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  • Birthday April 8

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  1. Yes - SoCal is still a planned scenery package. Once NorCal is released, we will be evaluating priorities of future scenery products and the best development path forward. Thank you for your interest!
  2. Shows you how much the sim is resembling reality now! Excellent work, once again, Leen.
  3. Hi Steve, Thank you for purchasing the Oahu scenery. X-Aviation handles all of the support for RealScenery products. If you have not already done so, please open a support incident with them by sending them an email from the X-Aviation web site. There is a Contact Us link at the top of the X Aviation home page. Thank you.
  4. There are many image sources used because NorCal covers such a large area. While the most current imagery is desired, because of image quality or availability, older imagery may have to be used. We try to choose from the best available imagery, rather than using a newer image that has overexposed, blown out areas, or long shadows, haze, clouds, or other artifacts that affect image quality. Like any map or aerial photo, they are all outdated as soon as they are created.
  5. You are correct - the overlay objects were turned off for these screenshots.
  6. It's been a while since I posted some screenshots. Here are some more images captured while flying around the San Fransisco Bay Area. Enjoy! Flying south over the city of Walnut Creek. The Interstate 680 interchange with Highway 24 is visible just above the Cessna. Flying over Oakland, looking north toward Alameda and the San Francisco Bay. Interstate 580, the MacArthur Freeway, is on the right (east) side of the image. Looking south over Union City. Interstate 880, the Nimitz Freeway is the main highway on the left (east) side of the image. Flying north over the city of Hayward. The Hayward Executive Airport (KHWD) is located between the Cessna and the San Francisco Bay, just west of the Nimitz Freeway. Over Union City, looking west across the San Francisco Bay toward the cities of San Mateo and Redwood City.
  7. Hello Dave, X-Aviation handles all RealScenery support dealing with the installers. All support requests are handled in the order they are received, but they should be with you very soon. Thank you! Eric RealScenery.com
  8. Thank you so much! Everyone involved in this project greatly appreciates your enthusiasm, and that of all those that have followed this project over the ongoing development cycle. This has been a trying time for many developers and our loyal customers; from v9, to v10, then 64 bit. All these developments have upped the bar and many projects have been scrambling to keep up and make our products the best they can be given the current state of technology. The next couple of weeks should be very exciting!
  9. We've been on an extended downwind for a bit. Now that the Saab is departed, the tower has called our base leg...
  10. Congratulations to the Saab team: LES, X-Aviation, all the testers and others who made this happen. This is another huge advancement for X-Plane and flight simulation! Awesome accomplishment!
  11. Hey Jim, As soon as the Saab departs, NorCal will be on final approach. Lots of excitement ahead... Thanks for your continued interest!
  12. Joint operations with the U.S. military.
  13. Home run shortly...
  14. Just the calm before the storm! Everything has been updated for the current 64-bit version of X-Plane. This includes the seamless edge matching of elevation values among the tile meshes and a totally overhauled airport flattening algorithm. We've also brought in some new imagery to improve a few areas as well. In addition, a new robust installer has been developed to give you a trouble-free experience, even for our customers on low-bandwidth connections!Most importantly, I've teamed up with a couple of other developers and we're incorporating some new capabilities into the scenery that have never been done before with X-Plane 10. We'll have some new screenshots to show you soon!
  15. Hi Dave, Thank you for your purchase. X-Aviation handles all distribution and technical support for RealScenery products. Please send them an email by going to X-Aviation.com. That will be the quickest way to get your support issue resolved so you can resume and install your download. Thank you. Eric RealScenery.com
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