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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Hi, Sorry you're having issues, however in the future please attach the full Log.txt, rather than posting a snippet. Secondly, Hot Start does not support using the beta Gizmo with the Challenger. This may or may not be the cause but to eliminate it, please revert to using the stable release of Gizmo (as provided with the installer) and use Rosetta. Thirdly, the log snippet you provided shows this is as an X-Plane core sim crash, not caused by the Challenger's plugins. Alongside reverting Gizmo, please remove all other third party plugins and scenery. Thanks.
  2. https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635413-How-to-find-the-X-Plane-log-txt-file-
  3. Producing an FMOD pack for 737 will likely take months not weeks, but let’s hope it’s not too long.
  4. I think all the custom stuff like that was disabled for now, but don't quote me on that.
  5. Feel free to develop something and post it back to the forum. In general we encourage a more thorough "read-and-do"-style checklist strategy for simmers, this is more in line with real world operations in the corporate aviation world, vs. the "flow"-based style from airlines. So that's what's presented in the documentation. Do with that what you will.
  6. There’s some guidance to get started in the included operations reference document under shared cockpit section. Also at
  7. There's no crash information in this log unfortunately, but there are some other concerning errors. You may want to exclude C:\X-Plane 12 from anti-virus scanning, and also delete C:\X-Plane 12\Output\CL650 as there appears to be some access issues (from what I can translate). However this will remove all your airframes and saved states.
  8. The same as you attempted before, using DISK ROUTE LIST.
  9. Indeed there is. Described in their EXTENSIVE documentation if one bothers to read it. Just drop that into FMS Plans like any other.
  10. Quite the opposite. You've added an network proxy with some nonsense value. Remove it then try again.
  11. Enable the icing data outputs too.
  12. Did you wait up to 15 minutes as mentioned in the documentation? What "method" are you referring to? Regardless you need to keep providing log files.
  13. Not really relevant to this, but will eventually need to be addressed.
  14. Maybe it’s because you loaded the SR22 first.
  15. You’ve still not configured your Pilot ID in User Settings.
  16. You can provide the FMS plan file and Log from X-Plane and we can see what's actually wrong.
  17. Again, this is SimBrief generating bad flight plans. They've been told about it and obviously haven't fixed it. Try removing SID/STAR from the flight plan.
  18. Numerous circuit breakers. Just power down the aircraft.
  19. Don't put dashes in your flight number, that's nonsensical. But to be specific, the FMS Primer mentions only “Registration” (which has been renamed to "Airframe" on the generated flight plan page you screenshotted, Thanks SimBrief for being inconsistent) or “Fin Number” (which isn't displayed, but is from the selected airframe), nothing about "Flight Number" (which may still work if properly formatted, but I can't remember).
  20. Good spot! Also shows when certain datarefs are modified.
  21. Yes. SimBrief generated a malformed flight plan.
  22. Yes, both engines have thrust reversers.
  23. LR didn’t fix it properly.
  24. What kind of news are you looking for? It’s been in almost continuous development since the previous one was released.
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