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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. We are getting really close to the release! Check the latest screenshot at Aerosoft forums. ENJOY!
  2. What you have been using? sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/throttle_ratio or sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/throttle_ratio[0]?
  3. Hi to all! New screeshots are available here.
  4. Thanks for your kind words! 1. That reflection was made to place the existing one in the default Avanti to match with the new cockpit. Not so successful though, have to admit. 2. Looks like a transparency problem around the pedals. 3. There are no airbrakes on this aircraft. For flaps deployment, you can open the aircraft in Plane Maker, go to Control Geometry and somewhere in the mid right says "Flaps def time". The value is 008. Make that 016. This will make the flaps deployment more slow and the ballooning effect not so obvious. It is almost everything possible to be done! But, that sync thing needs good information how this works and really goes beyond of the scope of this freeware aircraft. I try to fix those issues as fast as I can have some free time.
  5. Hi to all! Have been reported issues with X-Plane 10 crashing when using the Avanti II. Also have problems myself. This is due to the older plugin is with the package. Get this: sasl.zip INSTALLATION: 1. Unzip and you'll get a "sasl" folder. 2. Put the folder into "P180 Avanti II/plugins" folder to overwrite the old one. 3. Fire up X-Plane and enjoy!
  6. Good descision. XP10 can be run in very well with medium settings in lower-power machines, still looks better. And the double effort to support both, is not worth.
  7. No. This is the XLS+ model which have 2 Collins FMS-3000 GDUs:
  8. If they are in UTM coords format, I'm afraid that are useless in WED. Also you need them to be in dimensions of the power of 2, like 1024, 2048, 4096, no need though to be rectangular. What I suggest you is to import them in an application like Globalmapper (very easy to create the tiff you need, but payware) or QGIS (free, but creating tiff from that is not trivial), and get new tiff with the right coordination system for X-Plane, which is Decimal Degrees and WGS84 geodetic system.
  9. To add something to blender users. When you add a material to an object, it starts with the default grey-ish one. The diffuse value is 0.800, or 80%. But that not all! If you click the color above the diffuse value, you will see that the RGB values are also at 0.800 (all of them). Exporting an object with these default settings, you will get ATTR_diffuse_rgb 0.640 0.640 0.640! This is because the diffuse value is a multiplier to RGB values. (0.800x0.800=0.640) To get full bright colors (or ATTR_diffuse_rgb 1.000 1.000 1.000): 1. Set the diffuse value to full (1.000). 2. Set the RGB values to 1.000. Another thing to notice is that the default specular value is 0.500 which is fine for a glossy fuselage. But if you are making an object that you do not want to shine, set this value to 0.
  10. My advice... use the checklist! It is the second item on FINAL page: Condition levers... MAX RPM.
  11. Make sure that condition levers are full forward. With the levers at lower position, close to idle, the prop automatically go into feather position. Sent from my GT-P3110 using Tapatalk
  12. Tileable is a texture that can be repeated many times without looking...weird!
  13. A 850 DRAPED_POLYGON LAYER_GROUP airport -1 TEXTURE_NOWRAP gravel.dds <--- Use TEXTURE only to get your texture tiled. Make sure it is tilable though! SCALE 25 25 <--- Change the scale so the texture will cover smaller/bigger area ie: 10 10. To get dithered edges it's really tricky; you have to understand properly how the shader work in X-Plane. Check X-Plane's developer blog for that staff.
  14. I will agree that you can have full support on Linux for Enterprises, but costs a lot. And for the history: What Psystar was really stupid. The had pre-installed Mac OS X in their machines, which installation counts as a copy of the original, and sell the PCs with a legally purchase of Mac OS X. But that they have installed was not they one that they bundled with the PC. So, they went down for copyright infringements, because they were selling a copy of the OS, the one that was already installed and not because they were selling Hackintosh. I'm not inviting anyone to build a Hackintosh, but it is an option. There are many site with suggestions, guides etc. Even a guy on Youtube (with 1 million subscribers!) have build a Hackintosh (Pro) detailing every step, tips and tricks. My point is that if you are lone in the woods and want to build a pc to fly X-Plane, what road you choose (except buying a MAC, which is what I suggest), you will face, more or less, the same problems. At the end, I really hope and have a small belief in... that Linux will become the top operating system.
  15. Since you like to put labels to people, I can say that your argument that Mac OS X does not support that ProEngineer program and from that that OS is crap, is one of the silliest ever heard of. You lost my point completely. I'll try to make it clearer, may be you understand this time. The frustration to build a good running Linux PC is that same if you try to build a Hackintosh. You have to choose the hardware that it is supported by the OS and not the opposite. Is that clear to you? And you get the same level of support... Community forums! Oh... and about legality issues, an EULA is not a law and may be it can be against the law, depending where you live. Here is Europe you can find stores that sell that staff (check PearC in Germany). Now, IF I build a Hackintosh and blow of in my face, I know that is should not ask Apple for... help! Which is the same with any other OS!
  16. I will add here a question/request, since it is about MeshTool. I cannot make it work because the config folder is missing from the MeshTool and XPTools download. Does any have any idea where I can find that folder?
  17. Disagreeing is not bad. But there are some qualities that define what is a good operating system like... stability, ease of use, advanced features, support and many more. The one that compines the most of the is the best. Simple logic. Since I have used the 3 most common (plus Amiga Workbench!), the conclusion is that Mac OS X is the best. Not saying that Linux is not worth. But no one can deny that has great drawbacks. My point is this. I'm looking to build a $1500 computer, since I cannot spend 3000 for a Mac Pro. If I go to a store and buy those parts, how sure I should be that everything will work out of the box? Are they going to be supported by any linux distro/kernel? I know that is not case.
  18. I thought that Linux was a good idea. Very noble... but idea. I tried but the reality is very hard. If at the end I have to pick the hardware based on what might be supported from Linux... why at the end not build a hackintosh? The pain will be the same and at the end will have the best OS in the world!
  19. 1. Read the planemaker manual to understand the concept. 2. View on youtube Dan Klaue's tutorials. 3. Search the forums for specific information There is not any easy to go.
  20. Hi guys and ... from me! Looking only at our Panthera I will give you some clues what to expect. 1. About flight model. We are waiting to get the data from Pipistrel to work on that. We are looking for the most accuracy is possible. 2. Cockpit. We have done some preliminary work on cockpit object, but we are changing the textures you have see to a much higher detail, probably 5x. 3.On systems we have laid some basic plugin work (we will use SASL). But we are waiting for the 10.30 release which brings a new GPS to see what the possibilities are. In conclusion, we will go slow, but we will not sacrifice accuracy for any reason.
  21. Today, is one year from the first release of that project! I would like to thanks all of you guys for the 3500+ downloads so far!
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