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Everything posted by Japo32

  1. The Crj-200 won't have any 2D panels.. all 3D. For all those that don't like 3D pannels.. we will make presents of views of 3D panels as 2D with pilotview plugin. You can navigate through them without moving them. So the are like 2D panels.. and Anton also will implement popups of displays and FMS.. so.. you won't have any problem aswell as no other with different screen resolutions.
  2. Well.. about plugins that will work.. for sure I can talk about the ones I use.... PilotView, X-Ivap, Clean Skies, Dataref Edito (this I use it sooooo many times ;D ) and GPS by Reality XP (but not need of it.. because we will have FMS). About goodway plugin, when we finish it, I will try to make it work with CRJ-200 (if they tell me how. Now is not needed that information). But.. Anton, will release after the release of the plane, the SDK of the plane, so anyone can make it's own plugin with it working with it.
  3. Yeah.. You know... not the big stuff is harder or faster to build. Great models I see around! Make good textures with normals and specular maps and will be awesome! Good competition!! hehe.
  4. One plane it would be really easy to do would be the CRJ-100 that is the same geometry as the 200 but differences on engines. Make an 700 or an 900 is not that easy. Not because the avionics.. that are not so different. Only a few componets more to model and simulate, but the geometry is the difficult one. 700 and 900 has different positions of the wheels I think.. so that would be a really mess to build, because is not scale and that is all... it is model again, texture again, make animation of wheels again, etc... I will consider it.. but anything that goes more than a month working, I would preffer to work on other projects (remember the A320 is waitting after the 200) than spending time for making almost the same plane just to be flought by not so many different people. That doesn't mean, I am not going to work on the CRJ-200 after the release. If Anton is ready and agree with me we plan to make cool stuffs for the crj-200 and also other future planes. I will see posibilities.
  5. Japo32

