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Peter T.

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About Peter T.

  • Birthday 08/17/1997

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  1. Ah I see, that's a delimma. I guess you have no choice but to purchase the 777. This 777, and the FF777 V2 will be for XP11 only.
  2. Not stopping from you from buying it. It's a freeware project and shouldn't be pitched against the FF777 . I say wait for FlightFactor's upcoming 777 v2 if you want good systems (and hopefully an accurate exterior).
  3. New updates are posted here: https://forum.thresholdx.net/topic/431-boeing-777-series-3d-cockpit-update Apologies for the neglected thread.
  4. When is the 777-300 release date and can you release it this month then applying updates after that because this plane is gonna change x plane 11 forever

  5. When Should ur 777 be released cause the thread was made in 2016, just wondering Thanks

  6. Hi here Samuel could you please give me boeing 777 300.Plase send me to.if you want it. Samuel greetings

    1. Omar


      When this beautiful plane will be released 

    2. Samuel88


      Here you have it. Have a nice flight.


  7. Hey ya'll! Hi everyone! The X-Plane Developers Community's Workshop website is now a public wiki, everyone is allowed to contribute to the site. Please feel free to add to the site! (i think you need a google account) It's meant to be a controlled platform where I and a bunch of writers would document, but alas time is money, and most of us can't actively commit to the site. I'll try my best to maintain consistent quality and graphics after each contribution, making it easy to read with diagrams and visuals. Heres is the link to edit: https://sites.google.com/s/0B7XuYN5QvPP9Q19mNnpsV19xbGM/edit Cheers everyone!
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  8. Hey guys, some news about the cabin: 3D Cockpit is almost done, the cockpit window frames is a PITA to model, but slowly getting there. Meanwhile I'd decided to model the interior cabin too:
  9. Hello Peter ,how work in DC10 AUTOPILOT and NAV(HEADING ROUTE)?

  10. Hi Peter, Is there an update for the KCGX Meigs Field for XP11

  11. Hi Yann, Our attitude has always been to get the aircraft out for everyone to enjoy, and our "disappointment" in being unable to simulate avionics has been embraced with our sister brand, our sarcasm and self-depreciating marketing aims to -attract- not detract interest. The project *is* mediocre in terms of system modelling, and we;ve been brutally honest with that since the project;s announcement. BUT it is by no means compromised in any other areas of the add-on. There is little to show as most of our progress is done within Plane Maker and of course the WIP 3D Cockpit... Our Flightmodelling is going to be top notch as we have a new developer who is refining our (or rather, basically redoing our flight model), and at its current stance: our flight model complies with what the manual describes. Our Visual modelling is also going to be top notch, taking advantage of X-Plane 11's PBR capabilities as seen previously in this thread. Lastly, "PAWDA" gives way to future possible name changes incase we do embark on an effort to bring system modelling to the 777: From "Pretty Aeroplanes With *Disappointing* Avionics" to "Pretty Aeroplanes With *Decent* Avionics"...who knows?
  12. Dear, Peter

    I have sent you an email to the aerobridge1nfo email. I am sorry if this bothers you, bt it would be great to see a reply, even if it's not what I want to hear.

  13. BIG UPDATE! So I realised that I modelled the fuse off a badly drawn 3-View cad supplied by Boeing on their website (Which I'm almost certain is the same CAD FlightFactor used too)...so the fuselage is redone and retextured (third times the charm ;_; ) and I'm going back to my trusty old -200ER. So here is the brand new fuselage with new PW4000 engines too!!
  14. Boeing 757-200 in the beautiful United Battleship livery, approaching KSFO Taken in X-Plane 11
  15. Aerobridge- DC-10 View File The DC-10 is uploaded here upon popular request, and that the dropbox link is suspended for having too many downloads. Aerobridge Studios- Douglas DC-10 Developed and designed by : Peter Tram, Pierre Lavaux, Jeffrey Chen Manual : Peter Tram Version 1.1 The McDonnell Douglas DC-10 is a three-engine wide-body jet airliner manufactured by McDonnell Douglas. The DC-10 has range for medium- to long-haul flights, capable of carrying a maximum of 380 passengers. Its most distinguishing feature is the two turbofan engines mounted on underwing pylons and a third engine at the base of the vertical stabilizer. The model was a successor to McDonnell Douglas's DC-8 for long-range operations, and competed in the same markets as the Lockheed L-1011 TriStar, which has a similar layout. From Wikipedia Features: - Custom 3D Modelling based on the default KC-10 - Customised soundset - Refined flight modelling - Refined animations - Real-world airport lighting shades - Basic Custom Panel Support: Please contact us by emailing to aerobridge1nfo@gmail.com or by questioning us here on X-Pilot LICENSE AGREEMENT: Aerobridge Studios reserves all rights. Educational use, business use or commercial use, without a proper license is prohibited. Please contact us for license arrangements.Copying content for personal or other use not covered by the license is prohibited. Submitter Peter T. Submitted 01/09/2017 Category Heavy Metal X-Plane Version(s)
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