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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Sorry for ruining your “bit”.
  2. Some email providers may take longer to deliver. (Or are blocking the email.)
  3. You should contact support.
  4. It was just r3 going from “beta” to “release”, nothing actually changed other than who would download it. https://www.x-plane.com/kb/x-plane-12-00-release-notes/
  5. Had you tested with the 12.06 public beta previously?
  6. “Operational functionality is the same as V11 currently. (i.e. no change to FMS)”
  7. Looking forward to when we can hear more about progress!
  8. 800 lbs is a significant imbalance so I’m not surprised it took a while. “To Aux” isn’t a pump-driven transfer, purely gravity.
  9. I was a bit slapdash with my reply, I'll admit I was on my phone at the time. I certainly agree that RXP plugin definitely should have more customisation options after all this time. The market for add-ons has grown far beyond purely default systems/plane maker after all. May be "fakable" by using one of the unused buses? If RXP plugin doesn't save this option to the INI when selected via the UI that's definitely a bug, but also not terribly surprising, tbh... I had to go look it up when I got to my PC to confirm (not in the documentation because that is also shockingly bad, but examples from some X-Plane 11 add-ons), but this should work as part of the gauge settings, or some variation there of (may require some trial and error to figure out based on the manual quoted above): ; sets device power source: ALWAYS_ON, AVIONICS_BUS, MAIN_BATTERY, etc. PowerSource = AVIONICS_BUS Cheers.
  10. But it could be, no?
  11. That looks like the shortcut/alias on your desktop. You need to go to the X-Plane 12 directory itself.
  12. Make sure keyboard focus isn’t stuck on AviTab also, if in use.
  13. Would it help with inadvertent activation by requiring the command to be held for X amount of time, and/or limit it to only ever one "notch" per use?
  14. https://www.togasim.com/mu2docs/
  15. X-Plane only supports whole integer frequencies for ADFs, hence I assume that limitation is enforced by the avionics so as to now give a false impression. Therefore the navigation aid data provided to be used by X-Plane forces the PA NDB, in this example, to 307 kHz. I assume the rounding down is consistent for other NDBs, but I haven't verified that. You could report this frequency limitation to Laminar as a "bug" in X-Plane, to be honest. (They are quite US-centric so might not realize it's an issue.)
  16. https://airfightergr.github.io/les_dc3_docs/
  17. I think they might have updated it once during the life of X-Plane 11 after it was updated with 11's initial release, as they did again with 12's. Two reasons for this that I can think of: (a) they want the scenery that ships with the sim to match the navigation data, and they don't do major updates to the scenery very often; and (b) it presumably costs money to license the data from Navigraph for inclusion in the base sim, and those terms will be better with older cycles (so that Navigraph can sell subscriptions, obviously).
  18. You can try completing the flight by disabling SVS.
  19. https://discord.gg/ZFkFc22u
  20. Yes. Right/control click on the file. As explained in the article above.
  21. Can you post a screenshot from when you do Get Info on the X-Plane.app file?
  22. Only RealityXP could tell you that. Regardless, I assume it comes down to what'll fit on the existing instrument panel without major remodeling.
  23. Do you have a Mac with an Apple Silicon processor (M1/M2)?
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