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Everything posted by hobofat

  1. No idea what their first X-Plane project will be, but I sure hope it's the DC-6! I doubt it as it's still in development for FSX, and perhaps they'll stick with a conversion. Something simpler from their stable, maybe the B1900?
  2. That is a beautiful bird! Hm, might need to be picking up the Oahu scenery to go with it...
  3. Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need.
  4. I've got this great bridge I think you might be interested in. I hate to see it go, but will of course give you a great deal on it. Suspension wires not included.
  5. Mariodonick, That was an excellent set of screenshots! Thanks for posting them.
  6. If you are willing to purchase a plane, then I would also recommend the CRJ-200 by Javier. I also do mostly GA flying, but the CRJ is one of my favorite planes so I splurged on it. I did the tutorial flight multiple times, messing a lot of things things up, but getting better each time, until I was able to do the full flight successfully. The manual covers all the systems, and my knowledge of how jets work, while still rudimentary, is far higher than before. The CRJ lets you update the FMC with Navigraph data (you have to have a Navigraph subscription, but it is worth it), ensuring that you can use updated actual real-world charts. If you are blessed with an ipad, you can even run the FMC on the ipad. I don't have one, but I would love to simply for that alone! Also, the CRJ as a short-haul plane means you'll actually be able to mimic real flights even if you don't have all day. Do some Hawaii inter-island flights, you'll be busy the whole time, and still be able to eat dinner with the wife and kids (or parents, if you are the kid!). Last but not least, support for flying this plane is really good on this forum. If you can't find the answer in the manual (and do read the manual first), Javier, Phillip, Cameron provide professional support, and other knowledgable end-users will take care of you. It really is a ground-breaking plane for X-Plane - you'll get a lot of hours returned for your money spent.
  7. Escapism. Long hours at work/school, lots of stress, high levels of societal/peer pressure. Entertainment here is escapism at its best, a concentrated dose of get-away-from-reality-for-a-short-moment-before-its-time-to-hit-the-grind-AGAIN.
  8. Perfect, exactly what I needed to know. Thank you.
  9. Will be flying the Tokyo Narita --> Los Angeles route on a Singapore Airlines A380 in August this year. Economy class, of course, I am yet a peon. I should have bought direct from the airline, but bought my ticket via Orbitz instead, as it's a multiple leg trip (on two different airlines) and was about $50 cheaper overall via Orbitz than the airlines directly. It appears that Singapore's seating configuration has an economy section on the upper level. Unfortunately Orbitz only lets me select seats in a limited range on the lower level. The Singapore Airlines website only lets you select seats if you purchased via the website. I kind of want to sit up on the upper level since well, other planes don't have upper levels (save biz/upper class on 747). Would it be worth trying to call up Singapore Airlines and seeing if I can snag a seat there or is it more or less just the same as sitting downstairs?
  10. Thanks for sharing your screenshots, looks amazing! Can't wait to see more.
  11. Hi OldAirmail, I had more or less the same reaction as you when I switched over from FSX to X-Plane. In fact, I still miss even the procedurally generated airport scenery of FSX. With that being said, however, I re-installed FSX about a month ago for old times sake, and I'll tell you what, the scenery is not enough. I've gotten too used to the feel of X-Plane, and the flying experience is just so much better for me in X-Plane. I know both sims can be used to create simulated experiences "as real as it gets on a home PC for pocket change" but X-Plane just seems to do it in a way that FSX doesn't. And to be honest, I've never had a computer that handles scenery well. I end up just turning it off anyway. My only positive suggestion is to find a plane you really enjoy flying (my personal favorite is the MU-2 you can purchase at X-Aviation) and use your imagination as best you can for rest. Or mainly fly to places that have reasonable scenery built up.
  12. I just noticed that there is an ignore button you can hit so certain user's signatures (or all users signatures) don't display. That's not to suggest that people shouldn't cut down their oversized sigs, just bringing up an option that I wasn't aware of until about 5 minutes ago!
  13. I'm absolutely in for this one. Not sure why, but I've always loved the look of the 337. Maybe the shape reminds me a little of the seaduck from DuckTales (loved that as a kid).
  14. Mil Mi-2, available at .org store. http://store01.prostores.com/servlet/x-planestore/Detail?no=359
  15. More or less the same as yours! I went through the tutorial about 3 times up until the point of take-off without actually taking off, and now I've now managed to get through the tutorial flight successfully, twice. The first two tries were failures though. First time I don't know what I did wrong, and the second time my computer crapped out on me. But two successful times in a row and I'm now planning a different route for my third try. Thinking Valencia to Palma de Mallorca, this time. Short, not too complicated. I just need to update my navdata. I went for it with the default data and it didn't match up with up to date charts, so need to drop some cash on Navgraph before trying again.
