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Rick310 last won the day on April 20 2023

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About Rick310

  • Birthday 03/10/1959

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    USA Nevada
  • Interests
    Flight simulation, Guns, Hockey and Family

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  1. You ain't nothing. Move on. Fuck you.
  2. Every one has an opinion. I have had worst things said about me. Is this the best you got? I am sure you can do better than this. Again, someone with power to kick me out. Has the freedom to say what they want. But God forbid I fire back. If you going to kick me, what you waiting for. I will not shut up. Opinions are like A#$holes, everyone has got one.
  3. Ah man that would be great. Thank-you my friend.
  4. Yeah baby , I am still in control. Never quit, never shut up. No one is going to push around.
  5. I am not being weird. I am being me. Why do you continue to push?
  6. But I guess when you have the power to kick someone out. You have the freedom to say anything want without being fire back at. I am not going to bow down to this. Your going slam me I will return fire.
  7. I do not care what people think of me or say about me. Words will never hurt me. I will not back down from anyone. So if you feel froggy jump. BRING IT! On the other hand, I have ask this thread be locked and you refused. Now this is your fault.
  8. I will say the auto pilot on the cherokee is better than the arrow 3. The Cherokee will has hold alititude.
  9. No response. I get it. Most flight sim pilot can not do this. Most common is that they overspeed the aircraft. Only the best of the best can handle a feat like this.
  10. I am flying the Piper Cherokee 140 by vFlyteAir. Going down to Parker, Arizona.
  11. I am happy to see that this thread the second most posts. I love talking about flying and aircraft and most of all flight simulation.
  12. Looks like today I wll be flying for Air Nevada. The Piper Cherokee 140 will coming out of the hanger with Air Nevada colors painted on it.
  13. It is 4 am in the morning and I up and talking about flying. wow. It is what I do all day everyday.
  14. I started the thread because this is what I read on Fselite.com. And I stated before that every new flight simulator that just gets released is garbage. And right now x-plane 12 is garbage. But I know Laminar will fix it in time. And at some point is time I will buy x-plane 12. Remember the what FSX looked like when it got released? Trash. Yes I was deliberatily looking for an argument. Insult a Laminar employee, yes, but he deserved it. I pushed to see how far I could go because you would not lock a thread that I started and I admit I should of never started. Words never hurt me, I have called every name in the book and what you have posted above is mostly true. But since you have asked me nicely to de-escalate the situation. Consider it done. Most people that know me personally, call me an a#$hole.
  15. Today, I am going to bring out the Piper Cherokee 140. Clean it up and service it and then take it for a spin.
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