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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. Thanks! I will have a look for the light. You can get those numbers from this manual http://www.smartcockpit.com/docs/P180_Avanti-Specification_and_Description.pdf Also smartcockpit has all manuals for Avanti systems. http://www.smartcockpit.com/plane/PIAGGIO/AVANTI.html
  2. You can find a lot of Avanti manuals here: http://www.smartcockpit.com/plane/PIAGGIO/AVANTI.html http://www.smartcockpit.com/docs/P180_Avanti-Specification_and_Description.pdf You can also have a look at my youtube channel. I have a coupel tutorial for the Avanti and lately I made a full flight. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCheNLdO4Y4Xf6X15LL3KugA
  3. I will do a stream with the Avanti, today around 1600Z. The video later will be uploaded to my youtube channel. I will so a few tips and tricks and ask any questions regarding the Avanti. https://www.twitch.tv/airfightergr
  4. We are going to start, from this Development Update and on, to present the aircraft part by part, but first I would like to give you an insight of what we are working on to achieve. Our target is, within the limits set by a few factors like hardware availability, X-Plane limitations, etc, to provide you an experience as close to the real aircraft as possible. This, down the road will start to make sense, so let’s go! First topic I will address is how the DC-3 is controlled on the ground, and how we are simulating this behavior. As you might know the DC-3 is a BIG taildragger! That means that you do not control the tail wheel, except of the action of locking or unlocking it. The control is achieved with 2 methods and/or combinations of those. The first is using “differential throttling”, which means that you use more throttle on the engine that is on the outside side of the turn and less throttle on the inside side. The second method, involves the brakes. Applying brake, for example, on the left wheel, you will make the aircraft to start turning to the left, and vice versa. All this have the effect, with the tail wheel unlock, the tail wheel will turn and make the aircraft to keep turning, until you apply opposite action, either throttle or brakes! Keep in mind that all move must be planned ahead. You won’t get instant reaction from the aircraft to your inputs, and especially avoid to apply to much brakes! The aircraft has the tendency to roll forward around the center of the front wheel, and if you gain enough momentum, the nose will tip forward and down, and might bury it in the ground! Take caution! This is how DC-3 will be controlled in X-Plane, so If you have dual throttle controls and pedals, “driving” the DC-3 on the ground is straight forward. But many flight simmers, they don’t have complex or multiple axis hardware. For those guys, we have added a couple option to help them controlled the aircraft on the ground. In the new GUI for the DC-3, in OPTIONS tab, are 2 selection for you to enable. Differential throttling and differential braking. When enable one (or both), will take your rudder input and translate it to differential throttling or braking. The more you "turn" the rudder, the more differential output (throttle or braking) will be applied. Also we have added 4 levels of sensitivity for each option so you can adjust the output to what feels better for you. NOTE: The overall dynamics remain the same. The feeling of the aircraft does not change, or faked. We are not making the aircraft easy to taxi! If you turn too hard, the aircraft will have the tendency to rotate fast around the inside front wheel, and will require a lot of counter action to stop! If you use braking to turn and you have very low speed, the aircraft might turn slightly, but will stop! To have a successful taxi, you must go slow, make your turn smooth, and plan ahead your moves! This effect is operating in low speeds, up to 40 knots. Then is disable not to interfere with throttles or brakes when you are taking off, and during flight. Here's a screenshot of the options. As always, keep in mind, what you see is not final...at all!
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  5. Thank you! To hide the yoke, there is a click spot on a screw at the top-left corner of the PFD. I have a couple liveries included, and a paintkit, if someone wants to create one.
  6. When MDA is used, is referred to a non-precision approach, which does not provide vertical guidance. This is barometric altitude, above mean sea level. Those kind of approaches have, usually, minimums around 500-600 feet. Min. around 200 feet or lower, are usually for precision approaches, like ILS, where you have vertical guidance, and always is height above touchdown, designated as DH (Decision Height).