  16. Can you go into some more detail about how this plane takes realism to a "new" level versus other planes in your stable of payware aircraft? For example, in comparison to the JRollon's CRJ-200 or Peter Hager's airbus series. I was looking at this plane because I happen to like the ERJ-140, and do like supporting new developers but would like to hear some concrete feedback beyond simple superlatives.
  17. There's part of the problem right there. The passengers don't look good and are completely superfluous, i.e. a waste of polygons. Also, the utterly apparent line where he connects the cockpit to the cabin on the exterior model really bothers me. It doesn't ruin anything about the flying experience of course, it just looks terrible.
  18. You're not paying close enough attention to the details ... 中国南方航空 is written in the wrong direction on the starboard side.
  19. Merit or lack of merit of this lawsuit aside, Austin has the financial resources to defend this claim. Livelihood and family are not at stake here. EDIT: Austin says as much. "(Note: I have enough money to defend thus suit all the way through trial without it being a financial hardship, so please do not give if it is a hardship for you. But, if you would like to make a contribution to help with the cause because you want to help stop people like this, then it will surely be appreciated!)" http://www.x-plane.c...-world/lawsuit/ SECOND EDIT: Austin adds this addendum to his original "cost" explanation, in typical caps lock: NOTE: THIS IS AN ADDENDUM THAT I AM ADDING SEPTEMBER 18, 2012. SINCE I INITIALLY WROTE THIS BLOG, I HAVE JOINED IN WITH THE 9 OTHER COMPANIES THAT UNILOC IS SUING TO SHARE THE DEFENSE COST. SHARING THE DEFENSE COST 9 WAYS HAS DRASTICALLY REDUCED THE PREDICTED COST OF THE LAWSUIT TO US. IN FACT, SPREAD OUT OVER TWO YEARS, THE DEFENSE COST WILL NOT BE A PROBLEM FOR ME TO BEAR. THIS BEING THE CASE, THE COST AND STRESS OF THIS LAWSUIT ARE NOW PREDICTED TO BE MUCH LOWER THAN MY UNDERSTANDING WAS WHEN IT WAS INITIALLY FILED. THE INJUSTICE OF IT, OF COURSE, REMAINS, SO MY RESOLVE TO TAKE THIS THROUGH TRIAL TO SEE WHAT A JURY THINKS IS DOUBLED. THERE WILL BE NO SETTLEMENT.
  20. Update: My voodoo computer needs to chill-out a little it seems. I noticed that when I removed the DC-3 uninstall my registry cleaner program showed that there was a missing "uninstall" something or other related to the DC-3. Put it back, and it didn't show up in the scan. I pulled out the CRJ-200 uninstaller, and sure enough the cleaner program popped up with an "missing" uninstaller for the CRJ-200. So I put it back, thinking I just debunked my theory about the registry issue. But then, like MAGIC, the 1.4.5 install program successfully uninstalled 1.4.4 and installed 1.4.5. So, the problem was entirely with my computer being nuts, sorry you had to scan all the code I confirmed the issue multiple time yesterday before posting a support thread, and experienced it again today twice before I managed to fix it simply by removing and the putting back the uninstall files in the exact same spot.
  21. Hi Cameron, I removed the DC-3 uninstaller out of the X-Plane folder and the result is still an error message, which reads: There has been an error. The UNINST~1.dat file cannot be found and is required to uninstall the application, aborting The CRJ-200 uninstall app and .dat file, however, are in the folder. I use CCleaner to clean my registry, could that have messed with things?
  22. Here's a visual of what's going on: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2MUS5lKaxU2V21NblBHdnlfVjA https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2MUS5lKaxU2b1FwQ1lLN1lydGc I have: Uninstall CRJ-200.dat Uninstall CRJ-200 application file Uninstall Douglas DC-3.dat Uninstall Douglas DC-3 application file Uninstall Falco application file
  23. Greetings, I don't know why it took me so long (months) to notice that there is a 1.4.5 update, I just activated 1.4.4 a couple days ago! I'm trying to install 1.4.5, and when I get to the part where the option to uninstall the prior version pops up, it's asking me if I wish to uninstall the X-Aviation DC-3 and all of its components, rather than the CRJ-200. Thanks in advance for your assistance, can provide further details including proof of purchase.
  24. Beautiful texturing! My OCD goes haywire though seeing the same finger print patterns on separate radios.
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