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Everything posted by Pils

  1. No. You'd have to ask the original author: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/profile/397813-xpjavelin/
  2. Around what era did MikeL/RIM/BB have a Challenger? Now I’m curious!
  3. It's not near the APU panel, but I'm going to assume you misidentified that panel rather than the external power/nose door panel, that's at the front right of the aircraft. It's 3A for the nose door, which is powered by AC BUS 2, usually from the APU generator. 3 removed in the nose wheel bay, confirm? If all sounds correct above, maybe you can post some screenshots of the AC and DC electrical. and hydraulic synoptic pages?
  4. Same url should work https://discord.gg/c2bDH8sM
  5. https://discord.gg/c2bDH8sM
  6. Not intentionally.
  7. Likely you turned off the main battery before shutting down the APU. Instructions here
  8. XPRealistic is known to cause crashes. At least you’ve removed SAM, good job there. Personally I remove GroundTraffic from sceneries, it’s also abandonware.
  9. I think from the build number they’re on Windows 11, version 23H2; would that be considered “older” now?
  10. You're not. This is broken due to a functional change at NOAA. This feature has to be redeveloped from scratch.
  11. This means that X-Plane thinks you've run out of VRAM. A few things you can try: Reduce texture quality in Graphics settings Install the 6GB or less VRAM version of the CL650 Make sure nothing but the sim is running on Windows (no browsers, minimized processes, etc.) Upgrade GPU drivers Disable Zink plugin bridge Report the issue to Laminar Research
  12. Try to temporarily remove all the other third party plugins. p.s. SkunkCraftsUpdater is definitely deprecated.
  13. Yes. I’ll roll back that install. Now in interested if it’s something we have to worry about for Challenger.
  14. A search engine, usually, for example: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=how to add an exclusion to windows defender
  15. Not until right now.
  16. Unfortunately this is the wrong one. This may help you https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635413-How-to-find-the-X-Plane-log-txt-file
  17. Unfortunately the default popups look like this... Maybe I'm missing something?
  18. That’s the installer, not XP itself. The installer is irrelevant after the install is done.
  19. Thanks, I’ll give it a try!
  20. From this snippet I can see multiple red flags around the plugins you have (mis)installed. I would guess that you may have copied everything over from XP11 without any changes, this is generally a bad idea. Regardless, let's try to fix your sim. First step, you need to take is to REMOVE all third-party plugins, except Gizmo64, from X-Plane, then try to start the sim/flight again.
  21. Extract from the provided/included Operations Reference document:
  22. Would using the new avionics device API alleviate the issue for those of us who don’t have FULL cockpits? Thanks.
  23. You’ll need to provide the Log.txt from X-Plane for us to help
  24. All is explained in the new installer.
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