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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. Definitely you are restricted by your graphics card, and hopefully the new version will help a bit. Sometimes, even a tiny amount of VRAM usage above the existing GPU capacity, is capable to cripple performance. For now 2 suggestion. 1. Reduce Anti-Aliasing to minimum and/or reduce resolution. I don't know what your resolution is, but go to 1080p and check. 2. Remove all plugins from the plugins directory to check if there is any change in performance. If there is a change, put them back one by one to see which one might conflict with the plane.
  2. @Steve Hunnisettplease post also a screenshot with your frame rate visible with the C23 when you hit the low fps.to see where is your bottleneck, as well as your X-Plane settings. My initial thoughts are you are GPU limited with the 2GB of VRAM. On that front, the only we can do is to make sure that all textures we will ship in the upcoming v2.0.1 will be in .dds format, trying to reduce the VRAM usage to the smallest amount possible. Though you must understand, in general, that you are at the low end of hardware capabilities, with the specific graphics card. Also, in other addons have been notice a problem with the Skunkcrafts updater. Move it outside of the plugins directory, to a safe place, and try again. Waiting for your screenshots to get a better understanding of what is going on.
  3. I know! I've worked closely with DrGluck to make it happen! Will be ready soon!
  4. Make sure that you have turn on the radios by the Volume knobs. Full left the set the radios power to off. So give them a few turns to open and control the volume. Since this aircraft has 1 COM and 1 NAV radios, we left the COM2 and NAV2 frequencies... "unattended"! Maybe an external plugin uses them. We are preparing an update with a few fixes, including muting the non-existing radios. The OBS won't respond if the NAV radio is off (see above), or the GNS 430 CDI is set to GPS. And last, the official support forums are here. Better post there, because we are monitor them continuously and might miss something outside them. http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/forum/235-beechcraft-sundowner-c23-v2/
  5. Please post your Mac specifications and your Log.txt and GizmoLog.txt files to investigate. But in general is a very light aircraft on fps.
  6. Working on an update to address a couple of issues of the first release, including an option on the iPad home page to set the reflection high/low, and also tweaking the flight model at this exactly region, plus a couple more additions.
  7. We will look into it, on Mac to check if there is any relevancy. What OSX version? Also please post here Log.txt and GizmoLog.txt for further investigation. This autopilot has not on button. Press the HDG and the AP will be engaged. Disable it with the trim.
  8. Oh yes...was not only the Avitab, but changed a few more things for VR, and created more problems. I have the next version almost ready, but I struggle to find a day to finish it. I'll try this week to make it happen.
  9. Download and install AVITAB plugin from here http://folko.solhost.org/avitab/AviTab-0.3.16.zip. I was playing to incorporate avitab, but left in the code in without checks for avitab, so you must have it to make the plane work.
  10. Works fine, you just have make sure that in the GNS430 is set CDI to VOR, and... see that knob says "VOL"? Make sure that is not fully left, cause the receiver is...as says on the label...OFF! Is this happen in normal flight or replay? I will have a look anyway. At this point does not make sense to release a product that is not compatible with the newest flight model. We missed that. A fix will be ready in a couple days. As in the aircraft the model is based on, there is no MPH scale. Thank for your kind words and enjoy your new aircraft! Cheers!
  11. Yes. The flight model was fine tuned with the experimental flight model in mind.
  12. Very soon[emoji2400] [emoji16][emoji4] OK, seriously now, 2-3 things remaining to do and probably will be about the same time the next Terrain Radar version is out which will support Avanti. So, I can't give exact date, but won't be long.
  13. Make sure that BUS DISC switch is to NORM. This connect power from the battery to the bus feeding the MFD. Re: Throttles and Condition Levers. Known problem will be solved in the next release. For now, create a separate prifole for Avanti, and set 1 axis for both throttles, and none for condition levers. To start the engines you must have electrical power, firewall switch on (red), fuel pump on. Then start switch on. At ~14% NG, condition lever at feather.
  14. I found a small gap to push another update for Avanti. A few things I have on works for sometime now. 1. Flight Model With the latest updates, the FM has left behind, with some weird behavior, specially in the high speed region, where propellers were accelerated well above the 2000 RPM limit, when cruising close and higher than M.60. Now this is fixed and you can happily fly up to the Mach limit (M.67) with no problems. Also The propeller control now is very accurate. You can reduce the RPM for cruise easily down to minimum of 1800 RPM. 2. Terrain Radar In cooperation with DrGluck, the terrain radar will be added, in a way close to how operates in the real aircraft. The terrain button in each display (PFD, MFD) will cycle through weather radar, terrain radar, and off. You can have the terrain radar On PFD, MFD, and on both. But if you select the weather radar in any display, the weather radar has priority over the terrain, and will be displayed instead of the terrain. Going off weather radar, will restore previous status. 3. Tablet I added a huge tablet (the size of a "Pro" model!) where you can add passengers and fuel, as well have full access to Avitab. But there is a catch! You can add passenger and fuel while engines are running! So take care to do it before start any of the engines! At the end I would like to ask you if you want to show your appreciation and support this project, please donate here: Paypal Thanks a lot for your support, and enjoy the Avanti... In the next few days will be available to you!
  15. KSAN was a conversion of LatinVFR's from FSX (the first ever official collaboration between teams from FSX and X-Plane), made by Icarus Simulations. Icarus Simulations was dissolved on November 2017, so any plans for any further updates, never realized. I, as a ex-member of Icarus Simulations, provide here any support needed, so in that front you are covered.
  16. You can't. This is something that will be fixed in the next release... as soon as I find sometime to have it ready.
  17. No worries. Actually this a close to what is happening to the real aircraft when you starting it up.
  18. The AHARS system is getting ready (aligned). Be patient. Everything will work fine after couple minutes.
  19. Oh yeah... I was experiment with Avitab, and I left in the code a requirement to have the Avitab installed. For now you must have installed it to work. You can get it from here: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/44825-avitab-vr-compatible-tablet-with-pdf-viewer-moving-maps-and-more/ A fix is coming "soon", with a few additions.
  20. When you click the download button, you'll see 2 files. The installer (P180_Avanti_Installer.zip) will install and older version of the Avanti and the Gizmo plugin in your resources/plugins folder. You need the installer only if you have not already Gizmo installed in your plugins folder. The latest version of the aircraft is on the second file P180_Avanti_II.zip. If you use the installer, then go to Aircrafts/X-Aviation folder and delete the Avanti completely. Then drop in the unzipped P180_Avanti_II folder and you should be OK. If you still have problems, please post Log.txt and GizmoLog.txt files here.
  21. It is a known problem and will be fixed in the next release. https://bitbucket.org/iliastselios/p180_avanti/issues/13/toggle-reversers-keyboard-command-inop
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