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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. Thanks guys for your interest! Also we thank you for any kind of criticism; this is a boost to become even better. Dirk, Living in free market, I would like to underline the freedom of choice. If you like it you buy it, else you skip it! But since you mentioned another airport for comparison, I must tell you that you are act quite unfair for this guys job. This is a conversion from GAP's payware scenery for FSX. We have built everything from ground up. We are using the latest lighting technology, each light you see it is an actual emmiting light. We have almost use any available shading option that X-Plane offers. HD textures (up to 4096x4096). Ground Normal maps... list goes on and on. I think that you misjudging by those shrink down unmodified images we are posting. Sent from my GT-P3110 using Tapatalk
  2. Hello to all! This project has reached the final stage, so here are pre-release screenshot! Enjoy!
  3. Thanks guys! Orthophotos will be added later.
  4. As generic FMC, works fine with the most jets, not so well with turboprops. There is a specialized version for x737.
  5. Get it here: https://github.com/der-On/XPlane2Blender/tree/final-3.10 On the right side there is a "Download zip" button. Click there.
  6. My bad Tom not been clear. I have my own custom library.txt file for my scenery (and in my scenery folder) and worked fine. It is not working after the update! This gives me the impression that something has changed (or broken) in the update. Sent from my GT-P3110 using Tapatalk
  7. No prob Tom... and thanks for that! But I have another question you might can answer... In my airport the NDB station sits (almost) in the middle of the apron. I have checked that position, sent Robin the exact coords, and got reply from him that it will be in the next update. Fine so far. But, before going to 10.25 beta, I have manage to use my custom NDB object through that library.txt with that: EXPORT lib/airport/NAVAIDS/NDB_2.obj objects:NDB.obj Updating to 10.25, I only can see the standard NDB station. Any idea about that? Or might be a bug...?
  8. Yes Andrew's (Blendeguru) proposal is a bold one, but generally not conceived positively from the most hardcore users. My opinion is that, yes blender needs a UI makeover and I agree in the most parts with Andrew, but there are other things I would like to see most. Like baking textures with cycles will be a huge plus in gaming industry. There is an on-going blender conference taking place now (http://www.youtube.com/user/BlenderFoundation/videos) and the positive thing is that at least one of the Andrew's proposals have been accepted. Blender Foundation will create a UI team to address UI problems. Although is not a bold, still is a positive step.
  9. I'm running flawlessly blender 2.49/XPlane2Blender 3.10 final, in my MacbookPro with Python 2.7.5 installed. I'm following closely Blender's development and what is happening is that blender is considered as a top notch 3D application equivalent with the best costing thousands of dollars. The only thing that keeps actually blender at this point not be fully implemented by big studios is the lack of commercial support. What actually you buy in the other 3d apps is that you pay thousands, but you have at the other end of the "telephone line" someone to solve any problem. A studio will not go to a support forum to ask for help...
  10. There are a looooooot of right-handed captains flying Airbuses*! To use the other hand should not be so hard. *Captains in Airbuses have the stick on their left hand...for someone who don't know it.
  11. Haha yes, those days when money was not everything!
  12. That's nice! Had you any special relationship with this bird?
  13. Actually this is not a problem in real world, because you can request form ATC services to give you the baro setting in inHg.
  14. Some more renders of the pilots' panel. Click on the pictures to see them in hugeeeee size! Do you like them? Enjoy!
  15. Thanks guys a lot! We are pushing hard on that, although we know that is going to be a long project to get it really right! In the next days a few more screenshot will be published in "clay-rendering" so you can see more of the modelling details. Another thing I would like to address is the cockpit arrangement. From all the research we've made, probably there are so many different arrangements and equipment variables as the number of aircrafts produced! I will give you some examples with the next post. Stay tuned!
  16. Haha, fantastic! I'm from Farsala and I'm a Myrmidon! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpLtXIlkyYA
  17. TomK, is it possible to add another light definition? What i'm looking is just like the sodium lights you have add to lights.txt, but white (color: 1,1,1). My airport's night lighting is white and mostly i'm interesting in white (like your sodium) billboards. I have made the beam as I wanted with LIGHT_PARAM full_custom_halo_night, but no luck with proper billboards. I have tried even custom billboards, but I haven't find a way so they are visible only from the front. You can see them all the way around. I have actually test to added myself to lights.txt (I know that is not a good idea!), but they work. Here the definitions: BILLBOARD_HW white_flood_BB 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4 4 2 0 X Y Z 0 0 0 0 0 Could this be added to lights.txt for a next update?
  18. I thought so! Have to look at it for the DC-9.
  19. Amazing staff gentlemen! Are all that ... Gizmo?
  20. Hi guys! Some good news! Mat will get some good pictures from the aircraft and info so we will be able to push the work forward! Stay tuned!
  21. Not far from truth Peter! But without that meaning that's a strict order!
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