that we get from time to time thus creating a false atmosphere..... Sorry to vent, but I believe in this product and I just wanted to throw a few lines out there so that we can better assist our users overall.......
  13. Michael you are alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALL OFF THE RESCUE GUYS!
  14. Throw us a log.txt after the crash happens and there is a known issue with XFMC and X-Plane right now are you using XFMC by any chance?
  15. Some 2.1.1 testing under our new IFR conditions....
  16. If stratus is present yes.......... Which covers a lot of low visibility low ceiling real world conditions......
  17. I did notice what you are seeing......... We will dive into it but initially my thoughts are the performance hit has to be with how the lighting interacts with SMP even if clouds are not present this is still there...... Back to how the system works and there are no free rides in software..... As a comparison and under the same weather conditions SMP still out performed the default. Again we will look at it deeper just my initial thought......
  18. Viper I think I understand what you are saying...... Noted as are all suggestions
  19. What do you mean by vanish mode?
  20. Wild I'd hate to be in a plane in that weather.....Thanks for the crazy video...
  21. Is that rain going sideways?
  22. And we are working on it
  23. Yes I think you are very frustrating to deal with Im sure more than a few people would agree with me........ I dont hear anything else but a loud high pitch squeal............. We worked hard to try and help you and you continue to beat a dead horse....... Everything promised by SkyMAXX was provided in your purchase and more my friend. This add-on has been around for awhile and there is plenty of information available to you prior to making a purchase. I really have a hard time understanding why you are so angry. It is very troubling.........
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