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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. There are more lighting option in plane maker. Check them out. I thing should be set to glass.
  2. Aegean Airlines on IVAO - Corfu to Genoa - Peter's A320 Neo
  3. Wanna see more? Previews at ASN! Check it out: ​http://asn-xp.aerosoft.com/?page_id=13456
  4. To give you a better view of how it looks (the video suffers from quality due to conversion from 1440x900 to 1280x720) here is an unedited view of the ground on a heavily compressed jpg. Enjoy!
  5. Nice response Leen!
  6. While testing few things in Manchester Airport, I decided to capture a small video during approach. Have a look!
  7. No you can't import that in WED. That's all default airport worldwide!
  8. Best estimate at this time is before the end of Q1 2015.
  9. Hey, thanks! We indeed work a lot of hours per day (or long night hours!), but also from this project and on our team is a bit bigger!
  10. Hi to all! While our Manchester Airport is at full steam towards completion, we already started slowly to work in one of the biggest US Airports: Chicago O’Hare Intl! Here are the first renders. Enjoy!
  11. To us, except beauty, functionality is one of the elements that we want our sceneries to have. One of the most common problem is airports populated with static aircrafts, the problems who arise when you want to use them in VATSIM or IVAO. Gates already occupied with static aircraft, mixing with your aircraft or traffic etc. For us to deliver such an airport is not something we wanted, so we added a bit extra functionality. Here is a short demo:
  12. Thanks! Blender and Blender cycles for baking.
  13. Chris is making some awesome job with texturing... Check these out! In the last one there is even static water!
  14. Oh... and there is one more thing.... http://store.steampowered.com/app/325130/ Mykonos Airport available for Steam users too!
  15. An official video for you to enjoy! Start dancing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_7HJT4MlRI&feature=em-uploademail
  16. What about some in-sim shots? Enjoy them! (and keep in mind, still WORKS-IN-PROGRESS)
  17. And few more from Manchester Airport! Enjoy!
  18. Enjoy!
  19. Do you think that an animated preview might be a bit better than just still pictures?
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