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Everything posted by strider

  1. Planet X ! lol... The cloud sunset color timing seems off, but maybe that because we have two suns.
  2. Hosek-Wilkie sky model bug: when setting reflection from low to minimal in the rendering options, the terrain also changes its reflection/color/light. Pics attached.
  3. Looks awesome guys ! Can I pay for the beta version ?!?!!
  4. How's the seasons coming along John? Any new pics ?
  5. Are there any plans for 3d water ?
  6. What ??
  7. I would love to see some more screen shots !
  8. Seconds, minutes, hours or weeks ? lol......
  9. Fantastic ! Just release it ! You can fix the bugs later....
  10. Time for a new video card !
  11. I should have read who you were quoting lol......
  12. Yes sort of. How do you creat your own cirrus clouds ? I wouldnt even know where to start.
  13. I like to see more variety of cirrus clouds !
  14. V11 is probably years away still. Have you heard different ?
  15. Fantastic ! Looking forward to it !
  16. Just a heads up, the autopilot doesn't work in the Carenado Malibu and B200. There seems to be a conflict with Gizmo64 and SASL. The only way I can get to work is to delete Gizmo64 or cycle SASL on and off in the plugin menu.
  17. +1 But my main complaint is the clouds poping on and off around you. I wish they could find a way to have them pop on in the distant horizon !
  18. +1 !! ?? John been MIA ??
  19. You tell me ! There should be visible terrain underneath.
  20. The white out occurs when flying into the clouds, so I am guessing it's tied XPX clouds some how. Changing camera position doesn't seem to help.
  21. I am still getting the cloud white ? I though this was fixed with skymax pro ?
  22. Thanks for all the preview shots !! I check in daily just see what you got cooking ! Regards.............
  23. Those pics look yummy ! Is there anything in 10.30 thats going to help you guys out ? Any news on watermax or urbanmaxx ?
  24. What scenery is that ?
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