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chris k

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Everything posted by chris k

  1. Perhaps these may answer the question Still a WIP. - CK.
  2. And you've run the Updater, and manually told the updater to look fro X-plane in: /Volumes/MEDIAbackup/SORTED BACKUP/X-Plane/X-Plane/X-Plane 10/ i.e. By manually selecting the [Find it] button, and navigating to the other disk? You are missing basically your entire Resources/ directory it would seem (no lights.txt, no default runway bitmaps, etc..!). I am skeptical that the Installer/Updater claims you're "up to date".
  3. W00t! Thanks for flying YSSY! Always brings a warmth to my heart whenever I see that scenery in your awesome videos.
  4. chris k

    nVidia Titan

  5. Thanks guys for the kind words.! We'll keep you posted as we progress.
  6. Still have some taxiway work to be done... You can blame me for slacking on that one =).. got sidetracked with some other 'interesting developments' we're cooking. - Ck
  7. chris k

    Light issue

    Solutoins to what? It's pretty obvious The Light doesnt have a spill. Solution - Design your own plane?
  8. Youre welcome.
  9. You can also just try playing with all the settings. there's only like 10 things you can do in the preferences.... S'What I did - took about 10 seconds to figure out how to do no window borders; lock them into position, etc. - CK.
  10. chris k

    Light issue

    The light used may only have the BILLBOARD portion, and has no SPILL portion defined. Suspect this is specific to this plane? - CK. ^^Makes sense to X-Plane lighting geeks. Billboard = the 'flash/haze/halo' parameter = how should this look if youre looking at the lightsource Spill = the directional 'casting' light parameter = how the casted light should look on the ground, how wide is the cast, how far does it go, what colour, etc.
  11. Yep. RTFM. Covers it all.
  12. There's also the XPFW 737-300 and -200, from X-Plane 8-9ish, which are all round gauges: You may have been seeing this plane. Althought, many of the same people who did the XPFW 737 are on the new IXEG team =)
  13. Yeah - it requires manual intervention right now (one needs to paint a special transparent POL over the runway) for it to work, but it's easy to do that in WED at scenery creation time. I'm in contact with Ben now to get the hooks implemented "system wide" to all runways; so that 3rd party guys like us can overlay/control this via a /Custom Scenery/ LIBRARY directive. Here's some sample imagery with Taxiways: - Ck.
  14. Yeah - I know exactly what you're asking for. quicklook_Next and quicklook_prev functions; (QL 0 through QL 9) - that should be straightforward for LR to add. The cycleviews_next and cycleviews_prev; which goes between 'w', shift-1 to shift-8 is a little more tricky Stosser wrote a "CycleViews" Plugin which precisely did this: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15665 - CK.
  15. .... But you might not get it.
  16. 10 PRINT "This program will crash in....." 20 GOSUB 10 30 END
  17. Should put that in as a feature request. BTW as per your prev suggestion - I have "shiny runways" kinda working now. It's not a perfect solution - needs some help from Ben, but I have sunlight reflections now working in a hacked up way.
  18. The guy who does your undercarriage maintenance is Gunna luv youuuu
  19. chris k


    We added Autogate to YPAD in the latest spin. - try it there as well.
  20. MacMini w/XHSI2 24" 1920x1200 Monitor MacPro w/GTX670 on the main system 23" 1920x1080 IPS Monitor (an absolutely beaut monitor) MacBookPro (not shown) running Qutescoop v2 (Real-time VATSIM aircraft/controller 3D globe display) Saitek X52 Pro Stick/Throttle, Seinheisser headset, A4 Sectional Charts ____________________________________________________________________________________ The only way to fly!
  21. I can't believe you guys have never heard of it. This is probably one of the singlemost useful utilities for x-plane. Mark Rogers has done us all a great service with his utility. Edit: hah. There's even a pic of my multi monitor setup on the thread Steve posted.
  22. XHSI 'nuff said
  23. nVidia on Windows AMD/ATI on OSX, if you wanted to make a Hackintosh as the primary system.
  24. chris k

    my scenery

    OpensceneryX is just a library of misc objects for developers to use. You need to download Airports.
  25. The BEST info is here: http://scenery.x-plane.com/library.php?doc=linspec.php Or just read the associated LIN file I included and replicate.
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