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Everything posted by AeroPictor

  1. Very nice video, the scenography is always top notch…
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is a Swedish livery for the Take Command IXEG Boeing 733.
  3. Swedish Falcon Air Boeing 733 View File This is a Swedish livery for the Take Command IXEG Boeing 733. Submitter kickremi Submitted 08/22/2018 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This isa livery for try Take Command IXEG Boeing 733 in Swiss colors.
  5. Privat Air HB-JJA View File This isa livery for try Take Command IXEG Boeing 733 in Swiss colors. Submitter kickremi Submitted 08/22/2018 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  6. Some other pics from Saab 340 liveries I posted here:
  7. Two liveries for the SAAB 340 in a series of forthcoming European liveries for the LES Saab we love all. A German registered An Estonian an Estonian
  8. D-CDAU DauAir SAAB 340 View File DauAir was a small company operating from 2005 to 2006 between Dortmund and Berlin Tempelhof as well as to Poznan, Zürich, Warsaw. It stopped flying 2006 after loosing its licence. You can still today safely use this German registered SAAB. This livery was made some time ago upon request of a forum user. I make it now publicly available. Comments and critics are welcome. Contacts through the messaging service of this website. Submitter kickremi Submitted 08/09/2018 Category Heavy Metal Livery For X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  9. ES-LSF FlyEst SAAB 340 View File FlyEst http://www.flyest.eu is part of AS Airest an Estonian private airline etablished 2002. FlyEst ES-LSF started to fly passengers 2015 and operates now on Nordic routes. I publish this livery which I made more then a year ago upon request of a member of the forum. Comments and critics are welcome. Contact me through this website’s messaging system. Submitter kickremi Submitted 08/09/2018 Category Heavy Metal Livery For X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    FlyEst http://www.flyest.eu is part of AS Airest an Estonian private airline etablished 2002. FlyEst ES-LSF started to fly passengers 2015 and operates now on Nordic routes. I publish this livery which I made more then a year ago upon request of a member of the forum. Comments and critics are welcome. Contact me through this website’s messaging system.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    DauAir was a small company operating from 2005 to 2006 between Dortmund and Berlin Tempelhof as well as to Poznan, Zürich, Warsaw. It stopped flying 2006 after loosing its licence. You can still today safely use this German registered SAAB. This livery was made some time ago upon request of a forum user. I make it now publicly available. Comments and critics are welcome. Contacts through the messaging service of this website.
  12. SAAB 340 Artic Airlink SE LJN View File Artic Airlink operated the flight connection Luleå – Oulu – Tromsø until May 2018. The line could no longer be operated, as the flight operator NextJet declared bankrupcy May 16. This was the end of one of the few direct connections in Artic Europe, linking the cities of Oulu (Finland), Luleå (Sweden) and Tromsø (Norway) without the need to transit via the countries capitals. With this livery you can continue to link directly the Northern parts of western Europe, with the original aircraft, the SAAB 340, the ideal aircraft for those regions. All logos and design elements were used according the fair use rules. Any comments are welcome. Wishing you pleasant flights and safe landings. Submitter kickremi Submitted 08/02/2018 Category Heavy Metal Livery For http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-saab-340a-p-100 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  13. A sadly defunct air link between the cities of Oulu, Luleå and Tromsø in Artic Europe
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Artic Airlink operated the flight connection Luleå – Oulu – Tromsø until May 2018. The line could no longer be operated, as the flight operator NextJet declared bankrupcy May 16. This was the end of one of the few direct connections in Artic Europe, linking the cities of Oulu (Finland), Luleå (Sweden) and Tromsø (Norway) without the need to transit via the countries capitals. With this livery you can continue to link directly the Northern parts of western Europe, with the original aircraft, the SAAB 340, the ideal aircraft for those regions. All logos and design elements were used according the fair use rules. Any comments are welcome. Wishing you pleasant flights and safe landings.
  15. LES SAAB 340 Cargo LY NSD Nordic Solutions View File This livery was made some years ago and was never published before. Looking for a non military Nordic livery for the SAAB 340 Cargo, I found some image of a nice SAAB 340 who belonged to the Lithuanian cargo company Nordic Solutions. A simple logo, quite effective … I hope you enjoy this livery. I took the screenshots at the Estonian capitals airport Tallinn and around Europe in X-Plane 10. The livery is useable in X-Plane 11. Expand the archive and move it to the livery folder of your LES Saab 340 Cargo variant. Safe flights! Submitter kickremi Submitted 07/28/2018 Category Heavy Metal Livery For http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-saab-340a-p-100 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  16. Saab 340 Cargo variant in my own livery now downloadable
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This livery was made some years ago and was never published before. Looking for a non military Nordic livery for the SAAB 340 Cargo, I found some image of a nice SAAB 340 who belonged to the Lithuanian cargo company Nordic Solutions. A simple logo, quite effective … I hope you enjoy this livery. I took the screenshots at the Estonian capitals airport Tallinn and around Europe in X-Plane 10. The livery is useable in X-Plane 11. Expand the archive and move it to the livery folder of your LES Saab 340 Cargo variant. Safe flights!
  18. Thank you very much!
  19. Hi, I too have the error message in Mac OS X, the installer desinstalled a previous version
  20. Mmerelles, I agree we need to look ahead. I think that the standards needs to get stable before jumping on a model fo VR. Meanwhile, dear gcbraun, the price tag is still an important factor, the cost of the VR gear, the cost of the updates of the various aircraft models and other add-ons sums up. X-Aviation has a very kind and customer friendly upgrade policy, other vendors simply ignore their customers and charge the full price for upgrades, so the VR path might be very expensive. I am only expressing my reflections about an evolution of technology. VR can be and is very interesting in visualizing models of architecture and virtual visits of inaccesible parts of historical buildings like the spire of the cathedral of Strasbourg. But I do not desktop publishing or historical research in VR. X-Plane is a nice hobby and I enjoy doing some paintwork for aircraft models. Some years ago there attempts to do liveries using 3D models, this did not really succeed. I will probably follow the line: wait and see …
  21. I just followed this thread, VR might be an interesting toy, but the price tag is and remains and big hurdle. Not every European customer is willing to fork out 300-400 euros for an equipment that is only of use for a hobby. There are more posts on the X-Plane 11 Linux topic then on the VR in X-Plane 11. VR is indeed an intersting tool for visualisation of architecture, modelisation. But I assume that a computer able to handle the full 3D of a flight is not sitting on many X-Plane users desktop. Laminar might act assuming a wealthy American customer base, but the rst of the world may have other priorities.
  22. Nice video …
  23. Thank you verymuch for this gift…
  24. Flight factor has changed the liveries, you now have only one texture for the fuselage, previously the fuselage was split in 3 pieces at least. As far as I know they did not publish a new paint-kit for all the models. Only the 200 is or was available…
  25. It is a yearly or monthly subscription. I also use it since several years and it is very handy …
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