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chris k

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Everything posted by chris k

  1. There's a trick to getting XP10 to apply "ground noise" automatically to orthos. (so you dont have to do it manually). Ropeless tuned me into how top do this. (i.e. how to enable "gritty" support on XP10). End result looks damn good. - CK.
  2. That's some nice modelling work, that is... 3TB, you're turning into a good 3D modeller!
  3. It's not our fault you are banned form the org. Ryan responded as he would to any other normal user.
  4. What!? You don't just load up X-Plane at low texture resolution with massive jaggies w/no anti-aliaising and take a picture of your plane sitting upside down on a car roadway somewhere?! (... oh, and don't forget to do it at midnight too ) Sacrilege! - Ck. p.s. all John's masterpieces work fine on OSX in terms of the texture replacements, skycolour replacements, etc... ( Some of his latest creations use a client-side GUI to do the actual install of the textures, tho - John can help you out in this regard ).
  5. Awesome Excellent modelling skills. Includes HDR lighting right on the object itself. Very nicely done! Note: TEXTURE terminal.png RING 1 TWO_SIDED 0 LOD 0.05 30000.0 change to: TEXTURE terminal.png RING 1 TWO_SIDED 0 LOD 0 30000.0 The custom terminal facade 'disappears' when you get close to it. Setting start LOD of zero fixes that.
  6. Mac64 is now dependant on a whole new Voice client + server system. Keith blogged about it on the PE website. Apparently it requires changing both the server and all the plugins ( incl the ones for FSX ) to use a new voice protocol, which is the proper "way forward" not only for OSX x64; but for the entire system as a whole. Keith needs to coordinate the migration as well as recode all the plugins so they all "line up" at the same time. ..... Or at least, this is the jist-of-it from what I read briefly.
  7. Pictures! Pictures!
  8. YSSY was originally 7.5 cm/pixel I downsampled to 15cm/pixel (1/4th resolution - else everyone would need a 4Gb VRAM card....) DDSing then saves another 8:1 savings (but with lossy compression). Total ended up being a couple hundred megabytes. ....original sums for the imagery were in the Multiple-Gigabytes - CK. EDIT: Here's the sums of the files. I stand corrected. The Original PNGs were over 5Gb.!
  9. Yes... Yes you do. Have a look at YSSY, (or YPAD), All the taxiways are traced on top of the ortho. Taxiway tracing takes 90% of the development time. Tedious, but the results are worth it. No shortcuts. Gotta put in the work.
  10. Yay!
  11. Oh no!
  12. Yay!!! Nicely done!!
  13. You need to move your NZ airport before alpiloitx's NZ scenery packages. One of them is a TERRAIN DSF, which stops XPlane loading anything else on that tile. Period.
  14. No such beast. Youre stuck. No way to exclude terrain. Youd have to create your own base DSF mesh - which is a non-trivial task.
  15. Start tracing.....
  16. chris k

    Default 747

    aka youre running a 10.20 beta 10... i.e. a beta version of the software. Try X-Plane 10.11 (the stable/release version) which is 32-bit. The 747 uses a custom plug-in to control many of the panels. No update expected until 10.20-beta-64bit goes final.
  17. Top one : arrestor cables for fighter jets. They practice "hitting the wire" using a non-floating-and-bobbing runway first. =)
  18. I'd love to see a screenshot from WED. That'd be hilarious.
  19. Ok, we won't laugh. Yeah. It happens. Think we've all done this. Always good to go back to the fundamentals. Check the .pol definitions. Check the images are actually the dimensions you think they are. Etc..etc.... Easy to miss something when theres lots of elements in the DSF.
  20. "Can we have your liver?"
  21. Check polygons for self-intersecting sides perhaps... - Ck.
  22. LAYER_GROUP <group name> <offset> This specifies which layer group (z order) to draw the polygon in. The definition is the same as the ATTR_layer_group command in the OBJ8 spec. .... .... OBJ8 Spec : When the ATTR_layer_group is included somewhere in an object [chrisk: as per the above, use "LAYER_GROUP <x> <x>" in POLs and LINs] then the object is drawn in a different layer group. The offset is used to prioritize further–for example. the group + 1 is drawn after the group, and the group – 2 is drawn two layers before objects. You can use an offset from -5 to + 5. The valid layer names [chrisk: in increasing order of priority] are: terrain, beaches, shoulders, taxiways, runways, markings, airports, roads, objects, light_objects, cars Note: the group “airports” covers all airport drawing. Within this group are the sub-groups shoulders, taxiways, runways, and markings. Markings are for taxilines and thus are on top of all other layers.
  23. There's RickMTL's FSX2007 conversion available on the org I'm doing up an XP10 one, yes; with 4k orthophotos, XP10-specific art assets and HDR lIghting. - CK.
  24. Are they compatible with XP9?
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