  7. Kicking off a series of development updates, we will travel to the past, from when DC-3 was born to today, to understand the significance of this aircraft for the whole airline industry. Douglas Aircraft Company, after a TWA inquiry, started development of a new series of aircrafts, designated as Douglas Commercial (DC), the DC-1 in 1933, and DC-2 next year. Although DC-2 was successful, it was a bit narrow for what American Airlines wanted, which led to the development of one DST prototype. DST stands for Douglas Sleeper Transport! Yes beds in the airplane! Flew first time on December 17, 1935, the 32nd anniversary of Wright Bros first flight. The aircraft was fitted with 21 seats (instead of 14-16 sleeping berths), and designated as DC-3! Totally built, up to 1943, 607 DC-3 aircrafts. But WWII has begun and many DC-3s were put into military service. The needs for a military transport aircraft were huge, and with DC-3 fitting the bill, the C-47 Skytrain was created. It was based on DC-3 with few changes needed for the operations in the military, most notably the reinforced floor that allowed for higher gross weight, and the dual cargo doors. A total of around 10,000 C-47 aircrafts (and variations) were constructed. Many C-47s, after WWII, became available for civilian use, and even today, there are many DC-3s and C-47 in use! Later, in 1990, another variation was developed by Basler Turbo Conversions, retrofitting P&W PT-6 turboprop engines, and airframe modifications, designated as BT-67. Our Leading Edge Simulations DC-3 (v2) is based on the original, 21-seats, variants. The aircraft has a maximum gross weight (MGW) of 25,200 lbs for take off and landing, and can reach speeds up to 207 mph (180 knots). 2 Pratt and Whitney PW R-1830 Twin Wasp radial engines, providing 1,200 hp each, driving a 3-blade Hamilton Standard propeller. In the next weeks leading to the release, as development progresses, we will look into each area of the aircraft in more detail. For now, I will leave you with a few more random images. Keep in mind that everything you see here, up to the release, is work-in-progress, not final! (source: Wikipedia)
  8. Not dead for sure. There is progress and currently the focus is making the aircraft compatible with the experimental flight model. We will post in the forums when we have something presentable to show. For you or everyone else who want to interact closely with the team, here is our discord channel: https://discord.gg/7wauQjB
  9. https://forums.vatsim.net/forum/352-xpilot/
  10. You are in wrong website. Nothing to do with this here. Go here: http://xpilot.clowd.io/
  11. The update is almost ready, but waiting something from the AFM Garmin G5 plugin to be 100% ready. As soon everything is OK will be released immediately.
  12. For capturing the displays you can use this : https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/42612-xtextureextractor/ For analogue instruments you need to read the datarefs, but for more ask here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/forum/158-saab-340a/
  13. We will talk about extra features on the next updates. Stay tuned!
  14. Definitely no for the v2.0. Let me explain why. Super DC-3 has different engines, airframe, wings, etc, and for what we are doing this is, almost, a different aircraft. Doing a just few "cosmetic" changes and declared as an extra model is not something we do. Could be added in the future? Can't tell right now.
  15. Every manipulator, menus, etc, are accordingly to the guidelines for supporting VR. So yes.
  16. If you read what it says, seems for some reason you must know, do not have the permission to run it. Try as administrator, or contact Laminar (click that button).
  17. Give more info please. Did you add any navdata files, or you deleted them yourself? Run the X-Plane installer/updater to update X-Plane and add the required files.
  18. Better ask for support at the right place. http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/forum/158-saab-340a/
  19. Move your mouse cursor to the right edge of your display.
  20. My aircrafts with a bit of Depth-Of-Field effect!
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  21. Check the post just above yours. If you move your mouse on the right edge of the screen, a tool tray pops out. The last icon is the tablet show/hide button. The aircraft is set the nose wheel steering in auto mode (check above post 1st picture). In this mode, the front wheel will steer to follow your commands up to 60 knots. Then is locked in the forward position. You can change this to manual and set a command (joystick or keyboard) to lock or unlock the nose wheel. Normally you should lock the front wheel for take off, when you are aligned in the runway. All these are valid, if there is no strong crosswind. If you have strong crosswind, keep the nose wheel steering in auto, so you can have some lateral control of the aircraft up to 60 knots, when the rudder is efficient to be used for lateral control. On the speed tape, there is an indication of the VR speed, when you must rotate the aircraft for lift off. It is 105 knots, which is good for all gross weights. Keeping a nose up attitude of around 15o -20o is good enough to allow for a smooth acceleration, to allow you time to retract landing and flaps. Make sure of course that you are not using full power, beyond the limits! The aircraft has huge amounts of power. Can sustain 100% torque up to FL250! For take off set the torque around 93-95%. Will gain a couple more % as the aircraft speeds up. You must keep it at all circumstances below 100%.
  22. If you open the tablet and click on the Avanti picture, you will find settings for how to control hardware. Click next to Condition Levers Mode, on the VR/Mouse, and will change to HW AXES (as below). Then you can use your hardware. I'm expecting in next days to have my internet connection upgraded so I can do some live streaming. Probably the first will be about Avanti, show/explain a few things, etc. I will post it here before, so anyone who wants to watch it, and ask question, could do it. Hopefully will stay there for a few days there as reference (or might record it myself and uploaded later on my youtube channel).
  23. This is weird. Gizmo does not show in Log.txt, like does not exist. Do you run any antivirus program or maybe there are any permission issues?
  24. Gizmo.plugin folder must go to X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins folder. Also post your Log.txt and GizmoLog.txt files.
  25. Don't use VNAV for now, until find time to do a fix. For unknown reasons it is tied to the autothrottle, which Avanti has not. There is a trick to use VNAV, if you don't care having autothrottle. Go to VNAV pages (climb. cruise, descend) and set speeds normal for Avanti, ie smaller or equal to 250 knots. If you want to disengage VNAV, momentary disconnect autopilot, and reconnect it.
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