It's really hard to compare fps pc-to-pc. If it was only for taking screenshots i could crank up all rendering settings to max. And out of curiosity i did when first testing new card on a different PC. Here's what i was able to achieve on a 30" display running 2560x1600 (which has very close pixel count to yours 3840x1080): I was easily hitting 3,5 GB VRAM usage and more! Anyway, for day to day simming i'm running 1920x1200 (24") and aiming at 30 fps or more when flying complex planes from 3d cockpit (FlyJSim 727, Worldliner 777 etc.) in fps intensive scenarios. Sure, most of the time i'm seeing 60-100 fps but i'm looking at the worst case scenario here. Anything below 30 fps is more of a slideshow to me and i don't want any surprises or constantly adjusting rendering settings when approaching an airport. Try to turn down your settings a little bit, hand fly IFR NPA approach in 60 fps and you'll never go back As for your settings, i think you sacrifice HDR, clouds and texture res for the number of objects. It's great we have all those sliders and can adjust per personal preference If you want to try my settings, here they are: I don't think you can easily enable FXAA without HDR being on. You could possibly try forcing certain AA mode inside nvidia driver using tools like nvidia inspector, but i doubt it would work as expected.