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Jack Skieczius

X-Plane.org Vendor
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Everything posted by Jack Skieczius

  1. oh man that was a great read! Totally made my day. Thank you so much for posting it Jim. i love the part on top of page 4 : "In case of last-minute snags—like testy airport personnel refusing to tug the airplane out—thrust reversers can be used to power back from the gate. See ya." reminds me of flying sometimes in x-plane using the 737s reversers to push back since X-plane doesn't have a nice push cart for us.
  2. that's X-plane? sure fooled me.
  3. humm, wonder if that was legal? looks like you got her down ok tho.
  4. has anyone else noticed the similarities between the SR22 and the C400? it looks as if both companies stole ideas from each other, no? maybe its just me but i noticed this today for the first time. I'd probably like the Cessna better anyhow.
  5. this looks very interesting nice to see a g1000 for once.
  6. HEHE, thanks for posting these Its the Russian version of the Dash 8. Woot!
  7. Yeah, i had the same problem back when i was working on the PFD for my Q400. Still haven't figured out how to make it using generic instruments, else i use the default rmi. a plugin works best of course if you know how to program
  8. Turbulence in X-plane is sometimes the most annoying thing, especially at those high flight levels when you are suppose to be running thru some no turbulent cirrus clouds, but instead your rocking all over the place and wondering why.
  9. your running windows 7 in an imac? or did i miss something i like the way yo have your headset hanging on the wall, i should do that, instead of running over it on the floor with my chair,
  10. oh nice, thanks for letting me know, all i could see was the second number when in full screen mode with the images. i get similar on my q400. very nice. are you using any ATTR_Shine_rat in the object files? i noticed some people dont put that in there and some do.
  11. i like it. i do i do i do. release soon eh?
  12. I guess i will go spend that 50 bucks i been hold on to for a while now, and hope i have it again by summer time.
  13. i sure wish i was working on that. hehe. ah well, someone beat me to it.
  14. i really like that last shot there. she really looks great, honest. will be nice to fly this one around someday.
  15. well, meshboy beat my post by a million!
  16. Just wondering if anyone else around here will be attending this years Sun N Fun Event down here in good ole Florida. I will be going on the 15th most likely. Will be my first year going so i am highly excited, and i will surely bring my camera with me to take plenty of snap shots for everyone who is not able to go. And for those who may not be familiar with Sun N Fun, it is the second largest fly-in in the USA second i believe only to Oshkosh in size. Locaed at the Lakeland Linder airport(KLAL) and is held each year during mid April.
  17. YAY CRJ just a preemptive YAY, the YAY before the YAY, the calm before the storm, woot. gone crazy, back in 5
  18. I of course have to support the turboprops, but i generally want anything, as long as it feels real, flies right and has a lot of work put into it. i know once i am done the Q400 i will start work on a GA aircraft, possibly something people can use to help them train in, which i believe is lacking. i am getting my license now and it would have been great to have a C172 that you could push all the buttons in and flies right, and hat also felt real. Also a nice 767 or 757 would be great, along with a 748. that's my 2 cents
  19. Thanks for the heads up Goran, i looked and i still have 196.21 installed. I surely cant afford my GFX card to overheat at this time. This reminds me of back when i use to play EVE online and one of the updates they released deleted the Windows Boot.ini file which caused several computers to not start up correctly. oddly, mind didn't have that problem cause i had another windows installation on another HD and it found the boot.ini file on that HD. It's like, do these companies even test these updates before releasing them? That's another reason why i wont update X-plane till i have heard from the community in regards to bugs and such, specially the crippling kind. Thanks again.
  20. Thank you for your interesting in the Q400, and welcome to the X-pilot Forums. The Q400 Will be payware, but reasonable priced. And i will make sure she will be worth whatever we finally sell it as, with regard to other payware planes out there.
  21. Just posted to let everyone know i am still alive and this project is still underway. Next real update will be once i am finished with the exterior and have it placed inside x-plane. So keep an eye on this thread cause that update can be any day now.
  22. impressive. that's all i got to say.
  23. Off topic, but i wonder what would happen if i posted my last name anyway, i don't have reliable sound resources for the Q400 even tho i am working with two real world q400 pilots. quality sound recording seems hard to come by. how do you get the button clicks and not get the avionics sounds in the background, same for the engines in the cockpit. every recording you make, of the warning systems, etc, will have avionics sounds in the background. so that's what i don't get really, is how to record them. could you maybe create a tutorial for FAQ for how to setup and record the sounds of the planes, maybe some trouble shooting, and perhaps give us a way to cheaply do it, for those of us without a ton of cash to invent in expensive equipment?
  24. Thanks for posting over here to ARTI took a look at the forums there on the .org, seems you are on the right track to making our sound experience better. Good luck and best of luck to to everything you can add to x-plane. i will have to keep an eye on those forums to as i dont know much about anything sound related so i hope to learn something that i could use to make my Q400 simulation that much better.
  25. I'll Second that one Goran. Back to work.
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