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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Will you do a beta, be it closed or open?
  2. I believe that would be referring to the wheel well light, lights in the equipment compartments (not yet modelled), and so on. Not just one switch. The checklists provided are an almost exact facsimile of a real world operator’s, for authenticity they haven’t been customised for the in-sim world.
  3. Disable Zink
  4. Not officially. But if you want to mess around with/in the airframe/db files then, well, you’re on your own.
  5. Pils


    I’m sorry to hear that, but as it’s not related to the Challenger I’ve moved this post. This crash looks to be caused by the core sim and you should get in touch Laminar if it’s persistent. https://www.x-plane.com/support/
  6. Likely the file is invalid in some way. I’ll look into why when I have time. (I’m just a volunteer.) Thanks for your patience.
  7. https://discord.gg/nKkKeNyZ
  8. The CL650 makes no use of Lua. Running the installer downloaded from X-Aviation will handle uninstalling any existing installations.
  9. I've made a new post as this is a different issue than originally reported.
  10. Is this causing a crash too? How was it generated?
  11. Famous last words? ;-)
  12. Like the screen mirrored diagonally?
  13. https://discord.gg/mesB7jTm
  14. Almost certainly is. Cross-version compatibility will be improved in the next version to be released (available in beta via Discord).
  15. Maybe there’s a command too, but Toto said (and Rosseloh shows above) there’s definitely an “art control” dataref.
  16. Anything you set it to other than 0 will be reset back to 0 on the next frame by the sim, but the result is the lighting cubemap gets rebuilt immediately. There’s a discussion on the “Dev Slack,” but there was originally some confusion as to the exact dataref name that got implement in the sim a couple of versions ago.
  17. I believe doing this was “blessed” by Supnik too!
  18. The Honeycomb has at least one other axis you could assign to Nose wheel steering, if I recall. If not, there’s probably a way to use the keyboard, assuming you don’t have rudder pedals.
  19. Maybe I’ll make a video…
  20. That’s what he suggested; open the airframe manager, type in a name for the state, and press Save. Done!
  21. This isn’t possible. Disable Zink, it’s highly experimental.
  22. https://discord.gg/trVXd6jk
  23. Losing keyboard events is well known by addon developers, particularly those making use of custom popups. Hence will manifest in different ways to users, depending on the addon, so might be hard to search for. If you like you can disable the WASD capturing that's done by the CL650 in User Settings, and then bind the "move view fast" commands manually in X-Plane's keyboard controls window (to the same or different keys, readers' choice). This may alleviate the one source of "stuck keys".
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