    Airbus 320

    The topic is Locked until the release of the CRJ-200. We want to concentrate our last efforts on the CRJ-200. You will receive more information about the project. Thanks for the coments of people, some graphical fixes were done because of it! See you on CRJ-200 soon.
  6. Well.. As Cameron says we cannot give a date because is better not to give it.. but I think that if everything is going like now.. it will be sooner than later, that is the same as saying nothing.. so.. hehehe.. better not say anything. Ok.... Programming: right now is 75 - 80% done so beta didn't start.. but we are correcting bugs while programming so I expect a not too long Beta time. When we reach Beta time I will make the Tutorial documentation. What are we working right now Anton and me? Anton, programming (very hard!! and I very pleased about the work done!! He needs vacations after everything is released and ok for sure!!!) Me? giving animations and making manipulators for the Cockpit as new custom datarefs are done (right now more than 300) And, making manuals.. that right now It has 136 pages.. but will have more. It is a big and sometimes boring stuff to make it beautifull also and clear to follow its reading. So please, when you have it READ IT!!! hahahaha...
  7. Great!!! love the cameras.. love the music.. and the tempo!!
  8. Oh!! there was a hit with a bird on landing I think!!! ;D
  9. Hi all!! Well.. between making the documentation, fixing things on the CRJ, because now the hard work comes from Anton and I had a little free time on this holydays, I decided to make this airport on the West of Spain to share with you all: So... to download it, please visit http://www.jrollon.com and follow the links. Thanks.
  10. Well.. on the Seamax, as well as other aircraft what I usually do is redefine Joystick inputs on the x-plane joystick menu. So maybe if you have a very sensible joystick you will have for all other aircrafts also. Go to Settings/Joystick, keys & equipment, and there on center tab, you will be able to calibrate your joy. Put left sliders to 100% and right ones to 0% Then if your joy is very "nervous" apply a nullzone for it. Hope it can solve your issue. Happy 2010! and thanks for buying the Seamax!
  11. ah.. also you have to put traffic to 1 airplane and rendering solutions per frame on 1. If you have more.. you will have less fps. Yes, Maxime you will be able to run it perfectly. Anton is programming on a Mac Notebook. But, for those that has less computer, I must remember that my configuration is almost the maximun settings. High-max settings.. so you can lower the cars, buildings, and even with not pixel shader you will have more Fps. Maybe 20 more (just the pixel rendering option to off). You won't be able to see the normal maps and reflexions (still is really gorgeus to see it), but you will be able to fly it, that I think is the most important thing. BUT.. remember.. this is not a plane for FSX where having a really big computer I always have 15 fps with any payware plane. And of course not at maximun settings. What we are trying to build is a plane for today computers.. not future ones. But if you want to have all those leading graphics stuff and systems you will have to pay a little of frame drop. But always my first important point is to preserve the good sensations of x-plane good frames while flying.
  12. yes.. yes.. as Cameron said.. he was recording sounds on his lots of lying time on the CRJ and I have put some of them. Even yesterday I was looking finally for a good 'click' sound for the switches, because I hate the default one on x-plane!! haha. Finally I have one good.
  13. na.. a mandar!.. Y perdona las molestias.
  14. Ok.. lets start: LOWI rwy 8, all in 'w', and then Control+o (no moving from the first shot)engines running. simulator time 12:40 local January 1 gmt -2. CL415 : 41 fps Cessna 172: 43 fps Cirrus the Jet: 45 fps Avanti Ferrari: 36 fps PC7 Apache: 43 fps MU2 v1.1: 41 fps BK117 (simple version): 42 fps ATG Javelin 1.3: 40 ATG6 Texan: 41 fps Seamax 1.2: 46 fps CRJ-200 (alpha version. Still to have better fps): 34 fps Rendering Options: nhancer options: hardware: Nvidia Gforce gx285 Intel Q6600 Windows xp sp3 4 gb ram (only 3 are used on XP) hope it is clear for you... but still the CRJ is on development.. so first Anton programs all the systems and later he makes optimization. But right now.. at one of the most crowded airports on the default X-Plane, we have 34, that is really smooth. Once we takeoff we have 20 more fps.
  15. Today I made little experiments. Put a model of the plane without rain (yes.. it will have rain on windshield (on 3D) and cleaning it), pilots, and cabin... and didn't notice any change on fps. When I notice change on fps is changing options on x-plane rendering options. To let you know.. right now with a g285, q6600 windows xp in an airport with buildings, all full on rendering stuff.. 1680x1050 screen and antialiasing with Nhancer 4x I have 42 frames when battery off, and 35 battery on and systems on. On air.. I have 50 or so. If I downgrade the rendering options I have more fps..
  16. If you continue having problems with those brakes, write me to my e-mail and I will give you a version of the plane with hydraulics solved problem. I Think they are not important, becuase Brakes wasn't driven by hidraulics.. but on this new version yes. Anyway.. hope you can solve that. See if it is a problem with hardware (joystick).. don't know.
  17. Bueno.. no se si entenderás a Cameron en ingles.. Lo que dice es que se lanzó hace un tiempo ya, y que si no lo has recibido (el mail) es que puede que esté en el correo spam. Si esto falla, entonces que contactes de nuevo con x-aviation para que te den asistencia. Supongo que no habrá problema a partir de entonces. Espero que se resuelva el asunto.
  18. try Cirrus the Jet.. is almost same electronics.
  19. Ok.. I have been making several testings with positive (no failure) in all of them. Have put 6x time advance and controling the dataref of the battery and no drop of energy. Have been flying on line at 37.000 feet for 3 hours (6x time) and no failure. Only when I put the generator off I had a battery warning message at 30 minutes from switching it off. I see that you connected the generator. Anyway for all people, generator switch is on the left side of the pilot panel. Green one. Please send me an email to Japo32@yahoo.es and I will test with you something I have changed on the plane. Ah.. also the Hydraulic problem is solved, but it was not important that one. On future patch it will be. I am still testing. but not failure. Even compared with other planes values on electronics and are the same... so must be something on your computer... Continue investigating.
  20. oh.. I will take a look. on 9.41? flying? if the generator is on should be ok, because is a generic instrument.. so if it fails maybe is with all aircrafts... anyway will take a look, but I didn't have any problem. Do you have 1.3 version?
  21. Great! Tom Petty! It is good to hear music while working. Thanks!
  22. well.. the Copilot won't move nothing of it's body. Well.. the head yes... but nothing more. That is because to make animation of parts you have to break them.. and beeing so close to the copilot is extrange so see the seams of those parts. When doing the chairs didn't make the animation to be closer to the yoke as the real one, because if I did, then the camera would be very close to instruments, and I found that position better. And because the camera is not linked to anything animated. So the copilot is there to fill an empty space. No more. But if anyone don't like it you can toggle the visibility of him. That is why from external cockpit they appear also a bit smaller. I was planning also to put passengers on cabin. Less polygons than the pilots (that don't have too much, but they have their fingers) But finally I am not going to make them, because imagine: 500 polygons a man or woman (that are too low). 500x52 = 26000. Almost the same number of polys the 3D cockpit has. So... if you want to have better frame rates.. I think is better not. But passenger blinds are animated!!! ;D
  23. yes.. well.. all the importan work is now on hands (on fingers) of Anton. He is programming the FMS and he is right now on the route planning. Once everything is read ok (I think he has already done it, or close) he will represent on the MDF. After that, legs page fix and holdings. Then corrections in some Autopilot modes (most are working but some needs little touching) And after that cabin pressure (fast to do), Fire engines, and then we will be on beta. But this Alpha is almost close to beta procedures, because we test it and fix the problems also. Time? If everything goes well and like now.. then I think 1 month more. So on February. But who knows. Anyway.. we want to make it great, with no bugs if we can (something imposible knowing that there is going to be used on diffent kind of computers and configurations. What I am doing right now?.. sometimes correct little graphical stuff.. but mostly of the time the manual. Right now it has 100 pages... and continuying.... ah... Merry christmass to all!
  24. No problem.. is like having a good conversation on your home after the party is over. Sometimes you are tired and want to go bed, others are the best part of the day (night)
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